Chapter 15.
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"... What the hell is happening?"

She asked to me while I am continuing my useless mutters. I didn't answer, I can't in the first place.

"I... Am..."

I keep muttering this word without any stop.

She shot an arrow but before it was shot, it was already frozen. I lowered the ambient air temperature to make it easier to freeze the arrows.

"I... Am..."

... What the hell is happening? It shouldn't be a sim... Oh I get it... System... We're going to talk later.


I freeze the entire room so that fire can't be made here... It's cold... Cold enough so that I, the one closely dying will be dying quicker if not treated.

She didn't said anything and as she can't make fire arrows, she decided to make ice arrows to shoot me. I made a barrier again.

"Get out of my mind..."

I said as I blocked more ice arrows. I dodged a barrage of arrow as the barrier broke off and decided to attack her.

"Like I let you!"

She said as she fired an ice spear behind me but I move to the left to dodge that and grabbed it, before throwing it at Shera. She dodged it but she stopped pouring me with arrows to do so and using that to my advantage, close the gap between us and slashed my sword. She is grazed by the sword causing her to bleed but that isn't enough.

As I am already close, I slashed by sword and duck to not get hit by a wind arrow from behind, while she immediately started using her bow again and I made a barrier... My mana should be.... 40%.

"... The pain... Isn't worth this... Like I care! I am living and that is all that matters."

Two conflicting voices appear from my mouth... The second one is me and the first one is probably....... Him... So what if the world is a pain? I live... And live... and live... That is all. If I die, then I die, that is normal to happen but I will stop that from happening... At least until I can't.

I thrown two dagger above me while they have a mana string that is just short and with my throwing strength I am sure I can carry myself.

After that, I thrown two more dagger beside her as she redirected the bow. After being in my targeted place, I made a barrier to defend me from her arrows. But since I am behind her. I summon a wind arrow behind her as she dodges it, I struck my sword to hit her and it did hit her, causing a shallow wound to appear. Not missing my chance, I made a mana sword and struck that after my slash, she took it and as a result, I grabbed bow and destroyed it. That should at least weaken her out by 10%.


The moment she lost her bow... She looked a bit different and as she tried to summon a thing... She can't. Hmm... What is with that bow? Why is she scared to me when she isn't earlier? Who the hell... Made that bow?.... Focus and calm up... It is probably someone who is cruel and the one who uses her to his or her biding... That much is obvious but what I need to know is why... The answer to that also obvious, the one who

controlled her wanted power.

"Ugghh... The pain... Is too much... Bear with it. Like I care about you going haywire."

This voice of mine is really annoying to deal with. Now I just need to deal with my mind as she isn't attacking yet.

I enter my own mind to see... Myself that is enshrouded on darkness... An aura of darkness.

"... Pain... Pain..."

... I guess I know what happened... It is me... The me that I always despise...... A different version of me.

"Accept it. We both can't live in this body. Only one of us can do that..."

I drawn my sword in this

"And I guess... I have a high chance to lose."

While I said that, the other me draws his sword. Who will be the real me? It is him or me? Of course I need to win...

I dashed straight at him as I slashed my blade, he block it with his own wooden sword as he struck back and I couldn't dodge that. It is better than me when it is using a sword and I am better than it using magic. But this place doesn't allow magic.


"I get that it is painful... Dying to a wolf... Dying to a bigger wolf... Being a puppet to a book... The things that I had past through are something that didn't happen to you. All in all... No matter who lives in here... We will die a worthless death."

I slashed my sword, of course he dodged that and I move to the side to dodge his attack and I attacked again.

"... Pain... Pain..."

It kept repeating this word while attacking me, I blocked his attacks and kicked, but he noticed that and moved away before I hit him. Despite all of this... I am fighting my own self that is different to me as well... The me who is a puppet and the me who isn't a puppet... I wonder who will prevail? I am not hoping for it to be me... Nor... me.

"Pain... Honestly... Do you think living with that pain is worth it?"

It said as his eyes changes color to dark red and the aura he has to banish. I stopped attacking as he also stopped attacking.

"I wouldn't know. I am just doing what ever I want. I never came to this continent to kill the demon lord, I came here to see if living here was worth it... Travelling... Lots and lots... Doing something... That is what life is about right?"

I asked him a question while I looked at his dark red eyes.

"Life... Isn't about living... Is what I would say but considering the fact that I still died... No I didn't died... It is just that..."

He said as he is looking at me.

"Life isn't worth it. Pain isn't worth it. But dying just to forget the pain isn't worth it... But I know that one of us has to die... Who will it be?"

I asked.

"... Your eyes are blue... Dark blue..."

He said as he looking at me... That doesn't matter.

"Your eyes are red too... Dark red."

I said as i looked at my wooden sword. He also looked at his sword... I guess I know what is he thinking. "I guess... I know that this will be my last life."... Is what is he thinking.

"It isn't."

I stab his heart with my sword as he unconsciously stab my heart with his sword.

"It be... A miracle."

I said as I returned to the world with both of our memories... Pain... Isn't that important.

I looked around in this place to see a Shera that fainted... And footsteps. The one who controlled her should be that one.

"Don't wake up. I need to kill a bastard that controls a person."

I quietly muttered as I looked at the one who appeared. A man on a black robe and a black mask... The mask looks like a mask that is soaked in black blood. Black blood... Is something that even I hate to see... It is the blood of someone who died, while being cursed... The only way for someone to have black blood is simple... Die by a curse... If you seen someone like that then you will know that someone cursed them... As no one can curse you, only someone else can do that... Normally.

"What do we have here? A wannabe hero and the demon lord! Why don't you kill her while I am looking?"

He said with that sarcastic tone of his.

"Wannabe hero? Don't try to make me laugh. I am just a wandering traveller."

I said as I drawn my sword... Feels natural... Probably because of the other me.

"Hmm? You actually trying to kill me? Hahahahahaha!! You fool! You will die!! You think I am weaker than her?"

He said as he is bluffing. And I can even see it straight from my eyes... That you are actually just a despicable bastard that controlled a person to your bidding.

I slashed my sword. Before returning it to it's sheathe.

"What did you do?"

He asked as he noticed that I didn't do anything... Yet.

I drawn the sword again but this time, I did it quickly and return it back. You will think what I am doing is wasting time and that is right... I am wasting time, intentionally. I need him to see me like I am buying time because I think I can't defeat him when he can't even take one slash of mine.

"I see... You are scared of me! Its hard to notice when you are not shaking."

He shouted... That is right... I made this with the plan for that to work... Now I just need to get closer and stab him in the heart and burn him into eternal darkness.