The slow gush of wind blew the leaves on the ground, sending them a short distance. Two men stood still and the blazing sun relentlessly shone upon them.
The cold breeze did little to alleviate the hot, sticky feeling in their bodies and a continuous surge of sweat dripped down their forehead.
They both glared daggers at each other, fists clenched and both exuded with bloodlust.
Within a blink of an eye, the two men started to move, arms raised backwards like a horizontal V. They stopped in the middle to throw punches at each other but their fists clashed instead. The impact was so strong that neither of them moved away.
Tighter and tighter, they clenched their fists and soon it turned into a tug of war. Both sides are giving it their all to push. However, neither of them budged.
Shiro lifted his knee in attempt to strike Kazuya’s stomach but the black haired boy swiftly blocked it with his free hand.
In turn, he swatted the red head with the back of his hand.
Shiro lost his composure and groggily moved away, clutching his cheek. He didn’t expect that he would be sent back by Kazuya’s attack.
The red head retaliated in return by charging Kazuya’s hip. With the help of his whole body weight, Shiro lifted the black haired delinquent and slammed him onto the ground.
Kazuya uttered in pain as his back clashed against the concrete ground. He felt his skin burn against the scorched surface and it just added to the damage, he received.
“I’ll fucking end you!” Yelled the red head delinquent as he took a seat on Kazuya’s stomach.
Shiro threw a flurry of punches against the black haired youth’s face but his timely intervention on blocking it with both of his arms, prevented the damages.
“Don’t think that you’re better than me! I had it all back then! The gang, the turf, the respect!” Shiro continued to throw a variety of punches, in hopes of breaking Kazuya’s staunch guard. “And then you came along! You just had to intervene with me bullying that fat kid, Keiji!”
The black haired boy felt his arms beginning to throb in pain and afterwards, it started to shake. He thought that it wont take long before his arms give out.
He started to open his arms a little and seeing a slight opening. He used his remaining strength to shove the red head away and push his body on the side.
“Why you?!” The red haired youth spoke, angrily and went to move back. However, his right arm was grabbed by Kazuya, placing it on his stomach. This caused him to be thrown out of balance for a bit.
Deciding to capitalize on this, the black haired delinquent used his free hand to grab onto Shiro’s elbow and used his lower body as a bridge to flip him over.
Now that their positions were switched, Kazuya released his grip on the red head’s elbow and his dominant hand tightened his grip on restraining Shiro’s hand.
He then unloaded a barrage of punches using his free hand and with every strike, he felt his knuckles clash onto the sweaty flesh of the red head, leaving fresh marks.
Misaki walked along the white tiled path. Her gaze was fixated on to the road in front of her. She wondered on where her boyfriend went as she didn’t saw him at the place that he mentioned before leaving the school premises.
I should’ve made him stay instead of having him go ahead.
A sudden thought flashed onto her head as she mused on where Kazuya went.
Could it be that Sei made good on her threat that she will take him once again?
The silver haired girl shook her head at the thought of it. If ever, he was ensnared by that crazy girl once again. She wont know what she’ll do if that ever happened again.
Her concentration was broken when she saw a large group of people gathering at a distance.
Curious, she decided to check what the commotion is about.
“Excuse me.”
Misaki squeezed into the crowd up until she made it in front. Her eyes widened as the sight of two young men sprawled across the ground.
Their faces were full of bruises, their clothes, somewhat torn apart and their fists had specks of blood on it.
Faint whispers circulated among the crowd behind the silver haired youth but she didn’t pay it no mind as she was so absorbed at what she saw.
Meanwhile at Gin’s apartment
The blonde delinquent came back to her senses after being jerked out of her sleep. She slowly opened her eyes as she pushed herself up. Her head was throbbing and her muscles ached.
“I will never drink again” Gin muttered under her breath. She looked around to see where her boyfriend was and the dimly lit room greeted her with silence in return.
I remember him pissing him off earlier before passing out.
The blonde youth placed her hands on her hips as she recalled chugging a bottle within one swoop and what happened next was her usual drunken bouts of annoying Shiro to death.
I guess he’ll be home once he decides to come back wherever the fuck, he is right now.
She then decided to make use of her alone time by putting the empty bottles inside a trash bag, cleaning her apartment room, doing laundry and watching her favorite shows that she recorded the night before.
Gin turned off the television after catching up and looked at the clock on the wall.
It’s six o’clock in the evening but he isn’t here yet. Where could he be? I hope he didn’t get himself in trouble with the law like last time.
She got off the couch and picked her phone up from the nightstand, powering it up.
She clicked on the phone icon and scrolled down on her contacts, searching for Shiro’s name.
After finding it, she pressed the ca button next and a few rings were heard from the other line.
The line was picked up within a minute and she decided to greet him with her usual domineering tone but another voice spoke.
“Are you a guardian or a relative of Shiro Kurosaki?”
It was a female voice and there were other voices on the background. They were faint yet there was also a loud clanking noise as if it came from a metallic material.
Thoughts were running inside her head after hearing that. What if her boyfriend was arrested again? What if something really bad happened to him?
Fearing for the worst, she replied.
“I’m his girlfriend. What happened to him?”
“Your partner is currently here in Fujibayashi General Hospital and we need you to sign these papers for his treatments. Are you available for today?”
The blonde girl sighed in relief as he wasn’t incarcerated once again but this time, he must’ve been pretty banged up to end up in a hospital bed after his usual brawls with whoever pissed him off.
This was a better outcome than what she expected.
“Yes, I’m available.”
“That’s great! Please come over and we’ll be expecting you.”