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   the troll and the green monster charged at me simultaneously 

I triggered the golden sword spell form rune on my hand an illusory image of a golden long sword shot toward the trolls head 

as the sword closed in the troll I was expecting the head of the troll to split open like a   pumpkin,  

unfortunately, I underestimated the trolls speed and agility, his stone club struck my sword and it just evaporated into most before it could touch the troll.

 luckily for me, I had sent another sword image at the green monster as the sword hit the monster it hit him straight in the left eye causing yellowish blood  to splutter even though it did not achieve the desired effect 

that being splitting the skull of the monster in two 

it bought me precious time as the monster staggered  backwards and halted his charge as he let out an earth shaking roar of anger 

I decide the most sensible thing to do was win so run I did 

but not without one last glance behind me

only to find to my utter dismay a fast agile moving  troll hot on my heels 

as the troll swung his arms flying giant rock flew in my general direction 

I immediately dove sideways finding the body hyper-responsive they were moving according to my every thought,  every command  that popped up in my mind 

I thought move fight my mind moved in that very instance 

my heartbeat picked as I saw that the vicinity was that rick had landed the ground was caved in 

I picked myself up as I continued  to move forward until I saw the  edge of the trees

I the child was still crying good that meant it was still alive 

the next thing I knew, I had entered into another clearing but this time it wasn't an unnatural circle or anything plus there were no green little men 

but I couldn't stay there for long

because as I turned  I saw  the  troll

now a few feet  behind him and closing in fast

my God this guy could move 

I quickly moved to the side and ducked under the branches of a large tree

I could hear the troll crashing through the trees as he chased after me

I took a moment to catch my breath and try to figure out what to do

I was surrounded by trees and bushes and I couldn't see any clear passage in front of me

no escape route whatsoever

I turned back trying to determine where I was

then I saw the single good  right green glowing eye of the green monster  

 watching me  with hunger

I stood firm as I lifted my hands ready  to fight

"Come on fugly! Let's dance!"

the monster obliged me  by swinging his tree trunk at me 

I tuned  in the anger as a charged a red lightning bolt in my hand and hurled at the monster face only to find it swirling left and hit a tree near me instead of the monster's face 

I was shocked

why the fuck was that happening

the lightning created an enormous spark discharge as the tree caught on fire.

and the monster halted in the mod motion as he covered his eye 

trying to protect from the sparks 

but I did not wait  

I spun on my feet looking for another place to take cover

when suddenly a flash of bright light filled my vision blinding me 

but I did not pause as in a heartbeat I activated my soul's eyes and 

a timeless period followed, filled only by shapes, textures, and strange colours. 

my soul awakened and began to meter with world spirt filled with the infinite beauty that surrounded me.

instantaneously my vision cleared and I was able to see once more

but my vision remained a mixture of perfectly normal shapes and bizarre streamers of colours which were pretty similar to the glimpses I had seen in my soul lake before but now it was everywhere. 

I could see energy pulsing within the trees, moving to a slow, steady beat. 

Wide and diffused bands of light that were almost too faint to see floated through the air, moving around me as though I had fallen into some giant, mystical river.

 More energy moved through the earth beneath my feet and it caused Everything to be  connected like a circle 

the energy moved from the ky to the ground to everything it touched 

like water flowed from my right foot toward my right palm and then back the other way in reverse to reach my left foot and flow back again

in a loop in a spiral-like a manner like a clockwork mechanism

everything seemed to be moving around me and I could feel every fibre of my bones vibrating with excitement like I was living the most amazing dream.

the entire place was filled with energy and sound and colours were vibrant with energy

life and life were abundant around me.

but I was too busy to stop and enjoy the beauty of the world 

I kept hustling long after being outside the area of the immediate danger before I once a ton paused 

I also realised my breath was heavy and my heartbeat was normal, which meant I wasn't tired of all the running I had been doing.

I wasn't exhausted if anything my stamina and endurance had increased by a lot 

but I had no idea if that would continue for much longer 

but since I could I decided to keep on running 

as I ran I found myself  moving naturally fast and quickly but I found out that I didn’t need to consciously think about where to step or how to move 

 The trembles running through the ground from time to time meant I had to catch himself occasionally, but even that didn’t take much active attention  as I was already used to moving around the world like it was nothing

but did not dare relax as tremors meant the two giant monsters were still on my trail 

then without warning a giant surge of air shot out of nowhere and I ducked

then another torrent of wind.  then another

then another

then another.

the world became a whirlwind and everything around as rocks flew past me and destroyed the terrain around me 

and I had to escape before being trampled and buried 

I changed direction and headed for the right side of the woods


I suddenly froze in my tracks as I saw something 

 I wished I hadn’t.

A huge, misshapen creature stood crouched, but would easily be twice the size of the two monsters chasing me at its full, hunchbacked height.

 Its pebbled, cracked hide had a rubbery texture, and bits of moss was actually growing on portions of its body. The creature wore a crude loincloth tied with rope. 

Trav’s eyes travelled up past its crooked, knobby toes, over its grotesque belly, and witnessed it...eating

I felt sick as I watched a mouthful of brown vomit form and spread out around the place where it was being swallowed 

And then I realised that in this brief and paltry sight it was eating something humanoid as  crumble bones and meat slide along the creature’s throat and down its gullet and then the creature took out a long cloth gown from his mouth 

I shivered as the monster licked its lips and made an obscene slurping sound

I backed away, and as I did the creature stood on his hind legs

and  then it charged 

charged straight me it's likely cow-like had outstretched like a  ram.

I projected a 2-foot long blade of lightning  from my hand as the creature closed in 

I was going for the neck

or rather its skull

but it implied the blade into its hand and it collided back but it still crashed into me 

I quickly drew on my energy  and activated my golden shield spell from rune 

as its horns collided with my shield

I lost my footing and stumbled backwards.

My shield broke as the creature's crashed into my second electromagnetic shield it some held together long enough for the creature to back away from me as it held its hand and let out a wail 

and right on Que, the two monsters entered the party along with a dozen green men 

I transformed my blade into a 6-foot long whip made of lightning as the green men rushed at me 

I flicked it and sliced it sideways to cut the green men in half and surprisingly the whip went through the green short creatures like a hot knife going through butter 

The result was every bit as gory as  I had hoped as they were literally shredded to pieces.

oh don't get me wrong it was bad 

it was very bad I mean almost began to vomit from the seven of guts, intestines, and body parts every and did I. tell you about the smell the horribly rancid smell that permeated from the bodies of the creatures 

just out of the corner of my eyes I saw something 

without thinking a flicked my electro whip 

and the whip buzzed as it flashed through the air and intercept a blow from the green monster's massive club.

 The impact sparked with the trunk to reduce the tree trunk  into kindling, 

but it only gave me a moment to scramble away from the rock that landed in the place I was moments ago 

 Then I was face to face with the troll. 

The thing was built like a tank, 

I had no doubt it could crack my shield in short order if I gave it the chance.

I quickly got up to my feet as all my three advertisers surrounded 

the creature, the troll the green monster yeah, yeah I couldn't come with any better names 

the creature was holding its bleeding charred hand and the monster had lost its weapon and the troll was facing with me  stupid  expression won't face with both its hand by its side 

what was I supposed to do like the electric whip in my hand kept buzzing my soul energy and mental energy were being depleted  really quickly it was alarmingly quick 

whilst the baby was continuously crying with real conviction and was beginning to give a headache 

I'm trying real hard to think of a plan to escape or run away from here 

but unluckily my time had run out as the troll charged me with a loud roar as it charged I threw the child up in the air with a rune of feather inscribed on the cloth that covered it 

I threw a gold blade at it as it raised its hands to attack me, 

but the golden projectile just left a shallow gash across its chest.

 I dodged left as the club came down, and slashed awkwardly at its arm with another gold blade. 

It roared and brought its left hand around in a lightning-fast blow that sent me  flying backwards like a ragdoll

I landed against a tree branch and slid down and down and then hit the floor

I sat there dazed I felt like I was hit by a car

I was scared and confused and frustrated

I knew I needed to fight this monster

I felt the pain disappear even as I got my entries were healing rapidly 

I needed to defeat these monsters before the baby reached the ground or in reach of these monsters, creatures motherfucker what were they 

I heard the beast roaring and growling and stomping its feet as it paced me that gave me an idea 

as I was ready this time as the troll came at me 

an easily dodged its right hook and then I used the electromagnetic force pulse to propel me off the ground and toward the head the  

I hardly logged myself in its hard and grabbed its head with all my force I gather my soul energy or soul qi mother fucker in need of a name for it through my mind route but this time instead of the anger I clouded and tuned go fear 

cold add energy began to eliminate from my hands as the freezing energy filled with fear and despair and the monster hard began to freeze 

the troll tried to struggle but to no avail, in a matter of seconds it's hard to head was frozen inside out and it fell onto the ground 

and for good measures, I charged my golden sword spell form rune and sent a golden blade at the troll's head causing it to shatter into a million pieces 

I looked at the remaining two and growled 

"who's next?" 

To my surprise, both dudes just turned and began to run away 

" let's go, we need run to run toward the east quickly" silver shouted in my head 

" Which way is east?" 

"just follow your shadow,  quick" 

I propelled myself off the ground and caught the gliding baby as I began to run