Chapter 5: Another Yandere
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I was taken by surprise by her action, now she is attempting to let her tongue inside mine, I kept my mouth shut, that fear is still in me, that her advance right now made little effect on me except surprise.

Immediately grabbing her should, I then proceed to push her away, but she fight it off, as she even plans to push me off to the floor.

I can't talk, I need to keep my mouth shut, and I won't let my mind be overwhelmed by her advances.

Both of us was busy fighting each other's attempt of escaping or invading.

As we fight off with our own strength, I moved backwards few steps at a time, until we reached a wall, then her pushing came to an end.

On that moment I finally released myself from her grasp.

She was now on the floor, her expression says that she seems satisfied.

Vincent: What the fuck are you doing?!

I said that in anger.

But her expression doesn't change, her face are reddened, after waiting for a while for answer she just started licking her lips.

Vincent: Y-you what's your problem?!

I tried asking her, but her expression are still the same.

Vincent: You do know that we're relatives right?

Questioning her isn't having an effect.

Vincent: Miyuki! Answer me!

She still lay on the floor, that seems like she is on her own world.

Fuck! her attempt will be aggressive...I am gonna need some countermeasure, I don't need her to turn yandere on me.

Grabbing my bag, I left the apartment to buy some things.

When I return again the apartment was clean, unlike the mess she mad up earlier with her advance.

She stared at me expectantly, but I ignored her.

Since that night I didn't talk to her a single bit.

When morning came, there I was greeted with her sleeping beside me, I immediately attempted to go, but she held my arms firmly.

I forcefully removed it, then readied my uniform, starting my preparation, Miyuki woke up.

The things she said are unexpected.

Miyuki: I am loving this ignore play!

FUCK!? YOU STILL ENJOYIN-...this is not gonna be effective, I need to do something that would make her uninterested in me, I don't want a girl that will possibly hole me up on her basement.

I then asked her something in a stern voice.

Vincent: When will you going to the University with me?

Miyuki: Hmmm I think next monday.

Vincent: Are you sure?

Miyuki: Yeah.

Vincent: On what section are transferring to?

Miyuki: 2-C

Well another shit once again.

Miyuki: Are you maybe looking forwa-

Vincent: No I rather want you to be on another school.

Miyuki: ...

I then proceeded to leave the apartment, then my current destination will be the University, where it will be my third time attending.


While walking I then bumped into someone.

We both hit the ground.

Vincent: A-are you alright.

???: Y-yeah I am alright.

She then turned to me.

???:I am sorry about hitting you earlier, so here accept my apology.

She gave me a bundle of money...


While she goes off I just stared at her in confusion.

Well this is free money so I would gladly take it.


I arrived at the university without much problems, except that girl who crashed into me and gave me this bundle of money.

She might be rich but it's dangerous for her to go and bump someone then give them money...

Takeo: Vincent!

Vincent: Oh Takeo! Where's the other two?

Takeo: I apologized to Atsushi, but about Chizu, I rejected her... it did not exactly go as planned as today she didn't go with us because I didn't managed to say about my rejection to Chizu him.

Vincent: Well how about do it later, at least better say it early than wait for it to worsen.

Takeo: Maybe you are right, yeah I will wait.

Vincent: Ok now where's Atsushi?

Takeo: He have gone to the classroom first.

Vincent: Then let's go! your friend Atsushi is waiting.


Arriving at the Classroom, there we see Atsushi, staring outside the window.

Takeo: Atsushi...

Atsushi: Yeah?

Her voice has a bit anger in it.

Takeo: About Chizu.

Atsuhi: I already forgave you on that one remember? beside Chizu have a crush on you so you better be happy,

Takeo looked at me then he immediately said something to Atsushi.

Takeo: You know...I rejected Chizu-

Atsushi: You what?!

When Atsushi yelled in anger everyone on the classroom focused their attention on the two.

Takeo: I can't accept her, I don't even have feelings for he-

Atsushi punched Takeo.

Atsushi: Why did you reject her?!

Takeo took another punch from Atsushi to the face.

Takeo: I-i can't b-be her girlfri-

He took another punch.

I didn't believe it...these two...are fighting...

When I came back from being confused, I immediately tried stopping Atsushi.

Atsushi: You! Vincent let me go!

Vincent: I can't! you need to stop! the teachers will be coming here in a mo-

???: What's the commotion here?!

All became quiet even earlier Atsushi who seems eager to punch Takeo again.

A student explained the circumstances, when the teacher understood it, she then ordered that the two of them should go to the guidance office.

???: You two immediately go to the guidance office, if you did not come you'll face a drop out from this school.

Both of them, quietly walked away with that teacher in tow.

The class was delayed, but it was still continued.


I asked the guidance office about the two, they just told me that they let the two to go home early, after that I asked about Chizu's home.

Nothing unusual happened, and now that the bell rung that signifies that the school has ended I thought to the things that happened, it just resulted to that because of my failed advice.

Realizing my mistake, I made the two fight off...since the two friendship won't be fixed If I don't do anything I decided to go to Chizu's house, to know her circumstances.

When I was in front of her residence, her parents greeted me, they were surprised to see a Foreigner in front of their house.

I told her parents that I was her friend and a classmate, and they let me in, as to why that is, it was because today her parents told me that she holed up in her room alone they can't even get her out of her room.

Reaching the second floor of her house I proceed to go to her room and knock.

Chizu: Who's there?



Author: Playing world of tanks blitz makes me suffer, its because of all those premium tanks, including some collector tanks, I don't know why but I keep playing that game even if I hate it.

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