chapter 7:not a very good design team
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I realized that people might confuse why Fa only sometimes talks, she is much more talkative whenever she is passionate about the subject, or she has a point to bring up.

Luna had gotten lucky enough to find herself on the side of the road. She was unlucky enough though to be directionless, as if she had decided to go to the left instead of the right, she would have gotten to a town through the old abandoned road she was following. She instead decided to, with no landmark to show her it was a bad idea or a good idea, go to the right.

Luna was on her walk on her trounce through the road, finally.

“Pump-a-rum, Pump-a-rum, Pump-a-rum” Ferli cried in Luna's head as she walked down the road

obviously, the little demon was comparing her walking to a less than discernible reference of an RPG game that Luna had played, a game that loved making the players walk as much as any other RPG. The only difference was the game Ferli referenced was hard as hell, leaving Luna to shiver at the mention.

“Never again” Fa mumbled

She continued walking up a hill to it's top, before seeing a town at the bottom of the hill.

“People!” Luna cried.

Before she realized that people was the thing that brought her into this situation, besides a certain demon

“Hey!” Ferli cried.

She ignored that and mulled over the problems with going here, they might not know yet that she was someone who was important yet. They also could think that she was dead.

She looked at herself, at her demonic and angelic features, and thought one thing

'Eh, it's not like they would be able to recognize me anyway'

she then walked right into the town

because she made the decision quickly, she didn't even see when the area where she entered the town rippled after she entered

The town was fine for a bit, But Luna realized around 20 seconds into her “tour” was an empty town.

Well not to say there weren't people, just people that didn't seem like… people

The first person she had met had actually been a skeleton, so she didn't count them as a person, the people who walked around though

The people looked smudged when she walked up to them, like they were badly cut sculptures, their faces warped with disfigured grins or some were small chucks missing out of their body, And they didn't speak at all. 

They would start walking towards her if she got close to them

As any normal child would be if they entered a place like this, Luna was crying and running away from the smudged people

“Too scary!”

She ran through the town before bumping into the back of another towns' girl

Luna put her hands up in fear as the girl turned around

who looked realistically human compared to the other townsfolk

except she was exceptionally gray, like really, really gray

even here eyes and the white of her eyes were gray

Of course, Luna reacted a little more reasonably to this,

“Noo! Solid Ghost!”

Luna was then bonked unconscious by the annoyed girl

if the main antagonist is a female demon , demon lord or demon queen? One meme answer allowed!
  • demon lord! Votes: 2 9.5%
  • demon queen! Votes: 10 47.6%
  • demon lord queen? Votes: 2 9.5%
  • femon lord?? Votes: 5 23.8%
  • demon female lord queen??? Votes: 7 33.3%
  • THOT! Votes: 7 33.3%
Total voters: 21