Chapter 58: Morning routine
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Finally alone in my room, I hold up the empty red cultivation cartridge to my face, deep in thought.

Heat absorption just doesn’t seem that efficient, it seems a bit too similar to the cartridge Sara already uses… I think it would be better to min-max the process. Instead of passively absorbing heat throughout the entire day, why don’t I just actively hold up an open flame to my skin? I bet that would introduce a lot more energy into my system.

Yeah… And I could use the extra modifier of the red cartridge to make my skin fire-proof! That way I can just press an entire blowtorch against my leg or something!

However, after a lot of testing using the supreme method of randomly changing parameters until it all just sort of works, I ended up with a slightly underwhelming cartridge. Well, at least the statistics look pretty good:


Mana Price: 100 Mana/Hour

Average Mana Conversion Rate: 15 Mana/Hour

Mana Ceiling: 8324 Mana




I guess this cultivation cartridge is more of an active one, it even costs a decent amount of mana to use! However, this was necessary unless I wanted to barbeque my hand every time I used it…

To save on the mana cost, the cartridge only fireproofs your palm… Well, I say fireproof, but it doesn’t even make you completely immune to the flames, that would’ve cost an unreasonable amount of mana. I did make sure to double the energy-absorbing rate though. Let’s just hope most of the fire energy gets used up by the cartridge.

Just to be sure, I also tried programming a passive heat absorption cartridge. Although it had a higher daily mana conversion rate, the mana ceiling was way lower.

Alright, this will have to do, if you were to hold up a lighter or blowtorch against the palm of your hand for 2 hours straight daily, your mana-pool would grow an average of 30 mana per day, double the amount of my previous cultivation cartridge. Sara should be happy with this right?

Hmmm… What should I call it though?... How about ‘Fired Up’? Yeah, that sounds cool enough… Heh, funny how the novelty of programming my own cartridges already wore off. Or maybe I’m just sleepy…

I hit save on the statistics window and after a small light show, I’m finally able to pop the cartridge into my chest.

[Red] Fired Up:



import Magic_Class.Sensing;
import Human_World.EnergySource;
import Magic_Class.Storage;
import Magic_Class.Convert;
import Magic_Class.Collect;
import Magic_Class.Mana;
import Magic_Class.Buff;
import User;

public class FoodCultivation extends ManaActivity {
    private Storage<Energy> rawEnergyContainer = new Storage<>(); // creates a pocket dimension of the type: 'energy'

    protected void onActivation() {
        boolean active = true;
        while(active) {

            private Sensor energyDetector1 = new Sensor();

            //protect the palm
            private Buff palmProtection = fireproof();

            // sensor initiation
            energyDetector1.operationArea =  User.limbs.hand.palm;
   = energySource.HEAT;

            // initiate another sensor for quicker heat detection + absorption
            private Sensor energyDetector2 = secondSensorInit(); // can only initiate one class within the 'onActivation()'

            if (User.Brain.Thought_detection == "Deactivate") {
                active = false;

    // Modifier 1: Gathering and storing Energy
    public void gather(Sensor sens){
        private Collector heatAbsorber = new Collector();

        // collector initiation
        heatAbsorber.collectionArea = sens.getLocation();
        heatAbsorber.collectionType = energySource.HEAT;

        //activate collector

        //delete the collector

    // Modifier 2: Fireproof the palm
    public Buff fireproof(){
        private Buff fireproof = new Buff();

        // Effect initiation = User.limbs.hand.palm;
        fireproof.effect = Buff.HEATPROTECTION;
        fireproof.strength = 2.2;  // can apparently go up to 3

        // Start the effect

        return fireproof;

    // Modifier 3: Conversion
    public void convert(){
        private Converter energyConverter = new Converter();

        // converter initiation

        // converter activation

        // converter deletion

    // Modifier 4: Creating the second sensor
    public Sensor secondSensorInit(){
        private Sensor energyDetector2 = new Sensor();

        energyDetector2.operationArea = User.limbs.hand.palm; = energySource.HEAT;

        return energyDetector2;


*YAWN*  I sure hope Sara likes it…

I slowly get awoken by the feeling of something heavy lying on top of my chest.

Still sleepy-eyed, I lift the covers and am pleasantly surprised by a blond-haired beauty bobbing her head up and down above my nether regions.

“J-Juniper? What are you doing down there- Hgnn!”

*GULP* “Oh, good morning Reo, food’s ready!”

After swallowing my morning glory, she innocently smiles and gets out from under the covers… Is she an angel or what?!

Before she can leave I gently grab her hand.

“That was amazing… Can we make this a habit? This might sound crazy, but I don’t think I can ever wake up with a normal alarm clock anymore.”

She playfully pokes me in the ribs.

“Why don’t you ask your new mistress Sara to wake you up instead? I also like sleeping in you know~”

“But I’d rather see my number one girlfriend first thing in the morning~ Not to mention that you’re way better at this than Sara.”

I give her a cheeky wink and she blushes.

“Y-You won’t get anywhere with sweet-talking you know…”

Even though she said that, she’s suddenly a lot less eager to leave my room…

I pull her on top of me and proceed to return the favor, needless to say, we both were a little late for breakfast.

Speaking of breakfast, apparently, Sara was waiting for us. She didn’t look very happy after seeing an exhausted yet satisfied-looking Juniper leave my room followed shortly by an energetic me.

“Hmph took you two long enough, I thought Juniper was just going to wake you up?”

“And she did! I’m awake right now aren’t I?”

“B-But y-you two did it again, didn’t you?”

“Yes? She’s my girlfriend after all~”

“Hmph! For now… I’ll wake you up tomorrow instead!”

Juniper interjects with a surprising opinion:

“Good, I don’t think I have the energy to do this every morning…”

Me and Juniper look at each other and start laughing, meanwhile, Sara is just sitting there, pouting.

I walk over to her and pat her on the head:

“I’m sorry for teasing you, you’re also very important to me Sara…”

“I-I know, I just want you to pay more attention to me.”

She looks at me with her big puppy dog eyes.

“Of course, how could I not? You’re beautiful! Don’t worry, I’ll do my best to take care of you.”

As an icicle above my head, that I didn’t notice until now, slowly disappears, she lovingly says:

“Yeah… You better take responsibility…”

I… I should stop teasing Sara. I better make it up to her:

“Here, I got you something.”

She looks really excited as she sees me pull out the red cartridge I programmed last night and yells out:

“Yes! Now I can finally put a stop to this annoying relationship!”