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Real World, Hokkaido Village (Outskirts of Bibai)

"Here? Seriously?" Shallot huffed at the Radar and looked down, analyzing the  coordinates again. No matter how he looked at the radar, it kept pin pointing him in the direction of a corn field. 

"You read it right, didn't ya?" Marisa asked. She floated over on her broom and examined the radars blinking screen for herself. "What do ya know. It must be here somewhere."

"Great. We get to go through a corn field. I just love this job." Shallot sighed. He rolled his eyes and glanced to the sky, which had been gray and cloudy. It wasn't that way anymore. A gleam of sunlight began to poke through the gloomy clouds.


"C'mon lover boy! Let's get this mission done! I have potions to make." Marisa soared across the corn field on her broom, twirling around and around in the sky like a mad man. Shallot followed after her, much more cautiously. He half expected Fu to make a sudden appearance.

Rows of corn stalks swayed, as the wind from the storm was still going strong. Both Time Patrollers took off in different directions, one sweeping the East, the other the West. 




Real World, Tokyo

"It's here." Trunks said. He tapped down on the pavement and looked up at the seven story building that served as a bank for MUFG bank. It would be transformed by the time he was through with it. Hopefully, just in time.

Inside his trench coat was a set of blueprints. Trunks took it out and smoothed it on the side walk, thinking over what materials he would need to begin the job. The first step was assessing the foundations strength. All building were built with the intention of protection against earthquakes, and in Tokyo that was all the more important. Thanks to Chisato's memories, Trunks knew from her history class that a great earthquake had struck Japan in 1923. Ever since, buildings were changed. One hundred and forty thousand people had lost their lives.

He didn't need to protect from an earthquake, however. His method was to speed along the shape of a barrier, using technology found in the environment around him. Magnetic waves, set to a specific frequency, would make any negative ions in the air incapable of forming. The only issue was harnessing that power and forcing it into one area. It would take only the smartest of minds to figure that out. And a seven story building made for the hardest of projects to test his work.

Luckily for Trunks Briefs, he was a genius with other worldly brains and brawn to back it up.

"Looks like...it will take lots of ions. Perhaps..." Trunks paused and put a hand under his chin. His mind began to run different equations, all computing at the same time. He theorized there, simply staring off into space as a young teen came running up to him.

"Oh wow! Man, what a great cosplay you have!" Said the teen. He touched Trunks's sword, startling the genius from his computations. "It's sharp! Is that thing real?"

"Er--no, not at all." Trunks said quickly.

"Where did you get that costume? Make it yourself? It has to be. Unless...."

Trunks waited for the teen to figure out he was the real life version. Thankfully the boy said, "...unless you're an actor! I'm right, aren't I? Even your voice sounds like him."

"Y-Yeah. That's me. Uh, but if you don't mind--"

The teen pulled out his cell phone. "I've gotta show this to Nagasumi-kun. Can you like, pose for me?"

'This is bad. If they know the real Trunks is here in the real world, things could get...'

Trunks quickly snatched the teen's cell phone in his gloved hand, and with one clench of his fingers it broke into bits. He let them drop to the ground. "Sorry. My bad." He said.

"W-Wow! Did you just? M-My phone! It was my only one!"

"Sorry. Here, let me make it up to you." Trunks delved into his trench coat and pulled out the notebook from his other self. It was still stained with dried blood. He tore a corner of the page and clicked his pen. In fancy kanji font he wrote 'Trunks Briefs,' and handed it over. 

"Here. It's not much, but...well, it's the best I can do right now." Trunks said.

The teen looked at the handwriting and back to Trunks. His eyes widened. "This is amazing! You know, you could seriously pass as him! Well, maybe if you weren't, ya know, real."

Trunks laughed nervously.

"That's me. Just an actor. Well, if you'll excuse me..." Trunks picked his blueprints up and rolled it away. "I have uh, some lines to rehearse. Over there."

"Sure, sure! Thanks again for the autograph!"

"Uh, sorry again about your phone. I don't know my own strength sometimes." 

The teen beamed to him and replied, "Trunks Briefs destroyed my cell phone with nothing but two fingers! I'm honored!"

"Uhhh....yeah. Well, see ya." Trunks bowed and nearly flew off. He instead opted for walking down the block, hoping to lose the teen who followed him.




Xenoverse, Forbidden Past

Trunks and Chisato took shelter in an alcove just on the shore's edge. It was empty of everything except for them, having been abandoned by humans years ago. The water that flowed back and forth on the shore line wasn't the cleanest to swim in, and Trunks knew it wasn't safe to drink either. Even so, it was the first spot he could think of to bring the mysterious Chisato.

"We're here. Oh, watch the roof." Trunks said.

He and Chisato found themselves mostly in the dark, but a light came from the water reflecting into the recess. While Trunks busied himself preparing a fire, using twigs and dry wood he'd found outside it, Chisato sat there with a troubled look on her face. 

"So..." Trunks cleared his throat. "are you ready to explain things?"

She fidgeted. "Yes. At least, I'm going to try to. Ano...I'm sorry. You're probably very confused about things."

"Yeah, you could say that, haha."

"Well...this all happened because of someone who goes by the name of Game Master." Chisato looked down into the fire, lost in her thoughts. "Ano....oh, how ever should I explain this to you? I'm afraid I'll say too much! But time has already changed, and now that Tokitoki is dead..." she stopped short and tossed a stick into the flame. 

"I'm a little lost. Game Master?" Trunks leaned forward. He didn't want to pressure the woman, but her explanation wasn't clearing anything up. In fact, he was even more confused. 

"...It's not safe to talk about. None of it is. Yet...if I don't get your help, then--then--!" 

She burst into a fresh round of tears. 

'This is making my head hurt.' Trunks didn't know what to say to comfort her, so he listened silently until she'd gathered her courage again.

"This is going to sound strange." She said to him. Her green eyes were misty with the remaining tears, but she focused on him sternly. It gave him the impression she was about to reveal something catastrophic. He'd had his fair share of catastrophes, but never the less dreaded the news. Her words weren't what he expected, however: "Please, Trunks, to understand everything fully...bite me."

He fell over.

'Bite her! Is she joking?'

His nervous laugh echoed from the alcove's walls lamely. "You're uh, you're kidding, right?" He asked.



She shook her head. "I'm not, no. Ano...you see, you're a genius. I...I have lots of memories in my head. Um! But--they don't make sense to me, because I'm not a genius like you. Ah...t-that sounds so strange..."

Chisato dipped her head self deprecatingly. Her cheeks were ripe as a tomato.

"Er...so let me get this straight. You want me to bite you? Because I'm a genius?" He asked. The poor woman was beyond mortified, he knew. Her face said as much. 

"Yes. But before you do, I need you to make a vow to me." She said. 

Trunks's mind took a moment to catch on, and when it did, his body shook with a wild adrenaline. "A--A vow? W-What're you talking about?"

"Ah! No, not that kind of---I'm so sorry! I keep saying things wrong!" 

'She's going to cry again,' Trunks thought. Hurriedly he said, "No, it's fine! So, what is this vow?"

When she had calmed down again, Chisato moved to his side and swiftly took both of his hands into hers. She covered them and said, "Please swear to me that you won't change anything. That is, anything which is supposed to happen. It's the only way!"

'She's acting like it's life or death. So, my knowledge on the subject...' Trunks quietly reflected. He knew she had to be from the future, from her words and the manner of how she came here. The Time Scroll he'd severed had said that, too. He knew that the best thing to do was abide her wishes, but he wasn't so sure he could, after knowing how his timeline would be affected.


The hands in his were warm and shaking with nervousness. She was waiting, wishing him to say something. Answer her, he demanded himself. Trunks squeezed her clammy hands and nodded. "Right. I'll make this vow, then."

Her relieved smile lightened the tense atmosphere. She clapped her hands together and said, "Thank you so much! I don't know what I'd do if you refused!"

Trunks held his breath as she neared his chest, leaning up to give him a glimpse of her neck line. 'She really wants me to bite her! I---I can't do that!' 

"Please, here. It needs to be here. Ano...I think so, anyway." She whispered.

"You're serious, then? I really have to do that?" He swallowed.


"Uh, I don't know---this is all a little strange, ah hah a--"

She pressed the back of his head to her neck and practically sat on his lap. "This is the only thing I could think of to do, Trunks. Please, this is for my mission. I have to protect everyone."

A sweet smell rose to his nose. He inhaled the odd perfume. A darting throb ran down his body and spine, like he'd done so much more than sniff the air. 'This scent, it's doing something to my body! What is this feeling?'

The beautiful, mysterious woman asking him to bite her had came from nowhere. She entrusted him with this task, and he'd made a vow. It was now or never.

Trunks examined the flesh of her neck, noticing as she swallowed. A tiny pulsing area was her rapid heart beat. 

He mustered bravery and said, "Alright. I'll do it, if it will really help protect everything."

Carefully he touched her neck. It was warm. His lips parted and as he bit into her neck, she gasped, holding his biceps so tightly it hurt. 'How much is enough?' He wondered.

"Y-You need...my blood. Take a little, and swallow it." 

His latch hardened. Harshly the flesh parted and fresh iron seeped into his mouth. At the first taste of her, his body throbbed so painfully he flinched.

'Her blood is in my mouth, and yet, why does it feel like this?'

"Ah~ Trunks, t-that's enough--"

The will to pull away was no where to be found. He enjoyed that throbbing, and forgot it was a stranger he was touching. He wanted to break her, make her stay, so long as their connection continued. His eyes then began to dip in a drunken stupor.

"No more~" 

They toppled to the ground, with Trunks on top. He pinned her down and lapped the blood flowing from her, while his mind burned with desire.

Until he blacked out.



Chisato didn't expect for Trunks to awaken so soon, but when he did, she forced a smile on her face. "You're up. How do you feel?"

"Like everything is a lie. This...this is insanity!" He said.

She had placed him on her lap to rest, and he raised up only to snatch her shoulders.

"Ah! Trunks, calm down!" She said.

"My whole timeline is going to be erased, and not only that, but I'm in a damn video game!" 

"Hnn, it hurts--"

"Why is Game Master so obsessed with you!"

"I don't know---"

"And mother, mother is going to die! At the hands of that monster!" He shoved her to the ground, glaring daggers. There was sweat running from his cheek, and his mouth pulled backward with hate. "And you...! You knew that, and made me promise you not to do anything?"

"I'm sorry....hic....I know it was cruel of me. Please, you know what happens when time is altered," she cried.


She flinched in shock. Never before had Trunks yelled in such a way to her, and she shook with fear. "I can't go along with this," he said. 

"You--you have to! If you don't, then!"

"I know what will happen! But I won't let Black kill my mother! And I won't---" suddenly, he wrapped her quivering body in an embrace, "...I won't let you go back to him."


"To the other me."

Chisato pried him off, but barely. "What are you saying? He's my husband! Please, don't joke like that!"

"The only visible difference is our stupid hair color, and yet, he gets to be with you while I suffer, saying goodbye to everything!"

A shiver ran down Chisato's spine. Of all things, she had not considered that this Trunks would react that way. Her ideas about getting his help seemed a far off fantasy. "Trunks...you...aren't him. He's...different."

"We aren't that different. I've just suffered far longer than he ever has!"

The manic gleam within Trunks's eyes scared her more than his words did. She had done a irreversible thing, by sharing the [Soul - Mate] link with the same person of a different time line. 'Maybe it's done something strange to him.'

He chuckled out, "Maybe it has. Only I know, huh? Because unlike you, I'm a genius. That's why you keep relying on me. You only wanted my help so I could build a Realm Time Machine or find New Namek. Don't lie; that's what you were going to do wasn't it."


"And now that I know everything...I'm going to stop Black myself. He's going to wish he'd never met me!"

Trunks let her go.

'He's going to get hurt! Fighting Black and Turles right now would be a crazy thing to do!'

She threw herself at him and transformed into Primal Form in order to stop him. He struggled, but couldn't get loose. 

"We both know you only have two minutes in that form," he growled over his shoulder. "I'll just wait until it's gone."

'The Trunks I love would never act like this. He doesn't understand the dangers!'

"Please, stop being this way. I can't protect you, just like I couldn't protect Tokitoki. Hic...! Please, Trunks, don't go out there! You'll be killed!"

"So what if I am killed? All I have to look forward to is being thrown into the same history as the other me. I'm not needed; I was never needed."

"That's not true! Think about Mai!" Chisato yelled.

"Mai? Don't make me laugh! How can I be happy with that now that I know about you, Chisato Shino? I'm supposed to just let you go back there, knowing how much I'll be without?"

"Then...what will make you happy?" Chisato let him go. The Primal Form faded. "What can I do to make things right?"

Trunks wasn't expecting that. He froze on the spot, simply staring down at her. Eventually he looked away. "Even I don't know. If I help you, I'll be saying goodbye to everything here. After all the years I've spent protecting this time...training with Gohan, and Shin....all the battles I fought. The Androids, Freiza, Cell, Dabura...." he exhaled, and looked defeated. "All of that would be for nothing."

"No, that's not true, Trunks." Chisato gave him a hug. "Remember? It's only because of you going to another history that led to my husband finding the Super Dragon Balls. Everyone was saved, only because of what you did."

"I..." He returned her hug. "...Even now, the only reason you're like this is because I'm him. You'll go back there, while I..."

"W-We'll still see one another." She reassured.

"Chisato. You wanted to make things right, didn't you?" 


Trunks shut his eyes. When he opened them, the blue of them was fierce. "I want you to be the same way for me. We can get married here, in this history."


'Marry him? I couldn't!' Chisato thought.

"Then imagine this." He said, and lifted up her chin so that she had no other choice but to see his anguished face. "Think about it from my point of view. What if another you got married to 'Trunks', while you were forced to lose everything, including him? Whether you like it or not, when all of those memories between you and the other me flowed into my brain, I couldn't help but feel the same way he does. I've lived the life he had, only...when I came to..."

Chisato's eyes flowed with hot tears. She hadn't thought about it like that, and after knowing the truth there grew a deep ache inside her heart from the cruel twist of fate. Being a Time Patroller didn't come with instructions for the predicament she found herself in.

"Ano...but Trunks, I'm already married to the other you, and to Shallot." 

"Yeah, and they're getting along just fine. I think the other me will understand why I had to do it. I'll make sure to leave him enough information; maybe he can help us." Trunks retorted.

'But that would mean I would have three husbands, and Gohan too!' Chisato flushed deeply red. Just imagining the scenario in which she found herself surrounded by handsome saiyans made her weak in the knees. A memory from before, when all three had read her mind which had perverse thoughts surfaced. She'd made a fool out of herself in front of them all. Adding any more would be tremendous pressure.

But agreeing to it seemed to be the only way to keep history mostly the same, and get his aid in fixing things.

"T-Trunks, I---I understand....t-then....if, if you'll have me, I will marry you." She bowed politely.

"If I'll have you? I'm practically twisting your arm to agree with me!" He laughed before pecking the back of her hand. "I do have one more request. My mother. I won't let her die here, not like that."

Chisato reluctantly nodded. 

"Good. Now that we've settled things here, we should probably get on the move to mother's lab. She's expecting me soon, and I'm going to tell her the good news. And get cracking on the blueprints I'll need."

"Trunks?" Chisato tugged his sleeve. "Ano...it's been quite some time since I fed Kimchi. Is there maybe a baby who needs milk?"

"Hmm, I don't know, really. Why?"

"That is, if I don't keep the supply and demand going, when I return home to Kimchi I won't be able to breastfeed her. A-And she'll be hungry...." Chisato thought of Goten, whom she'd left Kimchi with. Upon her return to the future, time would be the same moment she'd left. In that manner, Kimchi would be hungry within the next two hours, and she wasn't used to a bottle.

"Right. I uh, I get it now. We can stop by the bunkers and see." His eyes dulled a moment. "Mai...will take the news hard. But she's a strong woman. She'll be alright. I'll do my part to see to it she's safe from Black. Before that, though, I'll need to find a way to get that Time Ring from Black before Turles does."

"Mhm. Well, we should go now. Before one of them decide to seek us out."