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The exhausted elf forced her eyes open sluggishly as a groan escaped her lips. Her already heavy body felt even more weighted as if her bones were made of lead. The mind between her pointy ears was a black mass of nothingness. She felt as if she had to slip through it, searching for coherency by wading in the dark as if it were mud. The woman could not even believe that exhaustion on this scale was possible. Her senses returned to her in random order.

Touch. She felt a mix of dried liquids staining her body. She could also feel the weight of the other girls still sleeping atop her, their bodies warm and still partially bloated. Strewn and disheveled comforters and pillows, stained with sweat and spunk, licked at her flesh. There was little feeling in her extremities, but the area between her legs felt as if the skin was crawling.

Taste. Within her mouth, her tongue felt the dry, parched interior, with dry bits of who-knows-what clinging to the sides of her lips. She knew she was heavily dehydrated, despite the excessive moisture in the area. The air was proliferated with such a heavy musk it could be felt through her tastebuds.

Sight. Blurry but functional, she was unable to move her head to look around the room, instead only staring up at the ceiling, now seeing some stains adorning the tile pattern and drapes hanging above her, sometimes puddling in the curtains.

Smell. Her final sense threw a wave of musk over her consciousness, overpowering her other senses. Sex, sweat, and the rank, salty odor which permeated the room was overpowering.


But then she realized her hearing had returned first, as the voice shouted her name once more.




Unable to move her head, she rolled her eyes around and searched the room for the voice calling for her. Marcus saw this and moved just to the edge of her vision with rage blooming across his façade. His nose tremored above his lips as they coiled together, as if he were about to take a bite out of Zenna’s skin. The bulging neck below his chin lent strength to his jaw power.

Scanning his eyesight over the immense bed, Marcus could hardly tell one girl from the other as each maid’s body was expanded massively, their limbs intertwining with each other’s or with one of Zenna’s various features. Dried cum covered their skin like a stained glass mosaic, accenting each young woman’s skin color. The smell of the room was overpowering, and he had to avoid stepping in a dried white crusty puddle near the bed. Hell, the entire scene was overwhelming. Having only heard Zenna touching herself before, seeing it all on display now exceeded even his highest expectations.

With unfathomable rage coursing through him, Marcus was unable to force his teeth apart but still growled through them, “what have you… what is this?” he used both hands to motion across the lewd display in front of him.

Zenna’s mouth lolled open to respond, yet there was not enough strength to force either her jaw or her tongue to move properly. More likely than not, the connection between her brain and her throat had been severed completely, and she could only creak out a pitiful gargle.

“Ahh, gaa? Gaaa?”

Marcus exhaled loudly as his mind tried unpacking the scene before his eyes. During his wilder days he had seen a highly sexually liberal society exist within Underhill, even participating in it himself before he met his true love. Even when the curse first became apparent, much of modern niceties surrounding sex and indecency were dropped for a period of time as people became desperate. But nothing could prepare him for this.

“Regardless of whatever the hell you did, I hope you have a good explanation. We need to get you cleaned up before…”


“By the gods!" came a voice from the doorway. Marcus recognized the voice as his life left his body, freezing his blood solid as he spun around.


The king and queen stood in the doorway, dressed up as if accepting foreign rulers into their palace. The queen shook in place with enough fury to cause an earthquake, and had her king not been by her side, she may have fallen over. A half-dozen guards stood in a semi-circle behind them, equally as exasperated. One man to the queen’s left held his fist to his mouth in an effort to abstain from vomiting while the royal woman herself had both of her own hands covering most of her façade.

“My lord, I…” Marcus stopped speaking as the king threw up a hand, telling Marcus to hold his tongue.

Trinas looked left and right, scanning the room for any other abnormalities, but most everything seemed centralized to the centerpiece of the room – the enormous bed piled high with bloated, sticky bodies. He moved slowly towards the scene until he was within a few feet of it while his eyes continued to boggle out of their sockets. The maids that had serviced his palace diligently for years were now nothing more than cum-covered fleshy balloons, all of them with bellies of women about to give birth to twins. Sienna was especially enormous, and looked overdue with… well, a whole litter. It was by sheer miracle none of them had ripped open by this point. Bringing his vision downward, he could just barely make out an incredibly beautiful but incredibly exhausted elf hopelessly buried under the mountain of flesh.


Trinas' mouth hung agape momentarily before the pungent smell caused him to recoil and cover his face with his cloak.

Gods above… this girl is a monster! How could Marcus bring this fiend into my kingdom!? And what the hell is between her… oh… holy…. gods, what have you done?


“Marcus! What is the meaning of this!?” the king screamed across the room without taking his attention off the scene before him. The racket being made by the visitors was beginning to rouse the maids as well and they stirred lightly. Although not as exhausted as the elf herself, each maid felt heavy and bloated. Looking around, Sienna, Talley, Fey, and Ain could make out each other’s limbs in their peripheral vision, but could not dream of standing on their own under the weight of their own bellies.

With his hands shaking as if someone were about to shove a blade through his gullet, the knight uneasily answered, “m-my lord, I… I don’t…”


“When I sent you away for this task, Marcus, I asked you to bring a savior to our kingdom, not some thing meant to fuck my maids into a coma! Look what this foul creature has done to my maids! This goes beyond simple disappointment, Throydill! This beast is a curse upon my land! If you have any sensibility left in you, I demand you to take this monster out of Underhill immediately!”


Trinas’ words cut through Zenna’s semi-conscious state like a blade, and her heart twisted in her chest. Her upper teeth gnashed into her lower lip as she tried and failed to make a comment.

“I am so sorry my lord, I don’t know what to say. I…”

“Then do not say anything at all, Marcus. You and I will be exchanging words later, and that is even assuming we will ever be speaking again. I cannot be in the sight of this abomination any longer,” his vision fell back on the bed – or more specifically, the gorgeous woman he respected so greatly the night before. Trinas let the cloak fall from his face and parted his lips, as if snarling at her. Zenna felt as if someone were stabbing her body with a hundred daggers at once. Trinas very nearly ordered the men behind him to strike down the beast, but could not bear the already disgusting sight and held back.

“Someone clean this mess up immediately,” said the king as he turned and left with his queen. She looked back over her shoulder once more with a tear streaming from each eye. Two of his knights followed the royal pair, but the rest dropped their weapons and descended upon the bed.

Working in teams of two, they extracted each of the overblown maids and placed them on various couches and chairs among the master suite, eventually leaving only Zenna herself remaining among a sea of dried spunk. Normally, each maid would easily be carriable by one strong man, but with the elf’s seed stored within them, they now felt as if trying to carry full grown men. Still, each man present treated Sienna and her friends with the utmost respect – as if they were the hapless victims of some horrific attack. Despite this, some of the knights would occasionally gag at the sight or smell of this situation, or if they were unfortunate enough to touch a piece of white crust.

“Disgusting creature…” one of them mumbled as he and Zenna met eyes. He flicked some cum off his wrist and it slapped into the elf's belly.

It was only as the men moved the maids away from her that the elf saw that not only was Sienna bloated, but all four of them. Although her mind may still have been frazzled, one thing was certain – she only remembers penetrating Sienna, not the other three.


H-how…? How could they be just like Sienna…? When did they… oh… no… w-wait… did they…? While I was asleep!? No! No! How! How could they! I fainted, and they just kept on using me! They used me! I was attacked! H-help! Help! Help! Somebody HELP ME! she panicked internally, causing her body to vibrate in place as she willed herself to run away from all this, yet nothing happened.


Even though he saw her visibly shaking with terror, the knight made no comment. If anything, Marcus did his best to avoid making eye contact with the elf who desperately needed his protection. Without explanation, she began sobbing from both eyes as her mouth continued to gag. He could stand to look at her no longer and spun around to see the other men wiping themselves off with towels as they grumbled about having to deal with this. They began wandering over to Marcus as a group, with one of them screaming every obscenity in the book when his boot fell into a puddle of spunk. It took everything the man had to not throw his disheveled shoe straight into the elf's face. Still, they all glared at Marcus, who spun back to the quivering elf.

“Let’s get her up,” Marcus spoke, moving towards Zenna’s feet. Two of the guards grabbed each side of her torso and yanked her from the bed as if trying to save her from drowning on it. Each had to resort to using both arms on the unexpectedly heavy girl as they began manhandling her as quickly as they could. She tried to protest the sudden movement as she was on the verge of retching, but still found her mouth malfunctioning. They moved the elf towards the bathtub which was already in the process of filling.

Disgusted at having to touch the hideous creature, both knights who grabbed her torso dropped her into the tub the moment her body crossed over its edge. Her head collided with the tub’s wall, causing her to cry out in agonizing pain when her skull bounced against the porcelain. Marcus scolded the knights who had dropped her torso, having a modicum more respect for her than they did. Neither man made a comment as they beelined their way out of the guest chambers. The dried cum across the elf's body fell from her skin in chunks and discolored the once-clean bathwater. Zenna nearly got a concussion from hitting the tub so violently, but at the very least it caused her mind to start shutting down again so she could sleep through the mounting pain.


The last sight her eyes captured before they closed was Marcus Throydill’s face of pure regret.


“Get some rest. You’re going to need it,” was all the knight said before following the other men out of the room. Zenna faded from consciousness.



Hours later, the woman emerged from her short coma to find herself still submerged in the now-cooled water. It had taken on a milky-white sheen with the cum that had fallen off her while she slept. Some of her strength had returned, but a knot at the base of her skull sent needles down her nerves. The skin near it felt as if someone threw a stone at the back of her head, or as if some horrible tumor had sprouted next to her brain. Zenna eventually worked up the courage to stand, feeling light-headed at first but quickly recovering. Crossing her legs over the side of the tub, she reached for a towel and finished cleaning her body off. Drying her genitals was a painful experience, the skin nearly red and rubbed raw. Seeing it beaten and nearly bruised should have made her happy, almost as if her cock were on the receiving end of a punishment. Yet, she felt saddened as if she were comforting an abused friend.


So now you know what it feels like too, huh? she thought, rubbing her hand softly across her cock’s base, how it feels to be beaten? How it feels to know pain? How it feels… to be me? I guess in that respect… you and I are the same now, huh? the elf spoke to her body, yet it did not answer her.


Satisfied she was dry, Zenna rounded the barrier that separated the bathroom from the bedroom. She saw the bed was still a mushy mess, buried all in white, with even some of the floor being covered by puddles. The maids who were resting on the couches and chairs were no longer there. The sunlight streaking across the balcony told her it was early afternoon while the entire room was starting to reek of her expel. Had she any water left in her body, her tears would be spewing across her face in reaction to how she destroyed the guest quarters. Still, she quivered at its sight, disgusted that she had done such a despicable act.


Oh… why… how could I… do such a thing…? I truly am… what they say I am… a monster…


Feeling vulnerable that she was naked, Zenna rummaged through the closet until she found something that was remotely close to confining her form. The green cloak barely even passed as clothing – given how stretched out it was, one would have thought it had shrunk multiple times in the wash. Her bust stood taut against the fabric and her lower body contested heavily with the baggy pants. The bulge in her pants was prominent enough that anyone would notice it if they looked long enough, and her penis screamed as if the dress she wore were made of barbs. Unable to offer it any comfort, Zenna looked around the room once more and was nearly knocked over by the imaginary voices that shouted at her, disgusted the little elf had committed countless sins in these four walls. She could take no more and fell out into the hallway.

With patient steps she meandered forward with no clear destination in mind, yet anything was better than the hellhole that was her room. Quiet as a mouse, she passed Marcus’ room without daring to look inside.


“Hold it,” came a booming, commanding voice that immediately made her obey its orders.


Marcus lumbered out of the dark room with a look of disappointment on his face. Zenna took to shuddering and tried to hide her face behind her baby blue strands. She tensed her body for the knight’s fist to come out and send her sprawling as a punishment, yet it never came. Hardly even bothering to look at her, Marcus turned and stomped away from her.

“Come,” he said coldly, not even bothering to make eye contact with his slave. She followed without question.

After traversing down the many staircases, the pair entered the main hall which was only occupied by a handful of souls adorning the two massive tables which had been cleaned thoroughly from the night before. Everyone idly ate away at their lunches and the royal pair were absent. Zenna felt as if everyone in the hall knew about her now – but not for the best of reasons. None commented as they passed, but eyes were felt burning into her back. She imagined the king ranting and raving through the palace, telling everyone in earshot that there was a monster in their midst. Her ears filled with the mob’s screams as they came at her, torches and spears at the ready.


Marcus led them to random seats on the table and sat without bothering to pull out a chair for the lady. She stared at his back for a moment.

“Sit down.”

“I… I don’t…”


Zenna nearly fell over as she tremored, but she obeyed and took a seat next to him.

The pair sat in silence for minutes on end until a small, gaudy man brought out a plate of food for each of them. Although it smelled heavenly and Zenna felt her stomach grumble, she stared at it for a few minutes before eating. Each bite may as well have been poisoned, yet she soldiered on through her guilt. Agonizingly, both of them worked on their plates as if the meals upon them were their last before meeting the executioner's block. The overactive elven imagination fully expected his steak knife to become buried in her gullet at any moment.

Marcus set down his utensils after finishing his own meal and put his forehead on his arms. His elbows held his head up as he stared into the table. With a sigh, he began speaking.


“I don't even know where to begin with you. I truly do not.”


Pausing her arm as the fork was halfway up to her mouth, Zenna gulped out, “d-did I get you in trouble?”

“I have been in trouble before, Zenna.”

“But that’s not what I…”

“Be quiet, you need to listen.”

Feeling as if she would not be heard, she turned and leaned into him, “n-no! I…”

He turned and stared at her with nearly diabolical intent, causing her voice to lock up entirely. She whimpered a bit, awaiting his next words. Marcus could see what little strength she had fleeing out of her red eyes.

“You were supposed to be presented to my king… professionally. I don’t know how you wrangled those girls into your bed, but you have to know how that makes me look, right? You heard Trinas yourself. I have never seen him that enraged, at least since he first found out his kingdom was under a curse. Count it as a blessing that you made it out of your room alive.”

Unexpectedly, his mouth twisted into a smile, “although I was terrified of him for a moment, I do have to hand it to you. Trinas is the calmest man I know – getting such a rise out of him is an accomplishment unto itself. Normally, I would be proud of that.”

But then the smile dissipated as he stared at her again; her eyes seemed a bit cooler than the inferno they normally burn with.

“That does not mean you are off the hook. You have much to answer for now.”

“But I…”

“…better have a good answer. Think before you speak here. This is important.”

Zenna paused for a moment before continuing, taking to rubbing the knot growing on her skull. It was by sheer miracle she had not been concussed.

“The maids, they… one of them saw me earlier… saw it, and… told her friends, who…”

“Get to the point,” he responded, his harshness bristling.

“I was asleep. Those girls… came to me, not the other way around. I tried to protest, but…”


“…but it felt good? You didn’t want it to stop, did you?”


Dropping her utensils suddenly, Zenna stared at her unfinished meal with her appetite being swallowed by her fear. She lowered her head to rest upon the table, throbbing as her face reflected the discomfort it caused. Marcus watched her twitch against the wooden surface with her fingers digging into her baby blue locks. He knew she was about to start sobbing again and decided to put a cork in that before she got the chance to wallow.


“Answer me right this moment; you are beyond the point where you can expect my patience.”


Whimpering and burying her face deeper in the table, she gagged out, “s-sure…”


“Well, that’s good,” Marcus interrupted.


All at once every system in Zenna’s being halted as if she sneezed. Her fingers stopped twitching. Her head stopped throbbing. Her legs did not bang together under the table. Even her heart felt as if it was no longer beating. Twisting her façade away from the table, she looked at Marcus with pleading wet eyes through a gap in her arm.

“W… what did… you…?”

“That is why I brought you to Underhill, Zenna. I brought you here to have as much sex as possible, because I believe that you, and you alone, can break this curse.”

Her torso raised away from the table in an effort to see him better. She could not believe what she was hearing. The words rattled against her skull without end, unable to process a syllable of it.

“That… you… aren’t you… angry with me?”


Marcus thought about his answer for a moment. The elf could see gears turning in his head. At any moment, he could slap her sideways with the back of his hand. He could command the men nearby to stab her until her red life flowed across the mess hall. Maybe he would even jump her and strangle the life from her neck.


But of course, this was all the product of Zenna’s imagination concocting the worst possible scenarios. Instead of harming her, she saw Marcus make eye contact with a guard stationed across the hall. The two men nodded at each other, and the guard disappeared through a door. Marcus sighed once more before speaking again.


“To say the least, I am embarrassed. I wanted to present you to my king slowly and respectfully. Countless times I went over how I could convince my lord that we needed you, and I concocted countless plans to that end. What happened last night threw every single plan I had straight into the grinder. When I knocked on your door this morning, I received no answer. When I came into your chambers and saw you and those girls… as you were, I nearly threw up. If you were anyone else, I would have…”

Marcus trailed off, twisting his mouth so his venomous words would never be spoken. Shamefully he turned away from the elf to see the guard returned. They nodded again.

“I should have protected you more from those minxes. You have a profound effect on people.”

Zenna blushed heavily, “that’s never happened before, I don’t know w-what came over them… or me.”


“Well,” Marcus said, standing, “I have to go smooth things over with the king. Likely I will drain every favor and promise Trinas owes me, just to grant me an audience. By this point, there is no other choice. While I am doing that, you have someone to speak to as well. Please try to stay on your best behavior.”


The fear coating the elven organs was immediately replaced by panic at the thought of being left alone, “n-no! You can’t leave me! They hate me now! Th-they’ll try to…”

“They will try nothing. It will just be a few notches more difficult to win them over now.”

At his words, anger welled within Zenna, “w-win them over? For what!? I was attacked last night! I’m the victim here, Marcus! I still have not even agreed to…”


He flashed with his own anger and leaned back down into her face while his fist slammed the table, causing those nearby to stare openly at the duo. Marcus twisted his face into a snarl and growled out aggressively, “I am trying to help you here, elf. You are now in the biggest shit of trouble possible, and I am getting sucked down in it with you!”


Without warning, Zenna felt an unfamiliar explosive burst of emotion ricochet within her mind until it was directed squarely at the knight before her. Before she could stop herself, she stood and leaned into his face in a mirror image to him. Her lips parted and produced a snarl.

“YOU brought me here, Marcus! I told you that you have full responsibility of me!”

“And I am trying to fulfill that responsibility by digging you out of that shithole you’re in, elf!”

“It would have never happened if you did not buy me, knight! Have you even told your lord that I’m your property yet!?”

“You are not my property, Zenna! I’m trying to do what’s best for you!”


“It’s starting to feel like what’s best for YOU!!”


Both knight and elf stared each other down as their eyes glimmered with frustration. Through grit teeth, each felt hot breath plaster on their faces. Both of them knew that the next line they each had prepared would destroy their relationship beyond repair. Knowing this fact, Marcus spun around without warning and stomped loudly away from her. His arm came out with a fervor and pointed at the man he had been nodding to.

“Go with him. I will see you later,” and Marcus went away, leaving her to her own devices.

“MARCUS!!” she wailed against his back as he scampered away, but he made no motion signaling he heard. Others in the hall, however, winced in response to her unexpectedly loud voice. Each step he took away from her sent both man and elf through staggering pain, like a rubber band being stretched by their separation. The knight disappeared through a doorway, and the sound of it closing echoed through the hall three times over. Zenna’s anger died immediately as her defenselessness became apparent. The anger in her chest was immediately squeezed out of her by dread. The one man who gave even a little care about her in all of Underhill had just left the elf completely on her own.



Only just loud enough for her own ears to hear, she sobbed, “please don’t… leave me alone…”



The elf sat there for a bit while she heaved. Wherever that rage deep inside herself came from, it stabbed at both her heart and soul on its way to her brain. Glancing around, she could see a few dozen people staring at her confusedly. Feeling a panic attack coming on, Zenna fell back into her seat heavily and let the weight of her head fall harshly onto the wooden table before her, wrapping her arms around her skull for protection. Zenna felt as if the walls were closing in as her lungs were battered by her pounding pump. Someone would throw a spear through her heart the moment she fell away from the table, so she stayed in place with the resilience of a fortress. A few minutes went by as she silently sobbed over her own actions. She had never been so angry with anyone before, with the words she screamed at Marcus cutting through her soul like shears. Tears appeared in her eyes as she cursed herself. Those in the hall had no idea who she was, yet none approached to comfort the sobbing woman as she writhed.


A hand suddenly appeared on her shoulder as it gripped her with force. Dragging her reddened melting face away from the table, she saw the guard she was supposed to follow with impatience sewn onto his face. Zenna shook under his grasp.

“This way, my lady,” said the man gruffly, cranking his head that she should follow. Disobeying would likely incite even more hate against her, so she wiped her face and stood. Begrudgingly, Zenna followed, keeping her vision squared directly on the man’s back so she would not see her own death coming. He glanced over his shoulders to the short woman as if he were going to say something in disgust, but kept his mouth shut and looked forward again. The guard led her across the throne room and opened a door to the outside.

He motioned for her to go through, and she obeyed. As a reward, the afternoon sun began drying away her sadness. Zenna thought the guard would follow her through the door, but instead she felt the wind rush against her back as he slammed the door shut with enough force to startle her. Zenna’s pale arms wrapped her chest defensively, as if someone were about to attack her. For all she knew, Marcus had now sent her to her demise. Her only thought was how painful it would be.

Zenna looked around for the man who was about to kill her, but instead she saw visions of astounding beauty. Greenery and vibrant flowing color assaulted her vision, pushing her panicking thoughts down and out. She was evidently in a form of royal garden which stretched across the palace roof. Vines hugged every surface of the palace while trees, ferns, flowers, and everything in between grew out of patches of dirt laid into the palace roof. She walked among them, entranced by the array of vivid, living color. Hundreds of square feet dedicated to a temple of nature. Manicured to perfection, it was the crown jewel of gardens in Underhill. Paths were laid out among the plants, allowing them to freely grow uncategorized. The aromatic mixture of smells intertwined, having a calming effect on the girl. It was mountains better than the smell she created the previous night, fermenting until morning when the royal pair found the state of her room. The pain on her head lessened as she became distracted, a smile almost twisting its way onto her façade. At the very least, the display of nature reminded the elf of her forest home.

Zenna forgot about all the troubles she had experienced, if only for a short period as the garden served as her own personal Eden. Sadly, the showing of flora came to an end as the greenery broke way to stonework. Shifting her red eyes up, she saw there was a woman a few dozen feet away, her vision focused on the city before her. Glancing around, there was no other points of interest on the palace roof – so the woman before her was clearly the one she was meant to speak to. Cautiously the little lady approached the tall blonde’s back, and she heard the woman sigh as Zenna’s footsteps became audible.


“Isn’t she beautiful?” asked the woman, still facing away from her.


Zenna looked around again, but did not see anyone else.

“S-sorry? Are you talking to me, miss?”

“This kingdom of ours, she is beautiful, is she not?”

Zenna came up alongside the woman as she looked out over the city. It again shone in the bright sunlight, a metropolis of epic proportions. People went about their day as they passed along the city streets. Although not as high up as the balcony in her guest suite, the view was unencumbered by walls now, making Underhill’s capitol appear even larger with the new lens to view it through. The longer she stared, the more she saw, as if Underhill were drawn by the exquisitely patient hand of a master painter. She had never seen so much movement in her life.

“Yes… yes… it… she… is beautiful, miss.”

“Please, Zenna, you may call me Marianne.”

“You know my name?” the elf turned towards the woman, who met Zenna’s gaze with a smile.

W-wait! She is…!


“Q-Queen! You’re the q-queen!” Zenna backed away a step, as if the royal lady were to strike her. Her fight-or-flight senses kicked in as her body readied itself to move at a ferocious pace.


“Please, Marianne is enough,” the taller woman spoke calmly with a bat of her eyes. Most people would be immediately calmed by the queen’s soothing tone, but the timid Zenna heaved loudly and heavily as the royal lady stared down upon her, watching the garbs she wore stretch unnaturally around her chest as it tried to contain her.

Gods… at least I know why her clothes fail to fit her… her breasts are so… oh my…

Glancing back up to the elf’s eyes, something became apparent. Given that Marianne was taller than the average woman, and Zenna was shorter than the average elf, the little one hardly came up to the queen’s collarbone. Marianne blushed a bit as she watched the short-statured girl heave before her, enjoying the cute snorts her nose made.

“Wow… I always thought my maids were small… but you’re just so tiny, little elf. You’re amazingly cute, Zenna… just like a doll. Big things sometimes come in small packages, huh?”

Marianne laughed, obviously wanting Zenna to join in, but the scared little elf shivered before her instead. Her skin crawled as if the queen were setting a trap for her to fall into.

"And… gods. You really are gorgeous. I never thought I would be blessed to meet such a beautiful creature. You're beyond wonderful."

But the compliments slid off Zenna's pale flawless skin as Marianne's hand came out to rest on the elf's scalp, admiring not only the unique color but the softness of it as well.

“Sorry if I startled you, Zenna… Marcus did mention that you scare very easily. I will try better in the future if you would indulge me?”

Gagging words up her throat, “I… umm… umm… I u-umm… umm… umm…”

Zenna stammered out a series of umms for nearly a minute, causing Marianne’s smile to dissipate into confusion.


Gods… she’s even more timid than Marcus made her out to be… what has this little woman gone through to have developed such apprehension? It has to be far deeper than just what happened last night… or this morning.


“Am I frightening you, Zenna? I promise that is not my intent. We can walk around for now until you calm down. Please, follow me.”

The queen turned away from her and began walking alongside the railing with her arms clasped over her waist. Zenna's first instinct was to run as far from Marianne as she possibly could, but she spun around to see a pair of guards a few dozen feet back. They gripped their weapons heavily, ready to defend their queen with their very lives. With the only two options available to either run or obey, the elf decided it best to play along. She began waddling after Marianne as her fear kept her body constantly quivering.

The pair walked in silence for a while, and the queen would take occasional glances down at the city below, the sounds of which drifted up the palace walls like a breeze up a seaside cliff. She would then turn around and give the elf a light smile before walking again. Marianne was hoping to calm the girl’s nerves, but it was failing spectacularly. Zenna hardly felt able to meet the intimidating woman’s gaze and kept her eyes glued to the city below.

After a while the queen knew her plan was not working as the girl continued to shiver, so she stopped in place. Zenna, however, did not see the queen had ceased movement.


Zenna bumped into the queen’s back, eliciting a little moan from both women. Really, it was the elf’s breasts which pressed into the small of Marianne’s back, compressing them. Zenna backtracked rapidly and nearly fell over, and her pale arms were thrown defensively around her chest, expecting a scolding from the royal.


“I’m so sorry… so s-sorry… I didn’t m-mean to…”

So big, the royal lady blushed, her mind wandering.

The queen turned around and smiled down upon the girl to see her face reddening with embarrassment. In Marianne’s eyes, the elf’s cuteness knew no bounds. The guards tailing them had stepped closer to defend their queen, but Marianne placed up a hand to stop them. She looked back down upon the terrified elf.

“Please do not worry Zenna, it is my fault for not alerting you that I stopped. And furthermore,” she leaned in and patted the girl’s head, “I want to add that being touched by someone as lovely as yourself is an honor, even for a queen.”

Zenna blushed harder, but it was now due to the queen’s compliment, rather than embarrassment. Finally, Marianne’s soothing words calmed her a bit.

“You… you truly think so, queen?”

“I do, Zenna. And as I said, please call me Marianne.”

Another heartwarming smile was given to the elf, who felt her heart rate drop in response. A small smile encroached upon her lips and her arms relaxed from her chest down to her sides.

You truly are something else, Zenna… I can hardly contain myself around you… Marianne thought, feeling a surge of warmth in her chest. She reluctantly stopped petting Zenna’s head and leaned back to full height. The two blinked and smiled at each other in silence for a moment.

“Would you like to keep walking, little elf?”

“I… I think I would. Thank you… Marianne…”

“My name sounds wonderful on your tongue, Zenna.”

The elf’s smile grew more, and Marianne began to lead them further along the balcony.


The pair continued walking for a while longer. Marianne again checked on Zenna over her shoulder every so often to ensure she was close, almost wishing for a way to be touched by the elf once more. Zenna gave her a friendly smile in return, making the royal heart soar. Glancing down a bit, the queen cooed as she watched the girl’s immense bust threatening to tear through her undersized clothes. But then Marianne looked down at the girl’s legs, noting she only moved one at a time as if she had to limp.

Zenna caught the queen’s gaze and her smile dissipated in an instant. There goes that stupid human mind again, she thought. Regardless of Marianne’s attempts at keeping the girl calm, the elf still knew the queen wanted what was in her pants, just like everyone else. Instinctively her hands moved over her bulge but was unable to hide it. Marianne kept staring.


"Please stop that."


Marianne, caught off guard, ceased walking immediately, "sorry? Have I done something?"

Zenna turned her vision away from the royal, "please stop undressing me with your eyes. It makes me very uncomfortable."

The queen's heart twinged as the wind was knocked from her lungs, "oh, n-no… please forgive me… it's not like that. I'm so sorry it looked like I was undressing you… I just noticed that you seem to be limping… are you in pain? Would you like to stop?"

The elf reddened again, embarrassed at thinking the queen was having lewd thoughts about her. She took her hands away from her bulge and wrang her wrists.

“N… no, Marianne. This is how I must walk… you saw my… well, my body, this morning, right?”

“I… I did Zenna… and I apologize for how I acted. I must apologize for how my husband acted as well. Seeing you like that was… shocking.”

“Y-yes… but to answer your question, I have to walk slowly like this… else my legs will hurt my…”

Zenna shook her head, unable to say the phrase before the queen.


“The stupid gods that cursed me with my body did not think how much it would hurt to just walk.”


Marianne was stunned, seeing Zenna’s nose crinkle a bit in frustration.

Curse…? she questioned, how could any part of you ever be a curse, little elf?

“Oh… gods… Zenna I am so sorry… I did not think about that…” she trailed off, feeling guilty at making the elf try and keep up with her longer legs.

There is a lot you did not think about, my lady, Zenna thought sourly.


Wanting to change the subject, Marianne turned away from her and leaned up against the railing. She sighed but spoke after waiting for a few moments.

“So about what I… we, saw this morning… what you did to those girls…”

Zenna’s face reddened further, “I… I do not want to sound rude, my… Marianne, but it is less of what I did to them, but what they did to me. You see, they…”

“…they had sex with you, yes. And the way I hear it, it was astoundingly good for them. If I may ask, did you enjoy it also?”

Zenna was amazed at the queen’s forwardness. As Marcus had stated, it takes a mountain to get a rise out of the king, but the same goes for his queen also. Both of them were highly conservative in their behavior, as if nothing could get them to break character.

And really, nothing could.

Nothing except Zenna.


“Yes… yes, it was very good for me, thank you,” said the elf, almost choking on the words as she lied to Marianne's back. She had never been able to develop the skills to tell a passable falsehood.


“I appreciate your honesty. Was it your first time?”

The elf paused but answered with the truth this time, “yes, it was.”


Suddenly, the queen laughed loudly and threw her head into the air. Zenna stepped back in shock.


“What a way… to… go!” Marianne said, accentuating each word with a clap of her hands, “four girls on your first time! Gods, you really are something, Zenna. I doubt many people can attest to that feat. I could learn a few things from you,” she spun around to face the elf, who blushed slightly as she processed the compliment.


When you put it that way, she thought, but only for a moment, no… no. it was still wrong. That was nothing to be proud of. That was lust. Not love.


Her nose crinkled again as her blush faded. Marianne did not notice the girl’s frustration and spun back to face the railing.


Silence descended upon the pair as the smile slowly disappeared off the queen’s face over a few moments. The eerie lack of noise was only permeated by the surrounding sounds of the city.

Having to build up the courage to do so, the queen said quietly, “have you thought any further about Marcus’ request? Have my girls… my maids, influenced you in any way?” she nervously pined, trying to be tender to the elf’s sensitive feelings as she could.

The elf’s demeanor darkened, her eyes still looking over the city, “no… I mean… sorry,” was all Zenna could offer, “so much has happened since we arrived here, I… haven’t even had a moment to myself.”

Marianne snorted at that, I can tell, she thought.

But Zenna heard the queen make a comical noise.

Did she just… does she think this is just a game to her? I was abused by her maids, and she is laughing about it?


A few more moments of silence passed, but then the queen reached a hand outward, extending her finger to something down below, “look there.”


Zenna followed the queen’s outstretched finger, tracing a line down to the city. She was pointing to a city block sparsely populated by people. A fountain spewed water in the afternoon sun, complimenting the idyllic scene. Stone streets hugged the brick buildings as people and carts moved around.

“In the center there, the woman in a blue cloak.”

Narrowing her vision, the woman in question came into focus. Her face was barely discernible from other people in the crowd as she sat alone on a bench, eating food from a pack. A pair approached the woman, a giant male orc and another short, scaled creature Zenna had never seen before. The two waved at the woman and she returned the favor before resuming her meal.

“What about her?”

The queen withdrew her finger, “her name is Versas. She came here during the war in order to support her family. Her father was killed during one of the first Sunborng raids, and the rest of her family moved here for protection.”

“Oh… I’m sorry to hear that…”

Marianne nodded, “she works as a chef in our kitchens now. Her work is very good too, I am sure you had at least one thing of hers last night… if not many things,” she looked coyly at Zenna, who shrugged and smiled.

“Your appetite last night was truly legendary. I heard we ran out of stock on a couple things; they thought people just kept joining the party. You can imagine the surprise when they found out it was just one elf girl!” the queen said with a laugh. The elf finally laughed out loud alongside her.


"You did certainly seem to put it to good use, if this morning were any indication."

Zenna froze immediately, her laughter dying in the blink of an eye.


Oh… oh no, is that what all that food was for? Just to give me enough energy to stuff her maids full? That was their plan all along…!?

The elf's eyes throbbed as they stared into the queen, but Marianne made no motion that she caught her glaring gaze.

After being caught up in the moment, the queen became quiet again, “Versas married a young man shortly after moving here, as both families wanted grandchildren. Lovely young lad loves his wife to no end, and she does the same to him. But as the final days of the war were approaching, you can guess what happened.”

Zenna went wide-eyed, “no!”

“Yes,” the queen said drearily, “only months after their wedding, as the final battle against the kingdom of Sunborng was won, we were cursed. No matter how hard she tried, she would not become pregnant. Her womb was locked away from giving her what she most desired.”

The elf was struck, breathing in heavily as the realization dawned on her, “I… I still cannot believe this curse is real… your people seem so happy… until you know what they’re going through.”

The queen nodded, “so… you can only imagine how they feel. Those already with children cannot have more, and those without children are missing the best times of their lives, all because of a stupid curse!” she pounded her fist on the railing for emphasis, “even people your age are frustrated they never get to have families. No one even bothers getting married anymore… what would the point be?”

Zenna was stunned. She had heard Marcus telling her how the curse had affected this kingdom, but to see how it is truly affecting the people…

“My people will grow old and die alone without children to take care of this last generation. Even my line…” she paused, “…our line, me and my husband, will end if nothing can be done. When Trinas and I retire, our son will take the throne of a dying kingdom, and my daughter will be unable to provide an heir to her future husband. In the last years of my biological clock, even I cannot… cannot…” the queen stopped, unable to continue as tears formed in her eyes. Marianne shuddered and fell with her back against the railing.

Zenna came down to support the queen’s side, ensuring her bust and her flaccid length were not bumping the royal lady. The elf could do little to comfort the queen, who cried for a few minutes more.

Eventually the queen looked up at the elf girl, “you have such beautiful eyes, Zenna, like staring into a roaring fire,” she said, bringing a hand up to brush some of Zenna’s blue locks away from her face, tucking the hair behind her pointy ear.


“Use those eyes of yours and look over my domain. You tell me it is not something worth fighting for.”


Zenna also began to tear up slightly, feeding off the queen’s emotions. Marianne reached up and embraced the elf, who subconsciously gripped the royal in return. The queen sobbed into the elf’s prodigious chest as Zenna wet the top of Marianne’s head. Waves of noise echoed through the elven breasts as the royal lady let out nearly a decade of frustration for minutes on end.


I am… so sorry my queen… but I cannot… cannot be…


After their mutual emotions had been shed, they regained their composure and stood. Marianne rubbed the elf’s little head a bit in the same way she would pet a child. Her hand fell back to her waist and she began walking again. Zenna followed until the pair came to rest upon a corner of the building. Marianne leaned heavily into the railing, allowing the sounds of the theater district below to waft upwards into her ears. A group of people laughed about something while a street performer played his instrument.

"See my people. See how they act. My guards carry out their duties, musicians still fill the streets, and bars are still full of rowdy people each and every night. But why? Why do they bother keeping on if they have no legacy? Maybe, maybe… they just want to forget. To have something else to think about… so each and every little distraction becomes wonderful for them."


Zenna said nothing.


“That is why we need your help, Zenna. After two years, our most trusted soldier chose you, and only you, and brought you home to us. Our wisest sage’s prophecy came true… and Marcus was blessed enough to find you.”


Zenna stared over the city but did not answer.


“Even you, a foreigner, can see how my people live at face-value. How they act, eat, work, live, and die, and yet… what is it for? What can they work for, if there is no one to take their place when they expire? They want to live their life to the fullest, and yet they have no one to pass their experiences on to. Their work… is for naught.”


The elf felt the sadness dissipate, as it was replaced with a fresh set of feelings welling up within her.


“Marcus tells us you were… treated differently throughout your life. Picked on and bullied for your gift, but now… you are here. You are safe amongst the walls of our city, your being protected from the harshness of the outside world. No harm will come to you here, I promise you that.”


The elf’s brow furrowed heavily as her teeth ground.

Gift… is that how you see it?


“I believe you were born for this role, and everything that has happened to you, led you to us. Marcus told your story. How you were captured by bandits, how they either killed or sold off your family into slavery like they did you, how you were found by Marcus, and, on top of that, you have such a beautiful gift down…”



“Stop. Just… stop.”



Marianne blinked. Her thoughts left her momentarily, surprised by the elf’s sudden interruption. She spun around but stayed deathly quiet as she awaited the girl’s next words.

“I just… do you even hear what you are saying? What you are asking of me is… unthinkable. Me? Save your kingdom by sharing my bed with every woman who wants me? Line them up so I can knock them down? Do you just see me as a common whore to be used and passed around?”

The queen tilted her head in a nasty manner, “Zenna, you should know that…”

“I’m not done. Who is to say I can even help you? That I can even break the curse? Just because I have this… thing! between my legs that everyone thinks is their key to happiness?"

“I just think that your…”


“AND THAT’S JUST IT!” screamed Zenna, staring straight into the royal woman’s soul. The elf’s outburst was carried by a shockwave that fell across city blocks and nearly sent Marianne sprawling.


This,” Zenna grabbed her length through her clothes, shaking it harshly, “is all you seem to care about! What about me? Do I matter? Or am I just life support for this fucking thing? Do I just happen to be attached to your salvation, and that is the only reason you are here, trying to win me over? That I’m just a means to an end?”

The queen was stunned. She stared openly into Zenna’s eyes, noting the fire within them seemed to grow visibly.

“Gods, is that how you feel, Zenna? That we just want you for your…”

“YES! YES!" she interrupted, thrashing her arms around. The queen leaned back against the railing in fear.

"That is all you care about! That is all anyone has ever cared about me! For this fucking! thing! It’s all anyone has ever seen me for! It made me the target of every joke and ridicule for everyone in my village, making everyone I’ve ever known take their hatred out on me, just for how I was born! Everyone from my neighbors to my teachers to even my own father and siblings tormented me for this goddamn cock! My own mother was the only one who ever cared about me and look where she is now! Dead!”

She gripped her head, tugging at her blue locks in frustration, “even Marcus would have just walked straight past me, had this thing not been attached to my body! Without it, I would be just another elf girl that he would not have even looked twice at!” Zenna gasped as realization washed over her, “I'm right… I'm right, aren't I! You tell me I’m wrong,” she glared at Marianne, “why the fuck else would he have bought me, like piece of goddamn meat!”

The queen had no words.

“Finally got you into a corner, huh? 'No harm will come to you here, I promise you that,' is that not what you just said!? My very first night in Underhill, I was raped by the very people you want me to save! In your very own palace, no less! Those fucking sluts from last night were driven by their lust, just using me for all I was worth, right under your goddamn nose!”

Zenna curled her hands into a ball near her ear, mimicking a high-pitched voice, “oh miss! We friends! We here to help you! HELP ME!? I was just a fucking sex doll to them! I was nothing, nothing! to them, just a way for them to get off! Just a fucking tool to sate their burning lions! Even after I faded away they kept fucking me like I was made to do so! As if I'm just something for them to play with! Even you,” she pointed her finger between the queen’s eyes, “you called me a little doll! Dolls aren’t fucking people, they’re things!”

Marianne shook against the railing and her jaw jammered.

“I want you to look me right in my eyes,” she point at the twin infernos on her pale face, “the eyes you seem to think are so goddamn lovely, at say it straight to my face – Zenna, I am sorry! I am sorry for how my maids raped you into a fucking coma! SAY IT!!”

“Z-Zenna, I am…”

“NO!” the elf screamed over her, “NO! NO! NO! NO! LIES! MORE LIES! That’s all anyone can do in this world – lie! Hate! Hurt! That’s all you goddamn pigs know!”

“N-no! Zenna, stop! You’re…”

"How about you, huh?” the elf interrupted again and leaned into Marianne’s nose, “wanna ride me next? Get a good lay in with the best dick you'll ever have? Promise it'll make you feel reallll good! Stuff you nice and full, a warm feeling for a cold, old woman? Your husband having a problem getting it up anymore, and you just want to sleep around!? IS THAT IT!?"

The queen's lip trembled, Zenna’s voice having stolen away her own. Her skin crawled as if fire covered it.

"I'm right, aren't I? That's all you fucking see me as! Just your prize bull, bred for the sole purpose of fucking your flock until they pop, right? Am I just a beast to you, huh!? Your husband sure fucking thinks so! GO ON! SAY IT! SAY IT LIKE YOU FUCKING MEAN IT!" the elf growled at her with venom hanging off her canines.

The queen did not respond. Zenna hyperventilated as her heart rattled her ribcage. She gripped the back of her head as the throbbing intensified, her speech becoming harsh and erratic, words seemingly fighting each other up her throat. Marianne watched Zenna throw her body around as if trying to harm herself.


“I hate this body! I hate it, Marianne! I hate it! I hate it! I hate myself! Do you know how that fucking feels!? Everyone I’ve ever known has fucking hated me, Marianne! Even my own father was disgusted with me! All the humans I’ve ever met just want to use me or kill me! That’s all you humans do! HATE! HATE! HATE! HAAAATTEE!! Every fucking child you want me to create will be born out of hatred, Marianne! Is that how you want your kingdom to be!?”


Marianne attempted to respond, but Zenna released a sound only comparable to a death whistle, paralyzing the queen and even the nearby guards. People on the streets below looked up as the alien noise blanketed city blocks.


The elf’s feet wobbled as her strength began failing, “and everyone else I’ve ever come across… everyone else I… every… fucking pig human, just, fuck! I am not just a thing, meant to be tossed around and jerked for your pleasure! FUCK YOU! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK YOOOOOUUUU!!" her voice oscillated across Underhill’s capitol as her throat was battered senseless.


The queen tried to say something once more, but staring into Zenna’s face felt like staring down a dragon, so her mouth clamped shut. The elf's eyes burned brighter than the sun, and Marianne felt her skin melting away. The guards stood nearby, death grips on their weapons, but they had been told not to touch the elf under any circumstances.


 Receiving no response, the elf let out one more guttural scream which encased the palace, threatening to shatter the mosaic glass she once appreciated. Marianne’s ears nearly bled, but she was most certainly knocked clean off her feet.


Zenna turned away and stomped her way across the balcony and back into the capitol. Her heavy gait could be heard echoing off the walls as she brushed past anyone who dared step in her path. Her body complained in anguish under her harsh steps, but she did not care.

As she forced herself back towards the guest wing, her emotions ran through a roller coaster, bouncing from each extreme of the spectrum.


Happiness of finally speaking her mind.

Anger at herself for doing so.

Hatred at everyone else for how they treated her.

Sadness that she just spit in the face of the queen, only wanting to save her kingdom.


Her face was nearly spasming as she walked, unable to decide on an emotion as she burst through the doors to her room, which she would have seen was now fully cleaned and tidied, yet the tears falling from her eyes blinded her. The fire in her eyes was doused under its torrent.

She climbed onto the bed and buried her face into the largest pillow, screaming at the top of her lungs as her body was wracked with emotions. She slammed her head against its soft surface countless times, screaming fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! on each impact.

Her tantrum lasted the better part of an hour until she eventually emptied herself of stamina and rolled onto her back, her face a sloppy, melting mess of tears and mucus. She cried openly into the air, wailing as her mind became an empty expanse. Too much for her, her body called it quits and arrested the elf into an uncomfortable slumber upon the bed of nails.


To be continued.