Chapter 38: Defeat
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Shiro awoke to find himself laying on a bed. The ceiling was pure white and so were the walls as he looked around. He noticed an IV drip attached to his left hand and when he tried to sit up, the throbbing pain prevented him from doing so.

He remembered that he was fighting Kazuya on the streets and suddenly, he lost consciousness.

I lost again huh?

His right palm covered his face and a giggle escaped his lips.

Why can’t I win against him? Why? Why? Why?

He rested both of his hands on his chest looked around to further examine his room.

There was a small couch situated on the front of his bed. The furniture looked new and there were no signs of tearing on it.

A small table stood on his right side along with a basket of fruits at the top. His phone was also there beside it and his wallet as well.

Looking down, he wore a white hospital gown but could still feel something like cotton underneath it.

A rectangular window nestled on his left side, tiny specks of dust seemed to dance in the shaft of afternoon sunlight that slanted through the window.

He shifted his gaze onto the ceiling and appeared to be in a deep thought. The cold atmosphere inside the room made it hard for him to focus as his eyes slowly began to fall.

Maybe this was his body telling him to take it easy and rest for a while, he had a rough time in this town after all.

His eyes widened in surprise as the door swung open and a familiar silver haired girl came inside. She was clad in a plain white short-sleeve shirt that is tucked inside a black high waist jumper skirt and black stiletto pumps.

She closed the door and picked up a monobloc chair from the stack in corner, dragging it behind her. She then placed the plastic chair beside Shiro’s bed and sat on it.

He looked at the silver haired girl and tried to recall on where he met her.

“You’re that Misaki Fujibayashi girl, right?”

The girl in question didn’t answer but gazed at him with a blank expression. She cleared her throat and spoke monotonously.

“I’ve looked into your background, Shiro Kurosaki-san.”

He raised a brow after hearing what she had to say.

“You investigated me?”

“Yes and I found something interesting about you. You were arrested at the age of eight years old for attempting to stab a girl from well known yakuza family but fortunately you were stopped by a black haired boy which happened to be my current partner.”

“H-How d-did you?”

The red head delinquent stammered in his words. He didn’t expect her to dig up that humiliating event in her past. It was the time that everything came crashing down for him. 

His parents cried in sorrow as the cops escorted him onto their vehicle. They only visited him once per month during his incarceration and sometimes, their talks were so short that he gets sent back to his own cell after a few minutes.

His so called “underlings” never visited him once or even acknowledge that he was their friend. It’s as if he never existed to them.

During his stay, he laid on his bed all day. He would read the books that he would borrow in the prison’s library and engage in a little rough housing with his fellow juvenile inmates.

However, his parents didn’t come for him after graduating from the learning center and he was left all by himself.

“I told you, Kurosaki-san." The silver haired girl said. "Why do you like fighting so much?"

“Why do you want to know huh?!”

He tried to intimidate her by raising his tone and putting a menacing look, in hopes of scaring her away but she did not budge from her seat.

He was taken aback by what he saw and couldn’t believe his eyes.

Misaki nodded to herself and crossed her arms below her chest.

“Let me ask again Kurosaki-san. Why do you like fighting so much?”


A yellow painted car arrived in front of the tall hospital building. It had the small signage that said “Taxi” on top of it. One of the doors in the back, swung open and Gin came outside. She was dressed in a black shirt that had a picture of a famous metal band on it, ripped dark blue jeans and matching short boots.

She paid the driver after closing the door and headed towards the main entrance. The cold breeze generated by an air conditioning unit blew on her face as the glass doors slid to side.

She walked towards the reception desk and a tall black haired woman in a white scrub uniform greeted her as soon as she stopped.

“Hello, welcome to Fujibayashi General Hospital. How can I help you?”

“I’m here for the patient, Shiro Kurosaki and I was called to sign the papers for his treatments.”

“I see.” The woman commented. “Let me check it real quick.”

She quickly switched her gaze to computer screen in front of her and began to type.

The blonde delinquent looked around the place while the receptionist checked.

The large paintings on the wall depicted scenes of landscapes and they seemed to be commissioned specifically, in order to leave an impression on the human brain. The branching corridors in the hallway looked like an endless labyrinth from a fantasy story.

The nurses that passed by wore scrubs printed with patterns so relentlessly cheerful like hearts, teddy bears, suns, flowers and peace signs.

Gin’s preoccupation was interrupted when the receptionist called out to her.

“Yes?” She turned her gaze to the black haired woman.

“Go to room 204 and you’ll find him there. For the authorization of the treatments, it wont be necessary as someone authorized it already.” The black haired receptionist told the blonde. “Is there anything else that I can help you with?”

“No, that’s it.” Gin shook her head. “Thanks.”

She walked along the hallway in search of her boyfriend’s room.

The receptionist said that it’s already authorized but who else could’ve signed it? Did he somehow woke up and decided to sign it himself?

The blonde youth looked at the numbers designated on each door and went upstairs as none of them matched Shiro’s room number.

Upon entering the second floor, she saw a tall old man in a white lab coat and he was speaking to a small group in front of him. They looked shocked, confused but became reassured afterwards. Whatever they talked about must be some heavy stuff and she didn’t want to know more.

Gin finally found the room 204 and took a hold of the knob. She twisted it clockwise and the door slowly swung open.

The sight of her boyfriend, lying on the bed with bandages on some parts of his body. His face was swollen and bruised from the fight made her feel a lot of things.

She noticed a familiar silver haired girl talking to him and instantly knew who she was by the tone of her voice.

The blonde girl closed the door behind her and walked towards them. She placed her arms on her hips and planted a smug looking grin on her face.

“It’s a miracle that you’re still alive, Shiro-kun.”