Chapter 36: Face Off
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The blazing sun shone relentlessly on Shiro and Kazuya. Both of them stood in front of each other, eyes glaring daggers and fists clenched shut.

The roads shimmered in the heat of the midday sun. The sunlit skyscrapers pierced the hot, blue sky.

A few leaves scattered as the brief gush of wind passed by, brushing their cheeks.


Earlier that day

Gin finally allowed Shiro inside her apartment after a week of not seeing him. She felt sorry upon seeing him sleep in a public bath house and decided to reconcile with the red head.

The blonde delinquent stood up and went to the refrigerator to fetch a cold brew. Upon getting one, she popped it open and finishing the drink in one swoop before heading back to bed.

She sat on top of the red head who was resting.

“Wake up, you moron.” Gin playfully slapped Shiro’s cheek. “Wake up!”

Her action jolted him awake and his maroon colored eyes looked at her with surprise.

“What the fuck?” He muttered, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “Gin?”

“You know, Shiro-kun. I don’t know why I’m in a relationship with someone like you.” She said in a drunken slur. “You’re such a fucking idiot.”

“Yeah, I don’t know why either, Gin-chan.” The red head replied in a sarcastic tone. He noticed that her cheeks were flushing red and an empty bottle of alcohol was beside the refrigerator.

Great, she’s drunk again.

He sat up and pushed her away from him, in order to get off the bed.

Due to her drunken state, she could maintain her balance and fell onto her side. A loud thud was heard as the cold wooden ground came in contact with her pale white skin.

“Ow, you’re so rough.” She blurted out, rolling around to lie on her stomach. Her reddish orange eyes gazed at the red haired young man disposing of the alcohol bottles. “Leave those bottles alone, Shiro-kun!”

“Whatever, you drunken hag.” He scoffed.

After successfully removing the empty bottles lying around. He then walked towards Gin and squatted in front of her.

“You’re a drunken mess.”

“Can you kiss me?”

Shiro shook his head as he stood up and changed into a black track suit jacket and pants combo.

Upon reaching the door, he looked behind him and saw Gin had passed out on the floor, naked once again.

He left her apartment and made sure to lock the door after closing it as he didn’t want anyone to see his girlfriend in that condition. Even though, they hate each other sometimes, he still cared for her in a way.


The red haired delinquent walked along the sidewalk, hands inside his pockets and gazed at the path in front of him. He came to Yokaharu in order to beat his rival, Kazuya Maeda but it looked like a pipe dream right now.

What he got instead is a police record, a couple of bruises and lashes from being tortured by a sadistic woman and a domineering girlfriend to boot.

How did it turn out this way? Maybe I should just go back to Tokyo and help gramps out with the bakery?

He sighed in a dismay at what was happening in his life.

If I knew that this would happen. I would’ve never took the train back to Yokaharu. You’re so stupid, Shiro. That guy Kazuya must’ve forgotten it already.

His thoughts were interrupted when he bumped into someone. He composed himself and thought about putting a menacing look that would threaten who ever he crashed into.

“What’s the big problem, huh?!” He scowled. His eyes widened as soon as he realized who he bumped into. “It’s you.”

Kazuya looked at the red haired delinquent with a curious look. He was dressed in his school uniform but he didn’t have his blazer on, revealing the half buttoned long sleeve shirt that he wore. The cuffs were rolled onto his elbows and his hands were wrapped in a white cloth.

“Do I know you?”

Shiro smirked at himself. Such a perfect opportunity appeared before him and he couldn’t let this go away.

With a smug expression and an arrogant posture that says you’re beneath me. He told the black haired delinquent his name.

“You may not remember me anymore but let me remind you. My name is Shiro Kurosaki and I was called “Kuro” by my underlings!”

“Oh.” Kazuya uttered, unfazed by Shiro’s rowdy and vibrant introduction. “So, you’re the kid who bullied Keiji right? You remember him? Rich fat kid with slicked back hair?”

“Of course, I remember him but I certainly remember you the most!”

“I see.” Kazuya turned around and began to walk away. “Bye.”

Shiro gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. His brows furrowed deeply as he looked at Kazuya walk away from him.

What the hell? How dare he ignore me after all that I’ve done! I’ll teach you not to mess with me!

Within a blink of an eye, the red head ran towards Kazuya with his fist raised up high.

“Don’t ignore me!”

The black haired youth stopped in his tracks and stepped aside, making Shiro miss his attack.

“What are you doing?”

“Don’t move!” The red head yelled as he tried to land another punch but missed again due to Kazuya effortlessly dodging it. “Stand still!”

This continued on for a few minutes until they came into a stand still.

“I wont let you pass here until you fight me!” Shiro yelled, panting.

Kazuya shook his head in disbelief and sighed. “Misaki will kill me if she hears about this.”

He cracked both of his knuckles and looked at the red head with a devilish grin.

“Don’t say that I didn’t warn you.”


Murasaki high, student council office

The sun poured through the window, another day was coming to an end and  tiny specks of dust seemed to dance in the shaft of afternoon sunlight.

“And that will be our agenda for the moment.” Misaki stated as she placed the folder on the table.

The student council members nodded to each other and since there were no questions that was raised.

The silver haired president adjourned the meeting and one by one, the members left the office after sorting their things out.

Misaki sat on her chair and rested her back on it. It was a tiring day as she met with all the club leaders to talk about their budget and with the council about their agenda for the upcoming admission exams for new students.

She picked up her phone, powering it up and decided to call Kazuya as she thought that he might be getting bored on waiting for her.

The line continuously rang and after a while, it went silent. A loud beeping sound was heard afterwards.

Strange. He’s not picking up my call, I wonder what’s going on?

Misaki placed her phone inside her blazer pocket and stood up. She then picked up her bag and left the office, closing the door. She inserted the key into the doorknob, twisting it clockwise. A loud clack was soon heard as it was now locked.

“Kaichou! Wait a moment” a black haired girl came up to her. She was clutching a form in her hand and gave it to the silver haired president. “It’s from Homura-senpai. She wanted to give this to you.”

Curious, Misaki looked at the document and nodded in response. She handed it back to the black haired girl and said. “Tell her that it’s approved.”