Ch. 49 Need to Talk
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Chapter 49

Need to Talk


After we finish dinner, it's time for introductions. I tell my new slaves, and the raccoon girl, all the names of my earlier acquaintences.

Zo Ro) 'This guy with a fox leg is Hu Go, the soon-to-be-former Elder of the autumn crescent sect.'

Hao Long) "What happened to his leg?"

Z) 'His nephew Kujo is eating it for dinner.' Some eyebrows rise up in surprise.

Go Rong) "Why would he be leaving the sect? Wouldn't he be more useful to you Master, by remaining inside?"

Z) 'Because the autumn crescent is a hidden devil sect. Pretending to be orthodox or even righteous, while disguising themselves to commit heinous crimes in secret. And he'll be most useful to us in the way he resigns from being their Elder.'
'To continue, the new person over there with a fox arm is Guy Two, and the one next to him is Guy Three. They'll be helping Hu Go to resign from the sect.' Smiles and waving.
'Then this fine fellow right here is Guy Four. He'll need to pick out a new name later.' Nod
'This little cutie is an orphan named Po Puri. I hope you'll make her feel welcome.' Bow
'The other ten of them are the Rando bunch. They'll be helping me with my cultivation.'1ominous. . (add sweatdrop emoji?)

Randos) """UN!""" Each raising a fist up high in salute.

Miti) "Why didn't the other two come back with you? Dare and Doko."

Z) . . 'They did come back. . And we'll hold a funeral for them tomorrow. Along with Puri's brother.'
'Is there anything else I'm forgetting?'

Tigress 3) 'We need to talk with you. In private.'

Z) 'Sure.'

My Kara-Kar carries me along to follow after the three tigresses. Just a bit away from the camp, out of earshot from the rest.


T2) 'What the hell was all that!? First your servants are fighting them, now they call you master?'

T1) 'And aren't these guys from the same sect that had us enslaved?'

Z) 'Yes, that's them. That was a slavery spell I used on them, which made them totally loyal to me. I told them my plan was to have them call down a Celestial Tribulation on themselves in the midst of our enemies' leaders, their Elders within that sect. Then when I asked if they had any objections, they smiled and said it's a good idea.'
'If you're worried about me doing the same to you, consider this: I've had over 6 weeks to try it, but you can still doubt me. That proves I didn't, and probably don't intend to.'

T3) 'So what happens next?'

Z) 'The three strongest of them will be sent back as weapons against their own sect. The next strongest one will join among my servants, like Rong and Long. The rest, like I said, will help me advance my cultivation.'

T2) 'What does that mean?'

Z) 'I'll devour not just their Qi, but also their talent, their Affinities. Leaving them a mere husk of a mortal. Just living meat. Then, if you want. . '

T3) 'What if you devour the other three then?'

Z) 'The whole plan depends of them breaking through into fourth Tier together. What if taking away their talent means they can't break through anymore? And for them to get a meeting with the sect's leaders, they will need to hurry back. Maybe a few days could be forgiven, even a week, but not months. So we can't try it on someone else first to find out.'

T3) 'Um, I meant taking their Qi too. Besides scrapping the counterattack.'

Z) 'That would only save me a month or two of cultivating. At this point attacking their leadership is more important. So they can't continue attacking me.. Us. . Me.'
(sigh) 'They'd like to have you three back. And probably the others as well. But they need me. Desperately. And they know it. Hiding isn't a good option. Submitting is right out. Fleeing isn't much better. That only leaves fighting. And turning their own vile forces against them is a much better option than having to sacrifice any of you.'
'Besides, their seer predicted a calamity would soon befall their sect. And I'd hate to disappoint them.'

T1) 'Which seer do you mean?'

Z) (Big, fangy grin) 'You forgot? The old bitch I turned into my tigress. She'll have to join your "torture the wolf"  sessions starting from tomorrow.'

T2) . .'Alright, thank you for your time.'

Z) 'No need to be so formal, we're all friends here.'
'By the way, were you three intending to choose names for yourselves any time soon?'
'I could just keep thinking of you as "Fire" "Stone" and "Water" but that's not the same thing.'

T1) 'No, not really'

T3) 'Me neither.'

T2) 'What they said.'

We make our way back to the others, where Maw and Uncle are waiting for me.

Vixen) 'Kit.. Son, we need to talk.'

And so the three four of us head off where the tigresses led me.


Z) 'I think I know what this is about.'

Uncle) 'I've decided to go through with Kujo's training, to gain elemental Physiques. With the pain reduction spell of course.'

V) 'Me too.'

Z) 'Okay, I did not see that coming. At least for another week or so.'
'I thought you'd be worried about the new Guys.'

U) 'They're just more of your loyal slaves, right? They'll just want to do whatever you tell them to want.'

V) 'It's really more of a selfish wish on our parts. We want to be strong and talented enough to be seen as worthy of staying with you.'

U) 'What was it you said to the wolf boy back when you first captured him?'

Z) '*You're barely worthy of carrying my shoes. But I don't wear any, so you're useless.* Or something close to that anyway.'

V) 'The big lug here is a little better than that lunkhead was, at the time. But where does that leave me?'

Z) 'Alright you two.. Maw, I can finish setting you up for the Unique Physiques as soon as I catch up on other "urgent work." Mostly to do with reinforcing the newcomers' slave seals before they eventually wear off in about a week. But also getting the three of them ready to be sent on their suicide attack. The rest of their stuff is important, but not urgent. And Uncle, I can start on yours as soon as I reach Tier 3. Unless you want to switch out for a wonderfully foxxy tail? But first, remember I said the Randos will help my cultivation. By that I mean I'll be devouring theirs. That should take at least a month off the wait.'

U) 'Why didn't you say so earlier, when we were all together?'

Z) 'I didn't want to scare the new kid. We're going to have to be her new family from now on. How would we gain her trust if she is terrified I'll do the same to her? Honestly the only reason I'm even considering doing so to these other guys is that I'm pretty sure they're full of bad Karma. If not their own, then from the sect we took them from.'

V) 'If they're full of bad karma, then why would you want to take their cultivation for your own?'

Z) 'Because it doesn't transfer that way. When you punish someone who has bad Karma, you earn yourself good Karma.. Well, it's not quite that simple, but yeah.'

V) 'What is karma anyway?'

Z) 'Let's continue this discussion back with the others. Let's go, Kara Kar.'

KK) "Yes Master."


Z) 'When you look at the results, Karma is so similar to Luck or Fate that the three are nearly indistinguishable. You almost never really know which one of the three caused any given outcome. Or maybe it's a combination of them.'
'Regardless, these three forces have very different origins from each other. With Luck, it's entirely random. Good luck today, bad luck tomorrow, no pattern or reason at all. Or some people may be Fated to have good or bad Luck.'
'With Fate, it's ordained by the heavens. Sometimes an important outcome is decided even before you were born. Actually, the Tribulation when you ascend Tiers is a punishment because you "go against the heavens." Moreso a Celestial Tribulation when a Vow is broken. But that's not important right now.'
'Karma is different from those two by being entirely an internal force, at least in its origin. Everything good you do for others earns you good karma, and everything bad you do to others earns you bad karma. Good karma then spends itself by causing good outcomes for you, while bad karma causes bad outcomes.'
'For example, when someone steals something, he earns bad karma. After that the bad karma causes him to be shunned from society. This is how bandit groups form. Then they don't have any way to support themselves without more stealing. Eventually, their bad karma and infamy grow so great others come to wipe them out. But the reverse is equally true.'
'One of the best ways to earn good karma is to protect innocents. And one of the ways to protect innocents is to punish baddies. But be careful of how you go about this. Because on its own, simply "punishing baddies" could instead earn you bad karma. That reminds me. Hu Go, other than the plots against me, does your autumn crescent sect often harm others?'

G) "There are a few secret missions each month. Rarely less than five, but sometimes more than ten. They are always done in disguise."

Z) 'Like earlier today, and the time a thousand years ago when Si Yu personally led an assault against an outpost of the Blade Lotus sect?'

Mu Lauhu) 'How did you know about that!?'

Z) 'My pill refining teacher was the remnant spirit of one of your victims. We've all been living in those same ruins until a short while ago.'
'As I was trying to allude to, we aren't punishing the autumn crescent sect for what they've done to me personally. Or at least that's not the whole reason. We are also protecting all of their future victims from this hidden devil sect's depradations. By dismantling the sect at the very least. Remind yourselves of this discussion each day.'

now I have my Kara-Kar ferry me over, right up to the group of Guys.

Z) 'With you four, I need to transplant a part of my body onto each of yours along with a few stronger spells. To make your slave spells permanent, among others. So it's your turns, Three and Four.'

4) "Which of us are which numbers again?"

Z) 'The one who already has my arm is Two. The other one of you who killed one of my wolf beastkins is Three. Then the last one who is staying with me instead of attacking the sect is Four. Now extend your right leg, Three.' (It's a good thing my no pain spell is only about an hour old, and should last at least a week.)



Z) 'Now for Four. You'll get one of my tails. But we'll need a wound on the base of your spine to attach it to. Kara Kar?'

KK) "Yes Master."



Z) 'Okay, that's my limit for today. We'll continue this in the morning. Kara Kar, bed me.'