Chapter 2- dammit all
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this chapter by itself was a little slow, so I held back the release and I am currently editing chapter 3 and will post it tomorrow.

Chapter 2- Damn it all

(1st person P.O.V)

Opening the door, I readied myself for battle. I already assumed I would be facing against more choblin's, but no matter how weak an enemy is you cannot underestimate them.

"There is nothing as powerful and dangerous as something that has a will to survive."

Remembering the words I was once taught, I crept into the center of the room.

The room was circular in design pillars surrounding the center. The floor was smooth and all the light was in the center of the room, allowing me to sneak behind the pillars in the shadows. Directly ahead of the entrance, was a doorway.

"That must be where I need to go. Yeah, the boss is definitely in that room."

Slowly shifting behind the pillars inching my way closer to my destination.

*ahem* one of the pillars cleared its throat as I grabbed it.

"Oh, excuse me." I apologized for my rough handling and bowed slightly to the pillar.



Before I could register what I just did, I was flown in the wall that was a couple of meters away from the pillar.

"Kyuk…" I groaned at the impact. I tried to quickly compose myself and get into my stance. In front of me a shadow moved away from the pillar and walked into the lighted center of the room. 

"That won't be necessary, I could have killed you right there if that's what I wanted." The figure stepped into the light and turned toward me. 

"Heh!?!?" I lowered my sword. In front of me was an older choblin female, she wasn't bald or balding like the ones I've seen on the way here. Her skin was a lighter shade of green compared to the leather-like-green of the others I faced. In fact, her black hair was thick with streaks of white, her facial features were softer as well, overall she looked more human. She was wearing a red silk dress. She was skinny and barely had curves, but the sound of her voice and the softness of her eyes told me she was female. "You're a sentient?", I said in a stunned voice.

In this world animals and monsters can be gifted by the gods and gain sentience. They become self aware and it usually leads to them being accepted by society and allowed to learn and grow as anyone else. This is how the world has so many humanoid species acclimate to society.

Usually the gods bless individuals that have prowess, or earned a reward. So either the individual or their children will gain a core, depending on the God the core will grant certain abilities. Meaning that creature will be much stronger than its unblessed counterparts, but gaining a core means more than just power. The blessed creature becomes smarter as well, no longer living just off of instincts and in a few generations sentience or self awareness can happen.

“Yes,” She said with a hint of anger in her words, “my brother and I are sentient.”

She raised her arm to the left and soon out of the shadows came another goblin that reached out and joined her hands. He had a similar softness to his face and matching skin tone, his hair was short yet even meaning he grooms himself, he was wearing only leather shorts exposing his chest. I looked back at the female and noticed her hair is also combed. Both of the choblins in front of me looked like aged children as their height was about 1.5 meters, but their faces were that of people past their prime.

“Don’t fucking underestimate us you fat bastard.” As if sensing disrespect, the male choblin raised his free hand and began gathering ether from the air, particles of bright dust began swirling around his palm.

“Galn stop!” the female choblin chastised the male and obviously gripping his hand firmly

“Sentient mages!” I lifted my sword again.

“You stop as well!” The female choblin scolded me, seeing as how she wasn't being hostile so I listened. “If we wanted to fight, we wouldn't have exposed ourselves. Now if you two are done, we have matters to discuss.” Gently guiding her brother with her, they turn around and walk toward the doorway I was originally heading to.

“Huh, I don't think they would expose their backs to me if they really didn't want to talk.” I thought to myself as I followed behind them.

I was never the smartest person and I always hated hurting people. Even killing creatures like choblins makes me sick because they resemble humans. The two choblins guiding me, not only looked more human than any other choblin, but with them being sentient there was no way for me to attack them first.

Walking behind them at a good distance away, once I entered the darkness of the doorway they walked into, the path behind me closed up.


The sound of a boulder slammed into the floor. I looked behind me, unable to see anything. All the light from the previous room was gone.

“HEY WH-” 

“Close your eyes.” My words were interrupted by the feminine voice.


“FUUUUCK!” A blinding white light flashed for a moment causing me to lose vision for a moment.

“I tried to warn you.” An apologetic voice rang in my ears.

“I can’t fucking believe this! THIS, is the guy that kills us?!”

“Huh!?” I questioned as I pulled the water out of my Inventory, “I didn’t kill anyone!” I splashed my face and rubbed my eyes to regain my vision.

“Except all of our kids on the way here.”

“What!?” Finally regaining my sight I stared at the direction of the voices. In front of me were two naked choblins under some covers on a very large bed, big enough for two of my large bodies to fit on. I looked around and realized I was inside of a cozy looking room, with a wooden table covered in bowls and utensils, wooden chairs, a fur rug on the floor, and the bed which was just mounds of furs and pillows made of feathers. The room wasn’t that large but it was a few steps in from the blocked entrance to the room itself  and once inside it was a couple meters between the large bed and the table. “Why are you-”




“What was that!?” My body heated up, some sort of smell attacked my nostrils. I felt my blood pulsing almost as if my blood was trying to leave my body and chase the source of this smell. My line of sight went to the side of the bed. I walked over almost as if in a trance, each step almost zombie-like as the two choblins watched me move slowly to the opposite side of the bed. Finally able to peer on the other side of the bed I was confused, on the floor was a large pool of blood, but no body, just two gem like stones. One emerald shaped black stone was laying in the pool of blood while the other hexagonal shaped stone was floating right above the pool of blood, it was translucent except the center had a faint green glow. Both stones were the size of large grapes.


My stomach didn't just rumble, it trembled in excitement. My mouth has been open this entire time and I wouldn't doubt some, if not a lot of, drool has leaked out. Without even thinking things through my hand began to reach down to the pool of blood, almost instinctively reaching past the glowing stone knowing the blood soaked stone was the cause of the heavenly smell.

“WAIT! THIS FIRST!” The female choblin reached off the bed and her hand swung at my face, however it was not an attack. With my mouth wide open she easily shoved something in there.


“MMMmmmmhhhh…” Not knowing what she put in my mouth, as soon as it hit my tongue I chewed it greedily. “What am I eating!? It's soooooo delicious! Awwww, how can something be this-”, My thoughts were cut off, all my senses were cut off, my surroundings disappeared, and everything in the world went blank. For what felt like an hour, the world was turned off, until a small light could be seen ahead of me. Slowly that light got larger and larger until it became a hole I was able to see through. The hole turned out to be eyes, as in I am now seeing through the eyes of someone else and in front of me are the two choblins I was just speaking with, only now they look exhausted and beaten right beside the bed they were just laying on. I'm looking down at them as they look up at me.

“I told you both that you can’t win.” A somewhat familiar sounding voice, belonging to the eyes I'm occupying, said in an exasperated way.

“Why should we believe you, breeder!?” The male choblin, Galn, said while trying to get back to his feet.

“I said in the beginning, I can prove it.” I could feel this person roll his eyes as he crouched down to both of the downed choblins and touch their heads. A small flash of light escaped from the hands attached to the body I was occupying. It lasted half a second and the two choblins became visibly shaken.

“YOU! IT WAS YOU!” The female choblin said, not in an angry way, but almost relieved and….. Happy?

“YOU! You broke your promise!” Galn accused, “Do you know what they did to Geil!? TO BOTH OF US!?”

Staring at the two choblins, I noticed a hand wipe something from this person's face.

“Is this person crying?” I thought to myself behind the eyes of the person.

“I'm here, to fix everything.”

“Its too late! We will have our revenge and we will kill everyone of-”

“GALN!” The female choblin, Geil, scolded Galn before looking back at my direction, “We…. We have holed up here trying to breed an army between ourselves and any children we could have, just to take revenge on those who promised us safety and gave us…. Gave us..” Geil broke down and began to sob.

“Galn, Geil.” The voice got down on his knees and placed his head to the floor. I can no longer see anything, “I promise you; I can fix everything, I can heal you, I can save you, and we can all get what we deserve.”, it was about a minute later when someone finally spoke up.

“...How…?” I couldn't tell which choblin said it as their voice was too small to recognize, but it roused the owner of the body and they raised their head.

“I will need a knife," as the voice owner rose to his feet, he looked at the two one more time. "and I'll need a chair, I have a long story to tell.”



My consciousness was pulled away from the visions, and slowly the clear picture of staring at the two choblins turned back into specs of light, before ultimately turning to complete darkness. 

"Huh!?" I shook my fat face as I finished swallowing whatever it was in my mouth. As if I just opened my eyes I see everything clearly once again, but I feel my eyes have been open this entire time. "H-h-how long was I out?" I stepped back looking at the naked choblins, one with her arm still outstretched.

"Out?" Galn said as Geil looked back at him before she and he looked at me. They stared at me as Geil leaned back into the bed while staying under the covers. 

"Everything…." I rushed those words out of my mouth not realizing how much saliva I had built up. I wiped my mouth and tried to control my urge to pounce in the blood pool, and spoke again, "Everything I just saw, it was as if I was there." I raise my hands and begin waving them around in my narrative, to better describe what my words tried to explain. "You both got your ass kicked, he let you live, did something to your brains, and then asked for a knife! It felt like I was gone for half an hour!"

"I wouldn't say he kicked ou-" Galns words were stopped by a short elbow jab from Geil.

"Yes that's what happened." Geil corrected, "but honestly you chewed the finger once and swallowed immediately, that's all we saw. You practically breathed in and it was gone. Not even a quarter of a second passed."

"Thats ridiculous! So I just swallowed….." My words fell off. "What the fuck did she say I swallowed?", "Um, what did you say I swallowed?"

"The finger." Geil said nonchalantly.

"Like… finger of an Ocgre? Finger of pheasant? Lady finger pastry?" My guesses were getting further from what I knew it was, hoping for some type of relief, but I knew what I ate was made of meaty flesh, and it was delicious.

""No?""  Geil and Galn looked at each other as if trying to confirm that they aren't the crazy ones here.

"It was the finger we helped cut off, didn't you see it? That's why we had to grab a knife."  Galn said calms, causing my body to stiffen.

"I ate a finger? The finger of the person that beat these two to a pulp? What was he?! He seemed human….. DID… I…. EAT… A [HUMAN]... FINGER!?"

There are worse things that eating a human finger, like eating a human liver. The thought of eating and enjoying the finger made this man very squeamish, however due to how delicious it was, he could not seem to throw up or wretch. As if his entire body accepted this before he did.

With a panicked face the man waddled to the chairs in the room and gently sat down, hoping not to break the cute wooden constructs. He put his elbows on his knees and let his head hang, frustrated and slightly disgusted with himself the man began to cry.

*sob* *sob*

Puzzled and clueless the two naked choblins just stare at this man. After a few minutes the entire atmosphere is destroyed and the man begins to sob harder.

"Hgehhhhhh!!" *sniffle* He uses his sleeve to wipe his nose. "Hehawww, hehehawww." His sobs turns into wails, and now his large body was shaking uncontrollably, and the sounds he was making was equivalent to that of a donkeys cries.

"This!!" Galn points at the man and stares at Geil, "This is our salvation!?" Galn was never keen on the idea of trusting a breeder, and now he was even less convinced that he could trust this man. Geil stared at Galn and then at the man.

"....tell me what's wrong, and I'll cry with you." Geil said outlook.

*sob* *sob* *sniffle*

"Huh?" *sniffle* The man raised his head slowly with tears and a little snot coming down, but he tries to control himself enough to listen. "W-w-w-what d-d-did *sniffle* you say?" 

"I…" Geil was about to speak, but looked at Galn, who had a new emotion in his eyes which was no longer anger, just bottomless heartache. Geil blinked out a tear and pulled Galn's head into her lap, which was still covered in fur blankets, she rested one hand on the sulking Galn's head and the other on her chest. "I fell in love once…" she began, "as a sentient, growing up I didn't have books. So to pass the time I would sneak away from my brother and mother, and I would hear stories from campfires that I eavesdropped on. They would be dark sinister stories depending on the teller, but occasionally, I would hear the ones about a princess or poor damsel being saved. The knight or prince would always know what to say to the girl to have her believe in him, and he would vanquish the evil of the land before living happily ever after with the saved princess." Geil looked up at the man, who stopped sobbing and now only has hiccups, and with the faintest of blushes she batted her eyes.

"Just finish please…." Said Galn.

"Yes, yes." Geil said in a soft voice as she patted his head. "One day I thought I found my prince, although I wasn't looking." She smiled and a tear fell from Geils eye and it landed in Galns hair. "Me and my brother were saved, but my mother was not. I was young and weak trying to be strong for my brother. This prince wasn't the type I've ever heard about, but he saved someone like me none-the-less. While I cried and held my brother in a cold dark room, he busted through the walls with immense strength, and the evil that had us locked up was vanquished by him."

*sniffle* this time it was Galn who cried.

"After everything was over, he approached the still crying me, and although he just rescued me I was deathly afraid of him hahaha," she chuckled, "The prince was always supposed to be handsome and dashing, yet mine looked ragged and was covered in blood. I was so afraid until he smiled, he had the softest smile." Her words cut off as if she looked off in a daze.

"What happened next?" The man said curiously

"Huh?" Geil woke up from her daze, "oh yes, I was crying hysterically and this big scary man hugged me," a soft smile forms on Geils lips and her eyes are full of water, "he told me he was sorry he couldn't save everyone and that he will try to make sure things get better for me, the part that stuck to my soul was when he looked me in the eyes and said 'I'm very weak, so I can't promise to always fix things, but if you are ever sad and I can't fix everything. Just-'

""Tell me what's wrong, and I'll cry with you"" Geil and the man said at the same time, and they just stared at eachother.

It felt as if years of memories rushed through them at that moment. 

"To think I've saved these two before, and I said something so lame. A real hero would have erased their worries."

I stared at Geil as I thought these words.

"The person herself seems to have appreciated those words though."

"At the time, I thought those words were so lame and thought you couldn't be any worse of a person." Geil said while still smiling.


"I was immediately seen as trash!?"

"But, over the years." Geils smile didn't change, yet it seemed brighter. She looks like a plain skinny girl, with slightly green skin of course, but the smile she had now could only be considered.


"Over the years, trying to shield my brother from so much, that the thought of a mysterious stranger out there crying with me every time I was sad…." She wiped her tears from her cheeks with her free hand. "Allowed me to feel like I shared my burden and in the end because of you, we were able to escape." She said those words and I formed a grin that led into a big smile.

"A hero?? So in the end I was able to be coo-"


And then the moment shattered


"OOF!" The small chair the man was sitting on, finally gave out and he now laid on the flat of his back. "DAMN IT ALL!"