Chapter 9 – Captured
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Late that night, much earlier than Andy and Lorraine had predicted, they were raided

Suddenly at 3Am in the morning, three Apache gunships appeared out of nowhere. 

The bright lights illuminated through all the large open windows, all targeting the factory.

Lorraine and Jane already knew that they would not be able to escape without casualties, and that infrared censors would have identified how many of them were there in the factory. 

Fox had already deactivated all the security, making it seem no different from any other factory security with just basic locks on the gates, basic CCTV facilities without even a security guard.

The military burst through the doors, fully armed and decked out in full military gear. 

Their flashlights mounted on their rifles shone everywhere randomly. 


"Clear!" they yelled, making sure each room is cleared before they discovered the room full of half naked models.

Although the military attacked earlier than expected, they all knew the plan was to be captured and escape after they left the cordoned city. 

Many of them started screaming as the army burst in, and started pinning them on the ground. 

Some of them were completely nude or just dressed in panties. Jamie was just dressed in a loose fitting shirt and shorts. He wasn't wearing any of the female skins tonight as the military attacked earlier than expected. 

They were crying and screaming hysterically, acting their best as Andy, Lorraine, Jane and Fox had planned. 

They knew they wouldn't be able to escape with such a secure lockdown of the city, and they didn't want their HQ investigated or destroyed. 

So they would pretend to be captured at first, and hopefully be sent to a refugee camp where other survivors would be taken to, where they would be able to easily escape. 

"What are you doing? Let me go?" Anna protested, only to be slapped by a soldier

"No! Don't!" Mindy protested, but she was hit with the butt of a rifle, pretending to be knocked out. 

To their surprise, their heads were bagged, they separated apart from each other, and individually pinned down by 3 soldiers each and injected a sedative to immediately put them to sleep.

This was completely unexpected as Lorraine had assumed for them to be brought peacefully to a refugee camp.

Instead they were unconscious and dumped into the back of a military truck and driven back to a military research complex.

Unknown to Lorraine, Jane and the rest, there were no survivors in any of the cities, as even the survivors had much of their skins melted and were put down. As such, they were the first ones that had no ill effects from the virus, and hence were suspicious. 


"Have they been identified?"

"I think so. But we're uncertain if they're the real identities or not. Besides, it doesn't matter now"

"Are they the terrorists that attacked at the Richmond Hilton?"

"No, we don't think so. The terrorists would have been killed from first hand exposure to the virus"

"But didn't they steal the vaccine?"

"Even a vaccine won't prevent their skin from burning off. Did they look disfigured to you?"

"One of them is a man. He was the only male among them"

"Probably transgender. I think I've seen him before. These androgynous models are all the rage now"

"Anyway, they're not getting out... ever. We need to study them to create more vaccines"

"I thought they were sanitizing all the cities and burning off the virus? The vaccine's will only act as a precaution"

"So what? The release of the virus was a success. The CIA is happy with the results, even with the casualties. With a vaccine, we can now weaponize as intended"

"So we're continuously milking their blood?"

"No, we started with blood at first. There are 9 of them, and we take 3 pints from each of them every 24 hours. Each 10 pints can only be distilled into 1 dose of the vaccine. But that is not efficient. 

We found that with the females, breast milk is better. A single woman can produce 750-1500ml of milk, and the potency is the same as that of blood. So it's more efficient and we get more quantity without jeopardizing their health. 

And the male's sperm is even more effective and potent. Too bad he only produces about 5-7 ml per ejaculation and we are able to milk him 3-4 times a day. We've increased that to 15ml with hormones. 

We suspect he is the main cause of their immunity, as traces of his DNA was found inside all of them"

"He was fucking them all? Lucky fucker"

"The more important question is, why is he immune to the virus? Did he take the vaccine? We are not sure"

"Anyway, he is our goose that lays the golden eggs. His sperm is now more precious than gold"


Jamie was hanging by his arms and legs held in restraints on a table. 

There were tubes extracting blood from his arm, and a gadget sucking cum from his cock. 

There were tubes were attached to his veins, feeding his body and tubes extracting his waste. 

He was being pumped full of hormones to increase his cum quantity per day. 

The other 8 women were in another room, hanging upside down and their engorged breasts were being milked. They were also being pumped full of hormones to grow their breasts to tremendous sizes and milk was being pumped constantly from them like cows. 

The hormones also caused them to excrete lubrication from their pussies, and the scientists found that if they stimulated them with dildos, the production of milk increases. So they were stimulated by automatic machines to continuously extract milk. 

All of them had collars on their necks which shorted out their nervous systems, making them unable to control their bodies. They can feel everything, but are unable to even move themselves. 

They helplessly hung there, being milked for their bodily fluids as the scientists extracted the liquids needed for making the vaccines.