prologue chapter 2: A lot of evil put in a jar Matryoshka style, and a little Rabbit that didn’t deserve what happened to it.
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I want to include a picture after the chapter of the introduction of a character or during a section of small description so, they have a "look" to them. There is an exception with one of my characters though, Gea. She doesn't have a visible form and, is just a small light that can float around.

For this reason, I decided to include a picture of how I imagined Gaia before she fell asleep of course,

While saying that though, I can add a picture for Gaia, who I imagined as a wise-looking but, young woman. Gea looks like a daughter of Gaia and, I probably will need to find an art website to draw her on, this was just an image I found to show her looks. anyone that knows how to draw better than me, you can try to draw her. I just don't have the time to do it right now with me doing important work




Gea has similar brown hair, but she has her hair over her eyes, and she has vines going down her hair, she also has a few flowers going down the vines

Gea looked down at the book, then looked at the jar of souls from Gaia's world, mulling over how she could create a world for them. She lifted the jar to her eye and, looked through the souls inside the jar, looking for a soul to mess around with.

She then realized that they were different colors and hues. Gea started pulling out the souls and, laying them out into their small groups, where she found some special ones who were not put into a category with the rest of the souls.

with this sorting system, she had a group of green, red, blue, purple, cyan, yellow, pink, and gray, with all of the colored souls having their subcategories.

There were ones with less glow to them, looking dull, there were ones that had a hole through the center and, there was one or two that were pulled away from the group which was either completely black, which Gea assumed were evil because she felt sick when she held them.

There were also some heroic souls but, there were a lot more of those than evil souls so, she left the heroic souls in the jar and picked the evil ones out, before pouring out the evil souls, much to her dislike, she found that they were like syrup, making her have to wait for them to come out.

She found one demonic soul though that she held back into the jar, too evil for Gea to let into her plane! She secured the soul into its separate jar and pulled out a new jar to hold the others.

Gea looked at the separated jar, a crack spread up the demonic soul jar, just opposite of it was the old soul jar. The old jar also had a crack in it, but it was much larger than the new jar's crack.

Gea flicked the old jar, after which it crumbled into a small pile of powder where it originally sat, with the jar cap now holding the dust together in a pile.

She looked back at the demonic soul, and put the jar into another jar, and then another, and another and another until she had a mega secure soul jar, now she would have some time before she needed to do anything to the demonic soul.

She started getting to reading the Gaia'a guide to the world creating,

all worlds need a "personality" to them, you can change them to have a world that gender bends people into girls, make a world that is filled with rabbits, or fill with evil monsters and secure the normal people into fearful residents of the world.

Gea nodded to herself, that made sense to her, though she would want to do all of them, all of them sound fun!

The main thing that goddesses do to make sure that people act the way they should is to make enemies for them, which is why the demon lord and the heroes are made in some worlds. This thought process will change the value of your world's personalization, there is one thing that you need before you can make a world though, other goddesses to take up other roles. 

Gaia went too much into detail on this section but, it is important.

You need a sun goddess and a moon goddess to join you. The sun goddesses are usually alone and, in their own space, surrounded by a bunch of sleeping goddesses. While the moon goddesses will be found exploring to find a goddess to follow, you will probably have an easier time finding a moon goddess than an accepting sun goddess

PS: you'll also have an easy time finding moon goddesses because they're all flat-chested, much to their dismay, while sun goddesses have big breasts. Please don't ever mention you learned this from this book though. If I did I'll probably be punished because Selene, my moon goddess, will probably be angry with me. I have a sun goddess and moon goddess friends that you can call by pushing your energy into the different colored sides of this page.

Gea remembered Selene, Gaia's moon goddess, but she had never met her as the woman always seemed to leave when Gea walked in.

The goddess was very jealous of the sun goddess Gaia had and, she knew that because she sometimes went and blocked Sol. The event was called eclipse that was the people in Gaia's world.

She ignored that the moon goddess and sun goddess trouble though starting on making her world a survivable world.

She started to create a world before leaving it to go into another world that she would create, and then another and another, never keeping a world for more than a few minutes and loving all of her creations, but feeling like she could do better than the last. She ended her creation spamming with around 50 worlds.

before she decided to set her first life onto one of her worlds, putting a rabbit she had created onto one of the first.

Gea watched the rabbit struggle for a few minutes crawling forward, oh...

She had forgotten to get a sun goddess and moon goddess to help her, oops...

Did the rabbit reached towards Gea, in its last act before collapsing in front of her...

"Noooo!" Gea cried as the poor rabbit, her first animal, died in front of her.

Maybe she would find a sun and moon goddess to help before she tried that again.

You can post a question about the world in the story that I might not have mentioned, I know I have a problem of leaving plot holes occasionally. I will tell you if I have plans on sorting it or better explaining a confusing feature in the next or another chapter, but as it stands there is no logic because there is no system yet in the world, besides the goddess system.