The sun bathed the buildings in its warm light and shone relentlessly on a number of people passing by. The cold wind brushing through Shiro Kurosaki’s face did little in alleviating his sweaty condition.
He traversed the sidewalk, still reeling in pain from what he experienced last night. That woman, Meiko did a number on him and she was laughing while doing it. Indeed, it was a nightmare for the red haired youth as he was strapped onto an X shaped like frame and his back laid bare in front of his captors.
His vision was disabled by a blindfold and he also tried to scream but a small stainless rod was shoved inside his mouth and its straps were securely held onto the back of his head, prevented him from doing so.
This was the first time that he truly felt helpless at his situation. If only he hadn’t lost his temper at that tall foreign looking guy named Mr. Fischner. He realized that Gin was only doing her job as a hostess and he had no right to interfere but something inside of him snapped, making the rest history.
The feeling of the thick whip striking his back bore red marks and it almost cut him, due to the amount of lashes, he received. He struggled and endured it all. However, the worse part of it was when he heard Gin’s voice. He suddenly lost his will to struggle and a rush of embarrassment came over him.
“Too late.” Shiro muttered under his breath. He was thrown out by Gin and now wandered the streets.
She told him to cool his head off for a while and come back once he is capable of socializing with people again.
At a distance, he saw a familiar figure standing outside at the supermarket with a white grocery bag in hand.
Normally, he would get pumped and charge towards Kazuya Maeda but he didn’t felt like doing it anymore.
Shiro shrugged his shoulders as he passed him by. There was no need for violence right now and decided on what needed to do is to win over Gin-chan’s trust once again.
The redhead delinquent looked over his shoulder as he smirked and saw that Kazuya stared at him with a curious look on his face.
I’ll defeat you one day and you’ll see that I’m the greatest there is.
The cold air from the air conditioning unit brought comfort to the numerous customers that were busily shopping inside the supermarket.
Misaki was faced with a dilemma of her own. On both of her hands were two packs of Milk. One was cow’s milk and the other was soy milk.
She weighed her options and carefully examined the products.
Cow’s milk has a well-rounded way to refuel me and Kazu-kun’s day but soy milk has been shown to help boost heart and brain health.
After a thorough deliberation, she decide to buy both of them.
She then headed outside where her boyfriend patiently stood by.
“Do you have what you need?” Kazuya asked, looking over to the silver haired girl.
“Yes, I bought it.” Misaki promptly answered in a monotone voice.
They proceeded to walk along the white tiled path. There was silence between the two of them and only the rustling of items inside the bags were heard.
“You know, I saw a familiar looking red head walk past me earlier.” The black haired boy said, breaking the ice.
“Oh?” She raised an eyebrow and gazed at her boyfriend, curious. “What did he look like?”
“I didn’t get a closer look of him but he did look like the guy who caused a scene in front of the school gates.”
“Hmm.” Muttered the silver haired girl. “That is troubling.”
She cleared her throat and asked in a monotonous tone of voice. “What type of milk do you like, Kazu-kun?”
“Huh?” Kazuya was taken aback at the sudden question of his girlfriend. He planted a puzzled look on his face as he looked at her. “Why do you ask?”
“Just curious.” She replied. “Tell me.”
“Probably cow’s milk.”
Misaki nodded in response to what Kazuya said and switched her gaze to the road in front of them.
So, he likes that kind of milk? Very well.
Her purple eyes looked at him, intently and thus, she spoke with conviction.
“Would you like to suck my breasts as if you’re sucking from a cow?”
Kazuya came to a sudden halt and his eyes widened in shock. Did he hear her right?
He resumed walking and went in front of her, his face bewildered.
“What is it?” She asked as she stopped, gazing at him with a curious expression. “Do I have something on my face?”
“Can you repeat what you asked me a while ago?”
Her other hand cupped her chin and appeared to be in deep thought. “Would you like to suck my breasts as if you’re sucking from a cow?”
“Where did that come from?”
“You said that you like cow’s milk and I asked if you would like to do that to me. What’s wrong about that?”
“Everything is wrong with it!” Kazuya exclaimed. “How does that correlate with one another?”
Misaki shook her head while sighing deeply.
“I don’t see anything wrong with that.” She gently pushed him aside and continued walking. “You’re a strange one.”
Kazuya scratched the back of his head as he raised a brow.
Huh? I’m the strange one now?
Later that same day at a café downtown
Kaede scooped a small portion of her ice cream cup and the cold, sweet dessert melted instantly inside her mouth after eating it. She couldn’t hide her glee with every bite.
Meanwhile, Toshiro settled for a tall glass of milk shake but found it hard to enjoy as Keiji sat in between them.
The fat boy eagerly devoured his sandwich. There were bits of tomatoes and onions on the table and his loud chewing sound made the black haired youth uncomfortable.
This was supposed to be a date between the two of them as he was given money to spend by his parents after he introduced Kaede to them yesterday.
Toshiro even bought a new pair of jeans and shirts to prepare for his date but it was all ruined when Keiji suddenly showed up in front of the café along with Kaede.
“I was feeling excited for this date today and you decided to show up like the annoying tub of lard that you are.” Toshiro scowled as he looked at the fat boy with disdain, placing his drink on the table.
“Don’t be like that lover boy.” Keiji snickered. “I came along to see if you’re having cold feet right now.”
“The only thing that will be cold is when my fist comes in contact with your face.”
“Ouch.” The slicked haired boy uttered, resting his back against his chair and uttering the words, argh as if he’s been shot in the chest. “You hurt me.”
The blue eyed teen shook his head and took a long gulp of his drink to cool his head off.
If only you weren’t here right now. I could’ve enjoyed watching Kaede eat her dessert. Oh, just looking at her makes me full already.