The woods and new stuffs
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My eyes so blurry, opens. I'm now in a thick dense forest. It's very dark here and I can barely see anything. I can see the moon high above, all in all 10 moons. 

Everything looks big or maybe it's just my body size, obviously. My current appearance is very cute. I may be a cabbage, but my leaves are twisted to turn me into a sphere and I posses 4 stubby legs and 2 small arms. 

Hmmm let's try our only skill (in the moment). I touched a tree bark and imagine it fusing with me which it really did. I didn't feel anything wierd tho.

My skin soon turned into that bark like texture and appearance...... I'm hell of an ugly now....-sigh- 

But at least it's giving me protection, is it not?

Now enough of that, I opened my window and hmmm I regret everything now, I should've put agility in. Now I'm screwed.

Nvm, I put half my stats to critical and half to the accuracy. Next are the skills, I can't see Mana bars in my status, but I can feel that I Indeed have Mana. Dang, let's dump 10 to elemental mastery until it's max level. I then put the remaining 5 to the seed rain thingy


Seed rain

Release a rain of seeds with various effects. Seeds can grow and be monster or crops. The str of the plants depends on the level of skill and the host's level.

Special attributes: Increased strength in green areas or forests.


Elemental mastery

Increase the spell power by 1% every skill level and max of 10% 

Special attributes: allow a much stable magic


Ohhh yeah, precisely why I chose them, I'm in a jungle . 

I used the seed rain with my unusual memory, they must've done something to make me remember so much stuffs about magics and...stuffs .

A bunch of seeds promptly appeared from my head and I shot them to a random tree. The seeds slowly corroded a part of the tree. Tho only a significant part of the tree. This must be the effects the skill is talking about.

Next I willed the remaining seeds to grow and indeed, soon vines grew from the tree and entangled it. Some of them bore fruits while some turned into thorny vines with maw-flower thingy.


Thorn maw

Weak attack

Weak defense

Weak resistance


Weak poison shot

Weak root stabs


-sigh- what can I expect? It's just a beginner monster after all.

Next, the fruit something something


Thorn berry

A delicious spiciness on every part

Contains a certain amount of paralytic poison. Approximately 3 minutes after consumption the consumer will feel numbness in their body ranger from light to medium. Effects depends on the resistance of the target. Continues consumption can lead to a 5 minute full paralys and death if the consumer doesn't have poison resistance."

Awww man, that's pretty brutal in any battle. I think I can use it as poison coating on my weapons once I have some.

Having no weapon here is a big problem, but as long as I managed to efficiently use my skills I might be able to survive and rest easy.

Ohh I'm forgetting the dungeon, dang it. 


I clicked the button on the bottom of my status screen so I can open the dungeon screen. 

//// Do you want to set your dungeon here?///

Hmmm I think not, I will set the location once I find a suitable spot.

" No-"

///Setting dungeon///


Really????? Ohhhh man this is troublesome. Very very troublesome. I watched as light appeared in the sky and it appeared. A spherical cabbage incased in a spherical crystal.

._. I'm really speechless

Not giving a fuck about my worries, the ball hit me in the head and merged with my body 

" little shit.... what the fucking fuck??!?!" I rub my hurting forehead as I lie on the ground because I got surprised by the sudden movement of the ball.

////Dungeon procedure done

Dungeon status screen finished//

I can suddenly feel the area arround me

////Please choose an area to set your territory////

Hmmm tbh I want to go more underground since it provides a lot of protection for my core which is also me because it merged with my body. What am I now? A walking core? 

Hmmmm I also want to start from this forest and continue building downwards because I can turn the forest into my first line of defense.

It's a hard choice, I contemplated for a while before ultimate coming out with my choice.

" Underground" 

//// Dungeon location set////

////Now please think of a beginner mob you want to start with. Be warry that because of the the cabbage theme, the monster will be influenced and might evolve according to the theme and against their natural evolution////

That's a pretty interesting addition not gonna lie

Hmmmm what do I want to start with?? Hmmm Hmmm beans? Nah-

////Beans set////

._. ahhhh I need a refund, this system is faulty!!! Nahhh just joking, starting with beans is fine too.

////Because of the "weak" selection of the host, you have been granted a secondary beginner monster.

A "ghost" ////

Ohhhh thanks thanks

That's pretty much appreciated

Pretty eager, I opened my dungeon screen



Theme: cabbage

Floors: 1

Dp: 1000

Rating: G- class dungeon (newborn)

Dungeon perks ( tap to see)


I tapped the dungeon perks and saw 2 additions and a note.



Allow the usage of enchantment, embedding, polish, and forge

((If you play mmorpg's then you know what those are)))

*Enchantment* enchants the item with additional stats using enchant stones. The failure to success ratio are 15% success and 85% failure

Failure doesn't downgrade the enchantment level, but the 10 minute cool down will be activated and one can only do 20 enchant attempts a day.

Each items have a maximum of 15 enchantment level per stars and maximum of 20 stars

Failures can be avoided using supplementary items.

* Embedding* Embed a gem of quality to give additional properties to the item. Stronger gems can be made by gathering enough of the gems of same qualities and fusing them. 

*Polish* give random attributes to the item

*Forge* Here one can fuse gems and upgrade items enchated items that are enchated to maximum level to another strar level.

Forge can also be used to make custom items as long as you have the materials.

The dungeon have to use dp as payment when using the functions and the dungeon can also establish a shop so that adventurers can use the function at the price set by the dungeon


My eyes couldn't help but burn at them, this is what I have always been dreaming for!! The dream I always wanted!



Wing function

The dungeon can offer a variety of wings of every type.

Wings are both for the dungeon and adventurers.

The wings composed of 3 materials. The core, frame, and feathers, 100 feathers to be more specific.

The wings offers its own benefits and posses its own upgrade system.

The wings posses many ranks. Bronze, silver, gold, diamond, platinum, crystal gold, ghost metal, astral wood, golden filament leaf, and top core. 

Each rank contains 50 star levels and progressing to each star levels required 100 feathers each, but with higher success rate of 50:50.

Dungeon can implement all the new functions of enchantment, embedding, polish, forge, and wings so that adventurers can use them


Woahhhh I'm really happy about this!! C'mon who wouldn't be happy??

Hehehehehe hahhahahaha

*Cough* I suddenly choke on something while laughing, dang it.

I think I should take a look at the note or something


Uhmmm hello?

It's me, you must've already set up a dungeon at this point. Good. You might find this world bizarre and magnificent.

Just make sure to treasure your life and don't let down of the expectations of the association

Good luck^^

- the seeker true spirit

Hohoho I'm one of the others, don't ask who I am. I gift you with 2 gifts in your dungeon which are those functions. Good luck and I really like your enthusiasm with creating things

- plus the wondering artifact spirit.

Treasure the four leaves clovers, find a way in the field for you can only find a lily floating under the life of clovers.

-the pure spirit





Hmmm they sure are mysterious, I don't know why they are like that. Hmmm nvm

Other than personal messages, I also found tips and stuffs there including how to make wine and how to maw down your enemies in the most satisfying way and both of them are from a guy named "mad bull" and so on.

To be continued

And please let me know of grammatical issues