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Hope everyone's year has been good so far :)





Real World, Japan

Reimu watched Sephiroth make his first move. She'd already made hers, and hoped the evil villain wasn't aware of her plans. Thanks to the update provided by the King of Time, she knew that Sephiroth could read minds, and thus hadn't relied on pulling thoughts together to take him down. It was instinct she would need.

Just as she had hoped, Sephiroth closed the gap between them and swung his sword, Masamune, hoping to startle Reimu into action. She was ready for him, jumping away and flinging her arm outwards. As she did so a pattern wrapped around Sephiroth's blade in the shape of a purple diamond, holding it back into place.

"I've caught you." She said with a little smirk.

"If you think that's going to work, then you're sadly mistaken!"

With one harsh jerk the connection was severed. Sephiroth shook off his blade. His long silver hair covered most of his features due to the sudden onslaught of torrential rain,  but Reimu saw enough to know how confident he was.

"Tch!" Reimu tutted.

She didn't really think it would work. It was a test of his power, and as she had suspected, the only answer lay in the summons she had at her disposal. 

There was one summon in particular she wanted to use but didn't know if the time was ready or not. 

Her, that is, [Suzaku, Seikun God of Love] with that power, Reimu knew she couldn't and wouldn't fail. It was her last hope, but before that, she would use the [others] to their limit.

"A summon?" Sephiroth quirked, reading her mind. He leapt away and rose his sword high into the murky sky, and lightning zapped right to his blade tip. The shining was too intense for her to see, so Reimu covered her eyes. When at last her vision had returned, it was to a new and improved sword. Thanks to the lightning, it had become infused with the element. 

"Fine. You leave me no choice--!" Reimu shouted. 

She would use [Suzaku] and end the fight before it got out of hand. The lightning blade could do immense damage not only to her but the entire populace, and that was a big risk to take. Especially considering that all the Red Dragon Balls hadn't been recovered yet.

Eight Yin-Yang orbs appeared around Reimu's form as she channeled the Love God, the Phoenix Suzaku. 

Her charcoal eyes widened. 

"Nothing is---coming out?" She tried yet again to summon Suzaku when Sephiroth started to chuckle. "You! What's so funny?" She asked him through gritted teeth.

"Hm hm. That Suzaku would have been truly spectacular. It's too bad that it won't work for you." He said.

It took a few moments before Reimu came to the horrible realization that somehow, Game Master had been made aware of her summon [Suzaku]!

'But how?' She wondered.

"Really, it's difficult keeping all those plans a secret from someone like me," Sephiroth answered. He chuckled again, "I knew at once when we met what your intentions would be. Quite brave, sending the others away. You were convinced the King of Time would come through for you."

"No..." Reimu stumbled back. Her resolve had been crumbled away. Without someone like Suzaku to call upon, how could she defeat Sephiroth? There had to be a way for it to work.

At that moment, Zamasu appeared from thin air. He descended down, his Kai outfit he wore becoming drenched right away, and hovered behind Reimu. Quietly he said, "I don't have much time here. He will read my mind as well, and then we'll be in trouble. For now, know that when the time is right, Trunks and Chisato will break the [seal] on Suzaku and you can win."

"I see." Reimu sighed in relief and nodded. Her gaze was once more firm. "Then that's enough for me."

"Good luck." Zamasu said before vanishing. 

Reimu was alone once more.

"Now then, let's get back to the part where I annihilate you and everyone on this pitiful rock called Earth." Sephiroth hit his blade towards the ground, and three claw marks drug through it, lightning ripping the pavement away. The electric poles nearby sparked as the transformers exploded in a loud eruption.

"No! The people!" Reimu screamed out. She flew down and thrust out her purification rod, intending to summon and fix the mess with [Belldandy], but was too late. 



Her enemy continued his harassments. She was left no choice but avoid the attacks and figure out the next move to take, to slow him down. 

'Anything I think of, he will use against me.'

Even thinking something purposefully wrong could be her undoing. Reimu adjusted the red bow atop her head and squared her shoulders. "Since that's the case, I won't hold back!"

[Summon: Magatsuhi, the Goddess of Disaster]

The summoning worked. Eight Yin-Yang orbs surrounded Reimu before a brilliant light came forth. Once it faded, a beautiful Goddess stood there with a hand on her curvy hip. Black blue hair in two wavy pigtails, a revealing and short dress, and matching dark gloves going up to her elbow were her garments. Garnet red eyes and tiny devil horns from her forehead completed the look.

"Magatshuhi, [Misfortune Buster]!" Reimu shouted out.

Sephiroth readied himself as Dark amulets shot out from Magatshuhi. He avoided some of them but even with his top notch speed wasn't able to dodge all. They lodged into his person and faded from sight, black smoke rising from them. "What is this?" He hissed out loud.

'Good. He's got Bad Luck now. That should help me.' Reimu thought to herself.

"Bad Luck. I see, then let's test that out!" He zipped forward to Reimu but found himself facing Magasthuhi, who automatically used her other attack, [Dark flame Destruction].

Fire infused amulets burst from nowhere. They hit their target, and Reimu smirked as Sephiroth fell to one knee. He glared up at her, "That was impressive. It won't last long, will it? After all, you can't use her for another thirty minutes. Her time has ran out!"

As he said, Magatshuhi faded away.

"Take this!" Sephiroth jumped high, high into the dark sky and poised his sword downward. His aim; Reimu. She was winded from using her summon to its limit and still panted for air, watching with tired eyes as he came ramming down for her. 

'I'll be too slow! No choice!'

[Musou Tensei] + Ultra Instinct. The time limit of us, ten minutes, had expired, and for that Reimu was grateful. She dodged the impaling Hell's Gate Attack just in the nick of time. Sephiroth's sword landed squarely just where she stood, jammed for the moment into the pavement. 


The attack that missed still did a lot of damage to everything else. The ground was pulverized into pieces, and chunks of it flew up and away. 




Marisa held out her Divine Time Mini-Hakkero and swung it towards Fu's demonic face. "Try me, you vile oni!"

Out from her Mini-Hakkero came seven Emerald's. They were all a different color, starting with Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Purple and White. Those seven jewels came together over Marisa's golden brown head and glowed a blinding, radiant light. 

Shallot stepped away from her holding his eyes. "Urk! What the heck is that? This energy is...?"

When he opened his eyes, Shallot saw that Marisa's looks had transformed. Her hair turned silver, and as she glared at Fu with a smirk, her eyes shown a vibrant aqua. The energy radiating from her was almost at God level, Shallot knew. He held his breath in wait.

Fu wasn't impressed. He pushed his dark glasses up the bridge of his nose and rolled his eyes. "So you have a new form. Good for you. Seems like the King of Time is just handing out upgrades! Well, I've got a few of my own!"

"Chih--this isn't just any upgrade. This is my Hyper Form! All of my base powers have been multiplied, and I have a few extras too, heh! Like this!" Marisa said that and vanished from sight, appearing right behind Fu. She thrust out her Divine-Time Mini Hakkero, using Divine Magic Missile. The attack came from her person in the shape of several missile sized objects, all aimed for Fu's backside. He turned but the fast missiles launched and struck him repeatedly. Frozen, Fu could only blink his red eyes in shock.

"Haha! How did you like those apples?" Marisa asked. She wasn't finished with him yet, and now that he was paralyzed, her next attack was to use Divine Non-Directional Laser. Harsh, purple streams of light struck out in all directions.

"Hey! Watch it!" Shallot shouted. He had narrowly avoided getting hit with one, and only the speed of his God form was enough to dodge the would be blow.

Fu was covered in dust. When it fell away from him, his face, arms, lab coat and glasses were covered in scuffs. And the look on his face wasn't a happy one at all. "I bet you can't do that one twice," he said with menace. 

"Don't need to! Blegh!" Marisa replied, pulling her eyelid down and sticking out her tongue.

Shallot, who was hovering in the rainy sky, crossed his arms and sighed out loud. "Quit messing around and finish him. In case you forgot, I have to find the rest of the Red Dragon Balls?"

He left out the fact that a nagging feeling had him worried over Chisato. There was a certain feeling inside his gut, twisting his nerves around. Shallot knew that if he didn't get to her and soon, something bad would happen.

Marisa was only slightly distracted by Shallot, but it was enough for her enemy to disappear and appear behind her, snatching away the Divine Time-Mini Hakkero with a slip of his fingers. 

"Hey! That's mine!" She said angrily.

"Hmm, it's pretty light weight, considering all those attacks it has inside. What's it made out of it? Diamond? Technology?" He looked at her weapon with the eyes of a scientist.

Shallot ran a hand down his face. 'Great! He got her Divine Time--whatever the hell it's called. Now what?' 

He thought about stepping in, but was pleasantly surprised to watch as Marisa's handy Divine Time Mini-Hakkero appeared all by itself right into her palm once more.

"Hmm, so it's attached to your energy. Interesting," Fu commented. He pulled out one of his swords and added, "Guess I'll just lock away your powers. Then I'll take out Shallot, or should I say Yuusuke?"

"It's Shallot." Said Shallot with a frown.

"Coordinates--" Fu began to say, slicing his blade in the air. 

Marisa cut his power stealing attack away by using her [Super Emerald Hope]. It was one of the seven she had, and like herself, had been transformed with the Hyper form. "It's over, Fu!" She yelled out, thrusting both her hands towards him.

A large, white light came from her Mini-Hakkero and covered the entire area with nothing but a pure and white light. The [Hope Protection] spell she'd been saving for hard times had just been used. With such a spell, she could survive any danger and win against any opponent. 

Right after her spell faded from the area, Marisa swung up onto her broom and set her aim for Fu. Her silver hair blew away from her face as she covered the distance. Her broom stopped just a few feet from Fu, who was rubbing at his blinded eyes angrily. 

[Divine Master Spark]

From her feet a pentagram formed around the perimeter of her person, and from the amulet shout out such a massive burst of energy that Fu was sent to the far reaches of the beach, and even further into the sand. Water lapped away from the shore line and came back to cover him.

Shallot was stunned.

'Wow! What an attack! It's even stronger than the last time I saw it, thanks to that new transformation!'

He hoped it was enough to defeat Fu, but was sadly disappointed when Fu sprang his hand out of the sand and hauled himself up and out, sputtering and coughing. "Hak hak!"

"He lives. Reimu might let you go, but I won't!" Marisa warned him. She once more held out the powerful amulet, but her hair faded back to it's golden color. The Hyper form was gone. 

Fu was too wounded and battered to move out of the way, but haphazardly cut a slice into time and flung himself right into it, avoiding Marisa. The rift closed up right away.

"That bastard--! He's gone!" Shallot flew down to where he was, frustrated. 

"I'll continue to search for him." Marisa said. She hopped from her broom and walked over, "But you're going to have to hurry and find those Dragon Balls."

"Yeah, I know. Tell me about it." Shallot looked up at the sky, which had been rainy, and saw a rainbow.

He smirked to himself. 'And after I gather them all, I'll finally be able to free future Chisato from her cage!'




Xenoverse, Conton City


Kimchi was fast asleep. She'd had her feeding, and as Chisato warped into the Time Patrol Academy, the baby didn't even stir. The Academy was the same as Chisato remembered it being. She passed by the blue ogre receptionist and right to the elevator, and with two dings, her and all her needed things had been brought to the correct floor.

"He isn't here." She said upon entering Lord Zamasu's dorm room. 

It was a mess.

Books were lying open in the floor, the stacks an endless amount, only broken by the potted plants. Those were over grown and vining across the wood floor, the book case, and the books. A tiny dribble of water near a red rose planet were the signs that he had been there recently.

Chisato sat down her duffel bag beside the door. 

'That's why I wasn't able to sense his energy. He must still be in the real world.'

She had looked forward to seeing him, but looking around, she knew the mess would need to be taken care of before she could relax. Luckily for her there was an assortment of multi-colored pillows in the floor. She moved them together and laid Kimchi down on the softness. 

The first order of business was tidying up all the books.

One by one she slowly sorted and categorized them by name, size, and author. It was difficult reading the names of the kanji, but with a little mental grease Chisato looked proudly at her work. All the books were back in their shelf and appeared to be much neater. 

Next was the job of moving the plants around. She wasn't so sure on where to put them, especially considering some might need more sunlight than others, but carefully surrounded the tiny dorm window and its sill with the beauties.

Her stomach growled.

"I didn't bring a lunch." She said to herself.

Normally, being at the Time Academy, all she would need to do was sleep and restore all of her Stats to maximum. That wasn't the case anymore, because there wasn't a bed to use. Which meant she'd have to go to Conton and search out her own food.

Kimchi was still sleeping in her mothers arm as the two headed out of the Academy and over to the Plaza. 

'What shall I eat?'

With careful consideration she headed to the only outdoor stall there, a mechanical Capsule robot waving its arms. "Welcome! We have nice new recipes in stock."

[Buy/ Sell]


The list of ingredients were too long. Chisato's eyes glazed over as it came across her field of vision, until she settled on Rice, Vegetables, and Marinated Chicken. With those being held inside a hoi poi capsule tucked away into her orange gi, Chisato headed back to the Academy.

There was a kitchen on the floor she would be staying, and after finding it, she cooked her food quietly, simply reflecting on everything. 

'I have three mates now. Two are my husbands, and the other...'

Despite Gohan's words, Chisato couldn't help but worry. Her adopted father Goku wouldn't be happy to know his son had done such a thing, let alone her twin, Broly.

She sighed at Kimchi and stirred the stir fry.

"Trunks...what should I do?"

The love of her life was gone to the real world. Even after giving her the modified wedding ring, she wasn't going to handle his absence well. In fact, her eyes watered just thinking of spending all the lonely nights away from his side. He was her shoulder, her rock, the sturdy foundation which she'd depended on more than anything or anyone else.

'I miss him already. We haven't had much time together, and there's always a mission for him.'

Her tear fell from her cheek and plopped right into the sizzling skillet, steaming right away.

Time passed.

She ate dinner and fed Kimchi once more, changing her diaper, and together they soaked in the bathtub. Once done, she put on a light pink pajama set. The sleeves were long, the bottoms capri in length, and a white C for Capsule was the pattern. She played with an awake Kimchi for awhile on the pillow before her green eyes began to shut.

Chisato gave in to sleep and didn't hear Zamasu when he returned late into the night.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Sorry for any spelling errors!