7. Assessed
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The restaurant was nice, the food was nice, and so far I hadn't said or done anything to ruin the evening which was a bonus. Sam and Troy were enjoying their big steaks while me and my girlfriends all went for much smaller meals. I had a chicken pasta thing, Melissa was eating a baked salmon dish, and Sue had a little steak filet.

The three of us had just finished telling Sam and Troy the non-magical version of how we went from me and Melissa being best friends and me and Susan being girlfriends to all three of us being in a relationship together.

It was more or less the same as what we told my mom and Carol back when we first introduced Susan to them. Sam and Troy were both a little surprised at how quickly the whole thing came together, and at how easily the three of us adapted to being a threesome.

"So what happened to not settling down?" Sam asked his sister. "I remember back in October or November, in one of our phone conversations you were telling me how you wanted to make up for all the dating and stuff you missed out on earlier. What changed?"

Melissa grinned, "That's actually a long story? And some of it's not really appropriate dinner conversation, so maybe we should leave that till later?"

That seemed to get Sam's suspicions up again but he nodded "Ok sis. I'm sure we'll have lots to talk about back at the hotel."

I smirked too but kept quiet for now. There were just so many excellent opportunities to show off my horns and tail, but I was being extremely good. In fact I was showing so much self-restraint I'd already awarded myself several medals and commendations.

The conversation moved on to housing, and Susan told the guys how she just moved in with me and Melissa at the start of the holidays. That surprised Sam again, he knew our apartment wasn't so big.

Then Melissa said we were probably going to move into a bigger place at some point. Sue mentioned how she owned a house but it needed some work, and the three of us were trying to decide what to do with it. We were all kind of excited about giving the house a big make-over the way we were talking about the other day, but we still needed to find out what that would cost and how long it would take.

That left both Sam and Troy looking surprised, Troy asked "How can you afford that? I'm no expert but my dad's in that line of work so I have a good idea what sort of money you're looking at and it's not cheap."

Me and my girlfriends all looked at each other, then Susan asked "Is your dad a contractor? Can we get him to come and give us an estimate?"

Troy blinked, "Yeah, I can give you his contact info."

Melissa grinned, "Excellent! The guy we met yesterday was kind of creepy, we'd rather go with someone trustworthy. And you can't beat credentials like my brother's boyfriend's dad."

I agreed, "That guy yesterday wasn't just creepy, I'm positive he was going to try and gouge us. Like all his prices were jacked up by half, because he figured he could get away with it."

Eventually everyone had enough to eat and the conversation sort of tapered off. We all passed on dessert since we had loads of snacks and stuff back at the hotel, but the others all ordered coffee while I stuck with water.

Troy asked, "Do you not drink anything, Mara? I remember you only drank water when we met last month too."

I smiled, "I don't drink anything with caffein in it. I'll probably have some coolers later tonight? I don't like to drink too much though."

Melissa gave me a funny look, "I remember you used to drink more cola than me, you practically lived on the stuff. When did you decide you didn't like caffein?"

"Last June," I replied as I gave her a look right back.

She frowned then her eyes widened, like for a moment she was about to ask what happened last June to make me give up cola when she suddenly remembered something significant happened right around that point. "Oh! Yeah right. Ok, never mind."

I smirked again, and awarded myself a fancy medal and a gold star for resisting yet another amazing demonic unveiling moment.

Troy looked a little confused, but Sam seemed to realize what was going on. He didn't know the demonic stuff, but he knew June's when I died and got reincarnated. He probably figured my new body was sensitive to caffein or something like that. Which wasn't far from the truth.

After they were done their coffees we all chipped in and paid the bill and the tip. Then we got our coats on and headed back out for the return walk to the hotel. My poor horns were unhappy once again, but at least my tail was nice and cosy warm wrapped around my leg under my dress and coat.

In the lobby Sam said, "We're going to stop by our room for a bit, we've got some drinks and snacks to grab. We'll be up at your room soon though."

Melissa suggested, "Take fifteen or twenty minutes? I don't know about my girlfriends but I'm going to change into something more comfy."

"Good idea," Troy smiled to his boyfriend. "We'll do that too, so maybe we'll make it thirty minutes."

We rode up in the same elevator, but Sam and Troy got out first. Their room was a few floors below ours.

As soon as we stepped through the door into our room my horns and tail became visible and I reached up to rub my horns as I pouted "So cold! It hurts!"

Melissa rolled her eyes while Sue just giggled.

It didn't take us anywhere near twenty or even fifteen minutes to get changed. Within two or three minutes all three of us had stripped naked and pulled on our nightshirts. We took a few minutes to wash up and clean our make-up off and everything, and we were good and put our fancy clothes away instead of just leaving them thrown on the bed and floor.

Within ten minutes all three of us were more or less ready for a night in.

We all grabbed vodka coolers, then Susan turned on the TV and started looking at the Guide channel to try and pick something for the evening.

Meanwhile Melissa looked at me and asked, "So you managed to get through dinner without revealing your horns or saying anything about being part demon. Are you going to keep that up, or do you plan on exposing everything to Sam and Troy tonight?"

"Hey," I stated as I tried to stand up tall and proud. "I think I did remarkably well at dinner, and I'll have you know I won several prestigious awards for self-control, and countless medals and honourable mentions for self-restraint."

Melissa rolled her eyes, "Of course. After all, your restraint and self-control are quite legendary. Seriously though Mara, are you and Lily prepared to deal with things if Sam or Troy flip out?"

My attitude became more serious as I nodded, "It'll be fine Melissa. Sam will be shocked at first and maybe a little freaked-out, but he's already gotten over the biggest hurdles. And if anything he'll think the whole demon thing is funny. He'll think it's ironic because it's exactly the sort of stuff your mom's been terrified of forever. And he'll understand the part-succubus stuff once you explain it to him."

I added, "Troy will be freaked out at first too, and maybe a little scared? But he'll get over it. He's an atheist so he's not going to go all wrath-of-god on us for being in league with a demon. Then he'll think it's cool as hell and probably ask a million questions and maybe want to see some magic in action. He's a big 'Dungeons and Dragons' fan too, so he's probably role-played stuff weirder than this."

Melissa frowned at me for a few seconds, then sighed "Ok. Tell Lily thanks for all that information. I should have known she'd be looking out for us like that."

I had a sip of my cooler then said "Lily? I'm sure you already heard Melissa's thanks, but on behalf of both me and Melissa, thanks. How'd you get all that stuff into my head without telling me? That's never happened before."

As me and Melissa joined Susan on the sofa, Lily replied "I didn't. In fact I was just wondering to myself how you knew those details about Sam and Troy. You certainly sounded confident about it too."

For a few seconds I didn't know what to say or how to respond to that. Then I let myself relax back on the sofa. My eyes unfocused as I did the 'step backwards' thing and a moment later I was inside our head, in Lily's apartment with her.

She was lounging naked on her big leather sofa, and she didn't seem surprised to see me there. "Before you ask, no I don't know how you did it either Mara. I assume it's another manifestation of your own demonic nature."

I frowned, "I don't want to read people's minds Lily. I've read too many horror stories and seen too many TV shows about how that messes people up. Like friendships get ruined, relationships fall apart, and people go crazy because they can't tune out everyone else's thoughts. I don't want to know what my girlfriends secretly think of me. Or my mom. Or you."

She asked, "Have you been hearing people's thoughts lately?"

"No," I shook my head. "Or at least, I don't think so? I don't know. But how would I know all that stuff about Troy and Sam?"

"How did you know that contractor yesterday had a dark soul? How did you know his estimates were inflated? How did you know he was trying to take advantage of the three of you?"

I shrugged, "I don't know? I just got a feeling from him? Like he seemed super creepy to me, and when he was talking money I got that feeling he was padding the numbers."

Lily nodded, "I don't think you're reading people's minds Mara. You aren't picking up their internal monologue or their train of thought. You're getting a feel for them, it comes across like intuition perhaps. If you do start hearing people's thoughts, you'll know. Also, it's been ten days since we imprisoned Verothilas. If you haven't started hearing people's thoughts by now, I don't think it's going to happen."

"Good," I said as I sighed in relief.

She asked, "Have you had any intuitive leaps about myself in the past week? Or your girlfriends?"

I frowned, then shook my head "Not really? Not that I can think of."

Lily nodded again, "Then there's a good chance you won't. This intuition is probably restricted to humans."

That was good to hear, though it did mean I might starting to get this sort of thing happening with my mom or Carol, and I wasn't sure I was comfortable with that.

She suggested, "You might want to discuss this with your girlfriends? They do have some experience with this sort of thing, although for them the intuitive information is restricted to people's sexual interests and desires."

"Ok," I replied as I thought that over. "I should probably talk to them about that anyways. I didn't even know they could do that until Melissa told Carol about it."

She gave me a sympathetic smile and said, "They can't read you if that's what you're wondering."

I nodded slowly, but I already figured as much. Not that I was worried about it.

After a few seconds I asked, "Is there any way you can tell me what other stuff like this is going to happen? Like since the thing with Verothilas, I've got the permanent horns and tail, night vision, demon strength, and now this low-key mind-reading intuition thing. Should I be worrying about anything else?"

Lily sighed, "I honestly don't know Mara. I wish I did, I wish I had a definitive answer for you. As I told your mother, this is all new to me as well."

"Right," I sighed as well. "Actually I have a bunch more questions for you about that, but they can wait till later. I should get back out."

"Indeed," she agreed. "Sam and Troy will be along shortly. Enjoy your evening Mara."

Before I left I asked, "Are you ok with the guys learning more about us? If they want to see some magic will you be around to demonstrate?"

Lily replied, "I agree with your assessment of the two of them, I don't think there's any problem letting them in on our secrets."

She added, "On the other hand Mara, you should bear this in mind. Apart from yourself, there are four people who know the truth about who and what I am. And two of them have already signed contracts with me. Are you and your girlfriends prepared for the possibility either Sam or Troy might also wish to enter into a contract of some kind?"

I didn't have to reply, Lily could tell by the look on my face I hadn't even considered that.

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