Now What? – Part 03
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“I apologize for the rude interruption. My name is Thomas, the Representative for both the Church and the Nation of Lesable. I have no standing nor surname so please don’t feel obligated to treat me as an important figure.” The Representative said with a bow.

The other four standing there didn’t know what to say. They expected him to be much different and they were kind of worried about how they were just speaking of him. After regaining their composure they bowed back and it was the General who spoke first.

“I do apologize as well, Thomas. We were speaking of you behind your back without knowing anything about you. As you are aware, many of the nations are cautious of the Church as a whole due to how powerful they have become over the past hundred years.” General Nankan said with a stern but apologetic look.

“There is no need to apologize. I agree that the Church has done some shady things that I do not agree with but I assure you that I am not anywhere close to those hypocrites who call themselves Saints. I am simply a servant of the creator who wishes to spread love and peace through actions rather than words. I hope you will all come to see that during my time here.” Thomas replied with an honest look.

“Perhaps we should sit down now? I know that the other Representatives will show up eventually so, at the very least, we can relax a bit beforehand.” King Appius offered before pushing the door to the garden open.

Following him out the five that had already gathered sat around the table. Each person had a pitcher of their own along with a glass goblet which most of them began filling. Lady Akatsine tried pouring some for herself but the old man with her took it before she could, much to her displeasure. However, everyone else at the table found this hilarious. Soon after this several more entered the garden and took their seats. Once all the seats were filled King Appius stood up.

“As you all probably know, A hero was summoned within the remnants of the Empire’s territory. You all have been chosen to represent your nation’s interests as we discuss how we should proceed. Due to the treaty of peace and negotiations, we cannot take action against another nation under the treaty unless if either they attack first or the Council of Nations makes the decision to do so by majority. Please speak your mind.” King Appius explained before taking a sip of his drink and sitting back down.

“I have a question. Wasn’t it the job of Alsenia to keep an eye on the remnants of the Empire? If so then how have they been able to do this? As a representative of Paslone, I, Macsha Nebronskyy wish to know.” a shrewd-looking man with pale skin and nearly white hair asked.

“You’re entitled to know the answer to that. We have an agent within the remnants of the Empire who reports to us once a week. So far he has been welcomed as a member of their culture and is widely trusted by them. However, he has yet to report anything that would be worrying. According to them, they have no desire to do anything more than farming and living in peace.” King Appius explained.

“I see. So you wish to show leniency to them? How weak of you. I figured that you were a fool like your father but I never expected you to be so slothful with your job.” Macsha said with a disgusted glare.

“How dare you! Appius has done his duty diligently. Don’t forget that he bailed out your nation when you lacked the resources to get your people through the winter twelve years ago. He also seems to have the trust of his people unlike you who threaten the death penalty to your people for even the slightest misstep.” Otto said angrily. Macsha looked as if he was about to burst a blood vessel from rage.

“That’s enough, Otto. I know you’re mad for my sake but he is correct. Somehow, someone summoned a hero and the blame falls to me. I accept that.” Appius said as he lowered his head in shame.

“Who cares whose fault it is. We should be discussing what we need to do about it. If not then nothing will get done and our nations will end up being in a tense situation.” Lady Akatsine said with an annoyed tone. Macsha, Otto, and Appius all looked at the young woman in disbelief. Despite her rudeness, they knew she was correct.

“I agree with the young miss. What shall we do about this situation?” Thomas asked with an agreeable smile.

“Before we get to the matter at hand, I wish to know what the Church is doing here?” An older woman dressed in several layers of thin cloth that covered all but her face asked. Her tone was that of a threat but the way she spoke seemed to make it sound like she was acting prideful.

“Representative of Ranknu, miss Ranshadam. I do believe that question is far too off-topic.” Appius said, hoping to steer clear of anything off the topic at hand.

“No, no. it’s fine.” Thomas said to Appius without realizing that Appius didn’t want him to explain. “Acknowledging the representative of Ranknu’s question, I would say I am here to represent Lesable.” Thomas answered with a kind tone.

“Why would the Lesian ever consider sending one of you to be her representative? It has been custom for hundreds of years for all of Lesian’s representatives to be Nomatiacal. Don’t tell me that she’s fallen to such a low point to accept help from you heathens.” Ranknu’s representative asked with a look that she was superior. Appius couldn’t help but rub his forehead in annoyance.

“Please do not speak of our beliefs in such a manner!” an older man dressed in a fine suit exclaimed as he nearly knocked over his chair. The man was the representative of Ronkanius and an avid follower of the church. At this, Thomas raised his hand to stop him from speaking further.

“I shall explain. To put it simply, after Lesable and Ronkanius allowed free trade between their borders the Church spread to Lesable, and as a gift, the Church gave the Lesian a rare medicine which she used to save her daughter’s life. Since then the lesian has become good friends with the Church despite our difference in beliefs. She asked me to represent her due to her past representative stepping down a few weeks ago. It is only a temporary solution and I hope that does not trouble you.” Thomas explained with the same kind expression he had worn since arriving. In response, the other representatives went silent.

“Well, perhaps we should return to our original goal? How shall we deal with this obvious breaking of the treaty?” King Appius finally said to break the silence.

None of the representatives spoke. Rather, they were too busy thinking about the situation. Some began pouring themselves a second or even a third glass of Ale. in order to push off the awkward silence many began admiring the flowers growing in the garden around them. This was a disaster of a meeting and it wasn’t until Lady Akatsine spoke that any of them actually wanted to speak again.

“So what is it that actually makes this an issue? I understand that it goes against the treaty to use a hero as it is considered a war crime. However, if the Imperial remnants don’t use it to fight any of us then can we really call it a war crime? There are no laws within the treaty against an individual summoning one so perhaps we should take a look into whether the remnants are preparing for war or not.” Lady Akatsine said to break the silence. The old man at her side reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose as he shook his head.

“I have to say that she does have a point. If it is, in fact, the work of a single person then we should punish them and leave the other alone. The less involved the better.” Thomas said as he poured his first glass of ale. Lady Akatsine puffed her chest out proudly at the recognition she was given much to the old man’s displeasure.

“Yes, but what shall be done if it is one individual? Shall an example be made out of them or shall they be let go?” The representative from Ranknu asked in a way that made it seem like she hated the idea of agreeing with Thomas.

“We can discuss that at a later time once we have that information. Let’s put it to a vote so that we can move things along. Does anyone have any objections to learning more about who summoned the hero and why?” Appius asked. Only Macsha, representative of Paslone raised his hand. Though he lowered it when he realized that no one else agreed with him.

“Alright then. I shall send word to my agent within the Remnant territory. For now, let us go and enjoy the banquet that my cooks have prepared for you. I’m sure that all of you are still tired and hungry from your long journeys.” King Appius said as he gestured for them to all to return inside the castle.

Doing as the King requested all of the representatives went inside the castle and were led down some stairs to where they were greeted by the Queen and a large assortment of buffets. Rather than the ale that was served to them during the meeting wine was brought out to be served with the food. Many of the representatives began huddling around those with whom they had close ties and began talking among themselves. The exception being Thomas and Macsha who was disliked by almost everyone due to their affiliation or attitude. The air around the banquet looked to be calm and relaxed but everyone was actually very tense. Well, everyone except Lady Akatsine and Thomas who were too carefree to notice.

* * *

I opened my eyes to see several Rahbatna laying on top of me. It wasn’t just a few though. There were at least twenty of them resting on or against my body. As I sat up I was careful to keep them from falling off me but the sight beside me threw me off. Sasha was lying on her side asleep with not just twenty or so Rahbatna but what looked to be over a hundred of them sleeping on her.

The only reason I could tell that she was under that pile of fluff was the AK resting beside her and that her face wasn’t covered. Unlike when she was awake, Sasha seemed to look bothered in her sleep. Even so, she looked so cute sleeping under the giant pile of Rahbatna. I didn’t really want to wake her but we needed to get moving so I started tapping her nose. Without moving whatsoever she opened her eyes and gave a peeved look.

“What are you doing?” she asked as her face changed to that of confusion.

“I was waking you up. It seems like you’ve got quite the blanket there?” I said, pointing out the mound of Rahbatna covering her.

“What the hell!” She exclaimed as she knocked them off of her and began pointing her AK at them. All of them just looked dazed as they fell off her. The only one that wasn’t affected by her anger was the gray one from before which started bouncing around her feet like it was expecting a reward.

“I think that they just thought you were cold.” I said before chuckling out loud.

“I’m used to the cold.” she said in a way that sounded like she was saying they didn’t help her.

“Really? But you seemed so relaxed and warm. However, you were making a face that made it seem like you were troubled. Did you have a bad dream?” I asked. All she did was give me a disgusted look in return.

“What did I say?” I asked, trying to figure out what made her look at me like that.

“That just proves that you were watching me sleep. It’s creepy.” she said as she threw her ration pack over her shoulder.

“Only for a minute. I had just woken up only a few minutes ago.” I replied.

“Well, it’s still creepy.”

“Whatever, let’s just go.” I said before putting my ration pack on and grabbing my staff. As I walked towards the stairs I happened to see Sasha bend down pet the Rahbatna with a pure smile on her face. Whether she admits it or not, she liked it.