Chapter III
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-Fine... I switch to you after we fall. Of course... Even if you try to control your excitement to fight... I won't recommend that.-

Shut up for now... We can try to do a stunt that will, if it works, it will make our legs not get too injured! Isn't that exciting!... Control... Sorry for that.

Alter then turn left before jumping to a nearby window that is thankfully already open by me. Actually I opened every window here just so that I could have an escape plan and thankfully only some of them are closed. Alter jumped off and we switched control. Now... Time to do some stunts!

After jumping, I use my hand to grab a window on the 2 second floor for just one second and grabbing the first floor window also by one second and after that, falling through the ground, I ran to the school gate with the aim to ran straight into my home... 3 minutes later and I am already in my home...

"What a trick! Wish I could do that everyday!"

- I have to deal with you like this... Every time you use your skill too much. Also your hands and arms are broken. -

I entered my room and immediately sat on a chair. After doing that, I activated my Computer and look at what the normal heroes popularity is... The most popular one and the most powerful is a guy with a really handsome face and his attire of blue outfits, suiting those dark blue eyes and light... Blue... Hair... I see the similarities. I ran away from someone who has a famous father! This is going to go in my brain for a day... Lowering excitement to normal... There we go... Took me a while to make the skill work but done with it. Now... I need to look at... A way to hide some lock picks beyond normal sight... And that should be easy.

I made a pocket at the inside of my school uniform, specifically on the sleeves to hide the lock picks that I always like to keep as it is better to be prepare than not doing anything at all. Also made a blade at the edge of my back shoe that can automatically appear because I have some money to make this and thankfully as long as my shoes is black, they don't care if you mess with it. Just need to look like a normal shoes and mine does look like a normal shoes...

"The money I wasted to make my two shoes have that blade is 10000 re. Which is enough for a normal human without powers to last 3 months and I am spending it on shoes... Just for safety, anyway I still have the money that I save."

As I don't have anything to do and it is already night, I slept.

Next morning.

-good morning-

"Good morning."

I woke up and look at the room before getting ready to leave for the school. Also already eaten breakfast.

I ran this time and immediately enter the classroom and sat at my chair. While I was waiting , I looked at the wooden sword and the daggers that I have. Good thing about this school is as long as you escape the school without getting caught by a student council member, they will except you of any school violation you did earlier... Well... thanks to this, I won't have to worry about being caught as long as I escape every single day... On school... Kinda idiotic why they made this rule but as it is hard to even run away against them... I guess it is expected, after all my plan only work because I literally opened every single window just for it... It won't happen again next time.

Anyway I look around and I see Shera is already here... Why didn't I see her earlier? I don't even know... Maybe it is her skill that lets her not be seeable for a moment, and because of that, she got into this class... Too many questions I wouldn't even know the answer.

"Hello there Shera."

I said as I wave my hand towards her and smiled a little, after doing that, I just look at the window.

"The group of 6 is already here?"

I heard one familiar voice as four students came, they are Qure, Blad, Eliza and finally our leader, Charlotte. I look at the weapon they brought and it seems like Qure uses a Heavy sword, Blad uses a sword too, just that his is from a strong alloy metal and not like my sword which is unbreakable for the three years that I been using it... I bought it with 100 re... Cheap for me.

"Anyway you know what I am planning?"

Charlotte asked like everyone else here doesn't know it... This is kinda early here... Like it will took for 1 hour before our homeroom come here. I always like to appear early because I want to.

"That is right! I am planning to defeat class E! And we will slowly rise in rank until we can defeat class A. While doing so, we also need to train our classmates."

I said while imitating Charlotte's voice, as she knows I can do this, she just giggles for a second before continuing what I am saying.

"Just like I said earlier, we will defeat them all while training our Classmates. We will be the underdog of this school."

When she said that, all of the members of our group look excited except Shera as she looks like she will be lost while the fighting happens... But why do I feel like she is hiding her presence right this very moment?

"I see... Anyway, we need to declare the war then. And the fight can only happen, after school ended."

I said and we left to our separate seats. The school ended with no troubles and I immediately talk with a Manipulating voice to the room.

"We will fight the E rank. As they are slightly better than us. Of course... We won't do it with the intent to lose."

I said while standing.

"How do we do that though? We can't defeat them!"

A random guy that is my classmates said while raising his right hand, I should answer him.

"The plan that we will do is for every one E class student, we will use 2 to 3 F class students making them fight only 20 E class students, the other 20 E class students will be fought by our group."

I said while using a marker to draw how it would work on the white board. This might be easier if I used an already made photo but I don't have one and this plan is made really early in the morning.

"I see... Don't tell me..."

Another student said but he didn't continue as Charlotte said something.

"That is right! We, the Under Wolf, will defeat them!!"

She said with a shouting voice while getting close to me. She then whispered to me the words.

"Hey! Why did you tell the plan to them? I am the leader."

"No matter, at the end of the day, we will fight them today right?"

I whispered back and she just nods a little, she then left the room and said.

"Okay. Now, we will enter the virtual tuner room for the war. Get ready."

She said as she has a paper that is given to all people here, the paper has the words.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Will the F class fight the E class? 

Yes or no. Pick the answer by making a box to the answers. Both answers can't be chosen.

Remember that this is a majority vote.

_ _ _ _ _ _

The results are... The votes are 21 over 20, the former being the ones who voted yes and the latter being the ones who voted no.

"Okay as the majority is yes, and I am sure the E class will fight us because they think we are weaker than them, let's fight them without holding back!"

Charlotte said while having that charisma of hers do the convincing part and all of them look excited, yet decided to be silent as they need to be calm to win this.

We all entered the virtual tuner room for the wars to see both the E class is also there. Now... I guess we just need our class to win. Wait a second I need to reconsider the... Charlotte... She is too charismatic...

- she fooled you didn't she? -

No matter. I just need to make myself an assassin like character and make it look like I lost when I defeated 5 of them. My excitement should be normal right now... I'll rely on you, partner.

- Just call me Alter. I'll also rely on you, partner. -

I enter the virtual tuner and immediately enter yes. Now let us start our game. Thanks to the virtual world... Death now feels... Safer but I know that it isn't...