Mumu Apple’s massacre(hunting)Of the Small Rats(Chapter 4)
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A small group of rats splits between 6 males, 6 females. Small rats(lesser) and the Alpha Small Rat(lesser) were walking on the trashy ground as they looked for food. The Alpha Small rat(lesser) kept the smaller males in like and away from the Harem of females they collected and used to create stronger young rats. Finally, they stopped and began going through a massive heap of trash a couple of feet away from where Mumu Apple's new location was inside another damaged tube of metal. Suddenly two Small Rat males(Lesser) disappeared with a squeak which quickly died out. The Alpha Small rat(lesser) did not question this as they were eating along with the slowly dwindling pack of dungeon monsters.

Female small Rat(lesser):*Smells blood of her race* Squeak! Squeak!

She tries telling the Alpha small rat(Lesser) something was wrong but was tail smacked a couple of inches away and then eating thrown away food and trash. have turned the two now-dead Male Small Rats(Lesser) into look drops which have turned into 3 Rat Meat Steaks(E+ Quality) and 2 Rat pelts(E- Quality). Mumu Apple continues to hide as they suddenly gained 5 exp from the two stronger but much weaker rats who had injuries from the Alpha male Small Rat(lesser).
Experience Bar:58/100
Class Experience:58/500

Mumu Apple began to be sneaky, and one by one, the Small rats went from 12 to 8 after minutes of talking, killing, and repeat over and over. The 5 female Small Rats(lesser) and the Alpha Small Rat(Lesser) could not use anything as their leader only focused on being the strongest in the group and ignoring anyone who tells them what to do. This is the downfall of this small group of Small Rats(lesser), and Mumu Apple noticed that they had glowed brightly while sitting back in their tube eating some Small Rat Steaks(E-)that had quickly dried up. A Message appeared, and they began to clap and roll around like a child who had gotten a new toy, food, or a large rubber ball.

You have killed enough creatures and Leveled up by 1. all of your Status increased, and all of your skills under(Level 5) have increased by 1. you have Sneaked and kill several Enemies without them noticing, and you earned the skill BackStabLv1(Lesser), and your Stealth skill and Dagger skill had Leveled up 2 times due to constant use of them.

Name: Mumu Apple
Class: Thief Lv1
Race: Lesser half beastkin(Cat)
Experience Bar:0/200
Class Experience:108/500
Status Effect: N/A
Age: 8 years old
Food Meter:65%
Water Meter:62%
Clean Meter:75%
Gender: Female
HP:10/10(0.2 per hour)
Sp:8/8(0.2 per hour)
Skills: Wild SwingsLv3(Lesser), Analyze EyeLv2(Lesser), BackStabLv1(Lesser)

Passives:Dagger MasteryLv4(Lesser),PicklockingLv2(Lesser),StealthLv5(lesser),Hunger ResistinceLv2(lesser),CookingLv2(lesser), Fire startingLv2(Lesser),SewingLv2(Lesser), Bleeding Resistance(lesser)Lv2, Fear ResistinceLv4(Lesser)

Dagger MasteryLv4(Lesser): This skill makes any Dagger weapons deal 10% more damage and gain a 4% critical increase when using Daggers. Each level also gives the user more knowledge of how to use daggers without giving themselves a booboo.

BackStabLv1(Lesser): Backstab skill is what all Theif's, Assassins, and hunters have if they are Daggers or Knife's ready to kill. Deal 1.2x More Damage if you Do a BackStab on an Enemy who does not see you. If the enemy does, then this skill does nothing at all, and none of the multipliers will apply. Instead, this Skill will increase in Damage each level up and backstabbing while the enemy does not know you are there or looking is the most deadly weapon. it will take 3 Stamina to do a Single backstab and it will double the amount used if you ever missed backstab.

They Closed the Window and smiled with spit dripping from their mouth as they ate all the meat and left the now 8 Rat pelts(E-)Drying out to be turned into whatever her Childmind had storming up. The Female Small Rats(Lesser) began to act aggressively around the Alpha Small Rat(Lesser)by biting and smacking him with their tail. The Leader Ignores this and continues eating Trash while their little Harem began to dwindle 1 by 1 until only Him was Left. They Died quickly with several Stabs to their backs and bled out due to the bleed effects. The Male got out of the Pile of Trash filled with food, and they would land on the ground as their eyes turned red as they let out a super loud and bloodthirsty Squeek which made Mumu Apple more hungry and act more like a cat.

Experience Bar:30/200
Class Experience:138/500

Alpha Small Rat(lesser): SQUEAK!

Mumu Apple Snuck out of the Hole where the slowly cooking meat over a mini fire of trash and wood was happening and began to sneak on the walls Slowly. Waiting for her time and suddenly they pounced over the Enraged and Fat Alpha SmallRat(Lesser). Before the Seeing Red Monster could do anything, they began to Squeak and Scream in rage as they felt a much heavier body and Sharp object began Stabbing into their back as a Phat BackStab suddenly Crits(Luck Mumu Apple. Very Luck).


Alpha Rat was not dead but heavily injured as it began to try to squirm, bite, or hell even tail slap under the weight of the much larger being who kept on stabbing them. Several Minutes pass of Stabbing and cutting, Mumu Apple got off and used some water to quench her thirst and clean the blood off their cloak and pants(1.6 liters of water left). Before they see the Alpha Small Rat(lesser) Body disappear as three items dropped. A 1 pound(In Weight)Alpha Rat Steak(E+), 1 Large Alpha Rat Pelt(E+), and Solid Soap Slime Residue(E+)Appeared. Suddenly, another message appears as they go back to where the now dried pelts are and begin to use their poor sewing skills to create a sloppy looking altho cute looking Small Rat Bag(E-).

Congrats on completing the "Hunter VS Pray." Hidden Dungeon quest and the Second part of the "Strong VS the Weak Part 3(Updated)." and you earned a small Shirt Chest(E+) and a Shadow Upgrade Token(E+). Also, you gained a Phat total of 30(!)Exp for killing the Alpha Small Rat(Lesser) and gain an extra 20 Exp to kill an enemy higher than you.

Experience Bar:80/200
Class Experience:188/500

Mumu Apple eats all of the cooked meat from the fire and puts the sewing needle(E), Weak Spider threads(E-), and shadow token(E+) was put inside of the small Rat Bag(E-) along with the 1 pound of Alpha Rat Steak(E+) and the Large Alpha Rat Pelt(E+). They opened up the Small chest, and suddenly another bright flash happens, which caused them to jump and fell face first, Unhurt but embarrassed. The Chest poofs away and a Brown, boring-looking, short, but decently made Patched Shirt appeared, making Mumu Apple's Mood skyrocket as they can finally not be cold. They quickly put it on under their cloak and smile brightly as they began skipping and hopping in the Trashy Dungeon, who, unknown to whoever, made it, and we're making Mumu Apple Stronger and Stronger slowly. (Chapter End)