Becoming a human🚶C2part2
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Let's accompany Yi Lan Wei's cultivation !!!

ORIGIN (c2part2)


Consciousness is Eye Of Mind. 

(Author's note:What i mean is the ability to see and understand things that are happening around you. 

So, the stabilization of the creations were a tacit understanding with each other's elements and auras. Imagine if the earth we live in is in the place of mercury, is there a possibility of life here? No!

  The order of everything is the consciousness.)



The spiritual power got disconnected and every planets and stars strived to find a power source for themselves. They rotated and revolved around it.

 When it all ended everything was in order.

It was just like that for a long time.....

During this time, in the planets that have Elements of Life, particles of consciousness and spiritual power got together and absorbed life aura. It became a special existence called SOUL...

They formed as groups. They were shapeless. They roamed in the world. Some became a seed, sprouted as a small plant and cultivated with life aura. They grew up. Tall and large. Produced fruits and flowers. 

Some just laid in the soil, they cultivated, the soil with rich life aura formed them a body and they became animals. They fed on the plants and grew up. And produced offsprings. 

As time passed by, different kinds of animals were formed. They got different types of body based on the habitat they cultivated....

The stronger ones preyed on the weaker ones. This predatory cycle balanced the life. 

The planets were filled with bird's chirp and animal's cry...It was going on like that until....

The first human soul was born... !! 

The stars together formed a constellation in the shape of a human. The soul created from the constellation was very powerful and intelligent. It only took 40 years to cultivate his body. A part of his soul gained enlightenment during the process. The soul fragment didn't separate itself from the main soul. They cultivated together and appeared in the world as a pair.

With thier birth, no more new kinds appeared in the world..

The man and woman were born without a childhood. They saw each other the moment thier eyes opened.

 They were very close. They together explored the world and learned to survive.

And developed feelings for each other in the way. The harmonious couple soon got together. It didn't took long for them to have a child. It was a complete strange experience for them. They looked at the new born baby with wonder. 

(The baby was very small💃)

The life with the baby was happy. The mother and father covered thier child with love and care. The son also loved his parents. 

Eventually he grew up. 

One night, The family of three became four. A baby girl was born. 

At the same time, a small bright star appeared in the night sky.

Both brother and sister grew up together and became a couple in the future.They lived just like that. 

(Everyone knows why.right? )

Years passed by...

During this time, many things happened. 

Human being's understanding of themselves also improved. 

They discovered men's potential and strength. 

They discovered women's love and care.

They learned to cherish blood relationships.

They gradually found solutions for the arising problems. 

Slowly, slowly they began realizing from wild instincts.

Because humans are social beings, they unconsciously developed social order for thier life. That is Humanity.

Time passed by,  human's population increased in an astronomical number all over the world. New babies are born somewhere in the world every moment.with a new soul, a new star will also be born. 

The first human beings life span was unusually high. They lived three thousand years in the world. When the constellation's life aura was finally extinguished, they were stripped from thier mortal body. 

*(a group of stars in the shape of something-constellation )

The souls got trapped within the constellation . Thier mortal bodies buried deep in the soil. They watched the bustling life underneath. If they wanted to live again, they have to absorb life aura. But it will take millennias..The souls felt so lonely. They yearned for a new life  every moment. 

Thier resentment reached so high that the constellation began absorbing it in an alarming rate instead of life aura. 


The souls again got a chance. When the energy reached a certain point, both of them were sucked into two under developed bodies and was reborn!!!

They do have memories of thier last life and the filth of sins are vivid in thier soul. 

But there is nothing for free. Right? 

Thier constellation evolved and became a resentment star...!!! The life ahead of them was full of resentment....They always felt resentment for nothing..!!!.

After the first human beings died, the first generation humans also died one by one. Thier dead bodies were buried deep in Earth. 

Every dead souls got trapped with thier stars respectively. Like first humans, they also reborn! Both minds and life controlled by stars, humans lived like puppets. This created Star Destiny.

There is no mystery for what next?  Everyone knows what happens after death. They lost fear. And did whatever they want. 

Reborn souls dug out thier old bodies...

(Maybe they miss it? 😶)

 Situations like mothers becoming daughters and fathers becoming sons happened.

Human life cycle was a total chaotic mess.

If the aura of star is good, then the soul will have a good life. If fortune, the star may evolve for good!

If the star have more negative energy, the life ahead of the soul will be a hard life with bad luck here and there. Due to unluckiness, the person's star may evolve into an ominous star.

Then the Humans realized. 

  *If you want a good and happy life you have to work hard.

   *If you don't want a bad and unhappy life You have to work hard.


   Thus,   The concept of KARMA (deeds) was formed...

But they couldn't do that. Just like puppets whose strings pulled, they live mechanically..

When this tiresome cycle was spinning its own wheel,, 

Below the mortal realm is a space with neither spiritual power nor demonic power present.

The energy of death from the deep earth permeated here. With increasing number of deaths, the space soon got filled with the energy. The dead body's star will disappear from the sky and appear here with its soul. After the star recharged, it will reappear on the sky while the soul lead its next life.

'This type of life seemed to be never ending. '

Humans soon got tired.

Thier hatred, resentment,hopelessness disappointment, tiredness and desire to end everything was piled up in thier minds.

It was so great that stars became unable to handle this tyrannical power. 

They burst!!!

The starless soul was unable to reborn. Mind with utter hopelessness, he became a depressed ghost...

Star bursting became a common occurrence in the death space. With every explosion cracks formed in the space wall.

More and more ghosts also appeared. 

Depressed ghost, yearning ghost, suicide ghost, mad ghost, hunger ghost, disappointed ghost, hatred ghost, angry ghosts, revenge ghosts..........

They wandered in mortal realm and sometimes unleashed thier revenge on humanity. 

As a result of the chaotic situation, the awakened consciousness of the realm created two grand souls.

Lord Cui - The Judge

Lady Meng - The Purifier.

Lord Cui judged souls life and Lady Meng purified thier souls giving her soup. The vengeful souls became pure souls. 

The stars of all living and dead beings gathered in the realm and formed timeline pathways to the cracks. 

The cracks were the gateways to the Mortal and heaven realms.

The souls entered thier chosen realms to lead a new life.....

And the star destiny no longer controlled the human life......

This realm judges the fruit of one's deeds. Where corrupted souls are punished and good souls are blessed. 

It is called nether realm...

Each and every intellect soul finally got the right to choose.

Whether to reincarnate, 

Or to become a ghost to serve in nether realm...

And the every decisions that will become a turn point in life...

Everything is up to them....

This is how the human life stabilized.......'


In the deep sea, the king of sea's body suddenly changed...In place of those long majestic fish body, two long and slender legs formed....

'Of course this is only applicable for those souls... '

Yi Lan Wei opened his eyes.... Anger and sadness flashed in his eyes....

'But if the soul itself is the evolved star....

The story will be different.. '

"I am back, 

Mo Yin Xing!!"

The sea bed trembled... 

Unknown to Lan Wei, 

A huge Tsunami sped up to the shore!!


I screwed it up🤐🤐

There will be grammar mistakes. I tried my best.

Our Lan Wei's cultivation ended...

We can go and eat barbeque tomorrow.... 


Lol. King of sea didn't control himself.

People :Tsunami ! Tsunami!

Me:"Lan Wei ! Wake up!"

Full dedication :@Ninestar619

    Thankyou so much....😋😋