chapter 4: prepare for trouble!…
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I figured out that Fermi is a male name, so now she is named Ferli. Also, here is some chibi art of our main protagonist!Don't you worry about anything, as all the characteristics will be reasoned about in the next chapter.

What Luna wasn't expecting to wake up to was to Hear Ferli cursing her bad luck and at someone else. For some reason, all the curse words used are child-friendly for Luna. (The gods didn't want the children of this world to be cruelly taught curse words at a young age.)

“Who are you to judge what I wear, demon!” said the feminine voice

“I know bad fashion when I see it, *Meanie*!” Ferli said.

“How did you even get here anyway?” The voice replied,” I got here because someone forgot to check to notify of a revival.”

“Ha! You forgot that?” said the giggling Ferli,” I thought this reincarnator would have lived longer, so I hitched a ride!”

Luna frowned mentally at the last statement, and sent the mental equivalent of a smack to Ferli

“Ow, okay, I understand that's still a sensitive subject!”

“Ooh, can you let me off soon!” yelled the voice

“How do I do that?” Luna asked, while she was trying to sit up from her prone position.

“I don't know.” said the new voice

“Me either!”


“What do we do now?” 

Luna thought about the best option she could think of, “introduce ourselves?”

“Ooh, that's a good idea, My name is Ferli”

“My name is Luna!” 

“My name is Fa” The voice said

“Oh, that's interesting, What does your name mean?”

“I don't know”

“Well okay fun assassin then!” Ferli said.

“This is why you demons are, so annoying, You don't know when to stop joking!” yelled the annoyed Fa.

“Well, I wasn't taught any of the other demon techniques like those succubus techniques or any of that! They thought I was a child when I walked around, and wouldn't teach me anything!”

Luna and Fa did the mental equivalent of looking at each other before they both mentally snickered. Luna didn't actually remember what a succubus did, but she knows Ferli wouldn't have liked doing it.

When Luna Tried to get up, she felt like she had a little more trouble getting up then before. Maybe she had finally started growing a chest! She looked down to see that she was still as flat as the great plains.


Worst word choice ever

“Ow, ow owie” They all cried in pain


Cursing while in presence of children will certainly be punished. If you are, in fact, the child in question, you will receive 5 times the punishment, ouch!


Luna and all her mental companions were reeling in pain after that punishment.

“What did we do!” Luna cried. Fa answered simply, “no cursing, the system of rules here was made by a strict mother goddess!”

“This is the biggest turn off ever!” cried Ferli, “I only wanted to create a harem of heroes again!” She cried. 

“Do you even know what it takes to make a harem?” Fa asked her.

Ferli struck another pose, “Lots of friends of any gender! No exceptions, and you go around to play games with them like tag, and other things”!

Fa actually felt like arguing this point, but after thinking about it, the demon was right. Most harems were the friends of the person.

“Ferli how did you die? I always wanted to get that out of the way,” Luna asked.

Ferli sat there for a moment before she answered

“A bunch of fat and rich looking men kept injecting me with things that made me see stuff and go to sleep, and I always woke up sore. The hero came into my cell one night and put me out of my misery, but don't worry. I don't mind the loss because I have new friends. The only problem I had was all the angels up there treated me like some broken doll up in heaven, and they always asked if I wanted to talk about it? They told me That the fat and rich people had forced me into killing people for their amusement, and said that I had killed hundreds of kittens, which made me the maddest. I like kitties because they require their respect to be earned!”

Fa was so surprised at the answer she actually stopped thinking for a moment, “Ferli what do you remember, or if you don't want to I can just erase it.”

Ferli was a little confused at the strange kindness from Fa, wasn't she being *meanie* before she said how she died, and she didn't really see any problem with the memory? “Why are you being nice right now? Do you want something from me!?”

“I think you might need to agree with her Ferli” said Luna, she understood what they had done was bad for Ferli. That memory was not one anyone should have to burn for that long.

“H-how does it work?” While Fa was talking to Ferli about erasing the cruelty she had been put through, Luna went off to actually make her mortal body survive.


The soul known as Ferli is now recognized as a wronged soul, and receives protections from churches, Tootles!-god of kind mischief


“Well that's convenient”

Luna got up and started stretching, deciding to ignore the 2 friends in her head. She pulled at her arm during her stretch, closing her eyes as she did so.1This type of stretch


Luna opened her eyes to see that the river she had been standing next to had disappeared, and a massive fog hazed around her. Fish started landing all around her as she stood there, Some even falling in the new hole. Luna looked down at her now steaming hand that had caused this whole mess.



You have completely destroyed part of a river!

You have angered the goddess of water Anahita

The goddess of Anahita has remembered that you had drowned and calmed down a bit.

You now have left the goddess of water miffed at you!

You now have unlocked the title “punisher of gods”

You now have the curse “water bane” because of your action, and now you can't swim! 

You now have the curse of “Water feared” because of your actions

The Mother God of Earth punished the Goddess of Water for her anger

Gaia thinks you're cute, so the curses don't effect you as bad.

Gaia gave you the blessing “return to earth” allowing you to see living things that are on the ground withing 500 meters!

She has given you the blessing “child destined for great things, and bad luck will always follow those with potential”

Your potential level has increased to ∞

Your luck is permanently stuck to 1 and has left the negative value

Because of the appearance of the gods, your third blessing has revealed itself to the gods. You are now watched by them.

The third blessing you got from your reincarnation still refuses to show itself to you.


“WHY IS MY LUCK SO BAD!? THIS IS AN INFORMATION OVERLOAD,” before breaking down and smacking her head with her small fist, “ But also not enough! WAKE UP, You haven't become the hated enemy of all the gods in this realm…”

“Yet?” Luna finished.

“No, you're pretty much dead already.” Ferli said, showing her presence to Luna's mind.

“Yeah, these gods have been heard to be ruthless with punishments on those who damage the world unless they have high potential for helping it” said Fa

What did she even do? One second she was doing stretches for her arms, and the next the gods were acting as judge over her actions.

“Daxiel, I ask you, pray to you even, let me go through reincarnation again, so I can leave my soul to clean up my mess!”

Also, one other thing child

“Please don't kill me!”


I did this entire part of the novel when I was stressed because I had to do the entirety of a months work of notes in a few days. It is done now, but I wrote this part of this chapter to see how I could use the table and figure out how some of it works, and to escape the torture of Foreign language classes. I accidentally deleted this entire chapter one time when I was writing it. You may assume that I could pull out a revision, and I could have kept going, but the save failed. With this I have technically written this chapter twice, so I was slightly annoyed at it during a certain part of it, sorry.

