Beginner Quests and spidersChapter 10)
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Hello everyone, I am back to post chapters and a happy late new year. Also, I am back in Nebraska, enjoyed Christmas with my grandparents, and enjoyed new Year.

An hour of celebration passed, and Mumu Apple was left alone in the guildhall as their friends were busy taking a few quests/leaving Mumu alone so they could learn to work for themselves and not let them become alive. So now Mumu with Hushy(Fishman's friend) was trying to check out the guild board for any missions, but being a small as a muffin was not helping, nor were some guild members giggling at her. A large hand would give her a quest that would suit her size and rank. 

?????(Huge man): Here is the quest for collecting medical herbs(10 of them) small one.

They left the guildhall, and Mumu Apple, with Hushy in their little bag, left the guild with a smile on her face and a full stomach filled with clean water. Mumu walked out of the front door, and they would feel whiplash from the very different atmosphere as everything was way too different and new to her. Music began to play from a small group of bards. The look of quality food made their mouths water, and everything not being covered in dirt overwhelmed them a good bit. But Mumu Apple needs to focus on the quest first and get them some copper coins to save up and maybe help her fellow homeless people give them a better life.

After more walking and exiting the city walls the second time, Emicha with Hushy began walking forward down the road while looking for something called a medical herb. They, not being very educated, has no clue where to find one, other than the quest paper saying. It's in lush green grass with E- rank monsters.

Mumu Apple:.............

She Silently kept looking around before rushing towards a small patch of green stuff(Not that green stuff)and would use her Analyze Eyes to check to see if it's the herb needed for the job.

Name: Medical herb
item rank: E-
Description: A common low-quality herb used to make low-ranking medicine and salves. Shaking the herb has a small chance to get seeds of the medical herb for more planting. It also has a sweet flavor from the leaves but a bitter flavor from everything else.

Mumu Apple would take off their Leather Backpack(E+) and would shake the two hards a little to get a total of 3 M.H Seeds(E- Rank) and would put both in separate pockets, While also giving a small chunk of cooked rabbit to Hushy who woken up and squirted Mumu's face with water. Meanwhile, Hushy was poking their little fishhead out and checking the low grass area for anything dangerous. Quickly it saw something weird and made a loud bloop noise at Mumu Apple.

She quickly lays in the grass and checks around and sees a massive creature about the size of Hushy, but a little bigger, and a swarm of them was around a tree stump, Quickly their magical eyes began scanning the three monsters with several legs.

Race: Large Silk Spider
Level: 3/5
Skills: BiteLv3(Lesser), Silk shotLv2(Lesser)
Description: a Large black spider that uses durable and soft silk for traps. (Can't see any more info due to low-level Analyze Eye skill)

Analyze EyeLv2(Lesser) ----->Analyze EyeLv3(lesser)

Mumu Apple would slowly begin sneaking through the grass, which hid her decently. Mumu Apple was now crawling on the dirt floor slowly. She takes her Serrated dagger(E+ quality), slowly goes behind one of the giant six-legged monsters, and quickly and struggles to pull one close to them and does a painful but quick stab and long slice down the abdomen of the creature. It worked, and the creature died, but the others noticed, and Mumu Apple quickly jumped back and now had both daggers in hand.

Damaged dealt: 15(From Stabbing and a massive Slice downward)
Large silk spider killed(2/3 left)
Exp gained:80
(stats update)
Experience Bar:0/400
Class Experience:370/600

All skills and passives gain 1+ level if under level 5(lesser)

Both now angry large silk spiders would make a loud hissing noise, and one of them fired a large amount of web fired from their rear end, while the other jumped towards Mumu Apple with a need to get a good bite. Emicha having no experience dodging, would clumsily dodge to the left, which had her open to a painful bite and dodging some but not all of the webs to her left leg. Now somewhat stuck used her right leg to try stomp on it, but missed and it jumped onto her face, and it began biting her like crazy.

Hushy got made, and a small but quick ball of water fired from their mouth to stun the large silk spider for a second, and Mumu Apple, panicking, would quickly grab it and toss it to the ground. Before stomping on its head a few times, killing it instantly, and getting out of the sticky silk trap. The last one got scared, and it tried to run away, But Mumu Apple had an angry face on and would lap on it and crush it under her body weight, destroying the silk sack and body.

Mumu Apple(Thinking): Status

Name: Mumu Apple
Class: Thief Lv2
Race: Lesser half beastkin(Cat)
Experience Bar:260/400
Class Experience:210/600
Status Effect: N/A
Age: 8 years old
Food Meter:68%
Water Meter:55%
Clean Meter:58%
Gender: Female
HP:5.6/16(0.2 per hour)
Sp:6/11(0.2 per hour)
Skills: Wild SwingsLv3(Lesser), Analyze EyeLv3(Lesser), BackStabLv2(Lesser)

Passives:Dagger MasteryLv7(Lesser),PicklockingLv5(Lesser),StealthLv6(lesser),Hunger ResistinceLv2(lesser),CookingLv4(lesser), Fire startingLv3(Lesser),SewingLv5(Lesser), Bleeding Resistance(lesser)Lv3, Fear ResistinceLv5(Lesser), SurvivalistLv2(Lesser), DiggingLv3(Lesser),LimitBreakerLvMax(Hidden)

Emicha would clean herself and then quickly checked Hushy to see they were safe and well, then did a little cheeky peek at their status to see what they had.

Name: Hushy
Experience bar:80/400
Race: Baby Fishmen
Age: 2 days
mutation point:0
Intelligence: 1
Skills:Water bulletLv1(Lesser),SoftbiteLv1(Lesser)
Passive: WetskinLv1(lesser), Water ManipulationLv1(Lesser)

The Screen Closed and Mumu Apple would go to the two other dead silk spiders and begin to use her dagger to cut off the legs, cut out the two silk sacks(E+ Quality) and then get up and go back to get more herbs than needed, collecting more seeds, and finish this quest which gives her a total of 15 copper coins. Mumu Apple finished the boring herb picking, monster avoiding, and silently going back to the guild to turn in the quest and maybe get some sleep.

Caramel: Eww, you smell like spider guts, little fighter, but no matter as all showers are free along with the free room in the basement guild master gave you out of pitty. Now, did you finish that quest?

Mumu Apple would plop down a small pile of green stuff/Medical herbs onto the desk, and both her and Hushy had a prideful look on their face. A couple of guild members looked surprised at how many medical herbs were on the desk, while others laughed and made jokes on how probably most of them were stolen or bought with money. Caramel not buying this would pull her status stone and check the herbs if they are fresh or stolen.

Name: Medical herbs
item Quality:(20 E- and 10 E+ ranks)
Stolen: No
Freshness: Very fresh

Caramel: *Sighs* well, Little fighter, I have to say you have completed this quest and then some, so your reward will be increased due to the amount you bring here. You will be given 23 copper coins and a small crafting kit(E- Quality) as a bonus. Congrats, you need to complete four more quests to have a chance to rank up.

Caramel said, annoyed as they gave Mumu Apple their coin and extra reward, which quickly got pocketed. Mumu apple would rush to the showers to clean and dry, get out and walk to the basement door to lay down and sleep. Mumu Apple used a combination of torn cotton, cloth and hay to make a pillow and bed, while Hushy would fall asleep in the small water-filled bag that never leaks too much. And now both fall asleep for a nice short nap(Chapter ends)