I ran do fast it was as if I flying through the trees at top speed and didn't stop until I reached a large field of grass.
I collapsed on my knees exhausted not so much physically but mentally
as I looked around at the beautiful field and then the roar come came from behind
I quickly picked myself up checked on the baby who was comfortably crying and giving away my position as I began running through the field of grass leaving the dammed corset or woods or water it was behind me
the sun was setting at an alarming pace and some intact told me I did not want to hear when the night came
as I ran I felt something land on my shoulder and perch itself up there I turned to find it was an eyeless black cat it looked at me as daring me to tell it to get off
I didn't take the bait I just ran ignoring the creature sitting on me
I continued for what seemed like forever before silver decided to grace with his voice
"Keep running you are almost there"
he instructed in my mind
I obeyed without question as I passed through the fields of grass
as the light began to slowly vanish I felt a chill come over me as the darkness engulfed me I didn't know whether it was because of the night or the cold I thought
after a few minutes passed through before I came to a complete stop
I mean didn't stop because I wanted to I doped because I needed to
right in front of me was a silky shimmering wall beyond which the world was distorting
the world was breaking and reforming into another thing entirely
one second
before me on the other side were tall, imposing spires of dark trees
then the next there was nothing but emptiness as a deafening silence came over the air,
and then next second there's was vast red desert filled with a red scorching sun and sand dunes
then the next second the scenery changed as I began to see a strange sight
a giant grey tower of stone stood high in the sky as a mist formed around it like smoke it looked as if the entire tower was rising and growing higher and higher above
the misty haze became thicker and the fog thickened further and further
the tower was now towering higher than the clouds and the mist thickened and grew
then in a blink of an eye, it changed again
and again
and again
and each time I blinked the landscape shifted to a new setting
my vision was blurred for a moment as my heart pounded in my chest with excitement
"This is the exit from the Fae realm"
silver spoke again in my mind
"The Fae realm?"
I repeated back
"yes the Fae realm look around you do you think this is all normal?"
I began to look around me with wonder
and then I heard a voice call out
"Don't!" Silver cried
"If you get enthralled by the Fae realm glamour to will be stuck here forever "
"how do I get out?" I asked in a hoarse voice as tried my best not to look around
" walk straight into the veil you spoilt child I told you it is the exist"
I began to walk toward the shimmering wall as it kept distorting and changing
"Run you foolish child otherwise the veil will tear you apart " Silver instructed
I began running faster and faster
then a ball of energy smashed into me from my left I staggered backwards and fell onto my knees
I looked up and saw the lady who I met in the woods earlier
silver screamed in my head
I clutched the bay and ignored the pain as I dashed toward the veil
I shut my eyes and held tight to the child body as I blindly charged forward.
I tried to focus on the pain in my shoulder as I felt myself cut through by the barrier
A strange sensation washed over me it was as if
I was suddenly turned inside out,
I tried o use the pain to forget about the world around me
Suddenly I began to feel the uneven ground instead of plane even ground I had been feeling earlier
I began to feel my stretch out unnaturally, and the pain gripped me as I took another step forward.
It felt as though my whole body were being stretched and squeezed simultaneously, a wave of pain and nausea overtook me, and I stumbled forward and vomited
I collapsed to my knees and as the muck and dirt went into my throat I coughed up some of the vile substance and began to choke
"We are safe now," silver said into my mind then promptly fell white
I opened my eyes and felt a cool breeze against my face I looked up and gasped for breath
"I told you not to look around that time didn't I?" silver grumbled
Yeah after you told me to look around you asshole
"The Fae's glamour is powerful but I didn't expect it to be so strong that it could be used to harm you"
"You were a careless child"
"I'm sorry that was not my intention" I crossed
"not your intent?!" Silver exclaimed in a voice that made my insides cringe "how could you think that"
I coughed again and closed my eyes
After I stopped feeling nausea
I opened my eyes again and saw a giant earthen wall enforced by wooden logs
"Keep going you are almost there" silver encouraged
I began to walk again
The more I saw the more I realised that this was a walled settlement
As I moved forward I came to the bank of a river it was a large river with almost 60-foot long width
I began to step over the crusty river with ease "the river does not seem to have much of a current"
I glanced to my left and saw There were guards on the walls, flags flying, and even a group of wagons approaching an open but heavily guarded gate not far from the riverbank.
"there now we are completely safe," silver said cheerily
"I guess I should be thanking you for saving me again" I replied sarcastically
"You're welcome," silver said
"So where are we anyway?" I asked him curiously
"Don't know?" silver said as I began to move toward the gate as the last of the wagons disappeared inside it
It was quite a long walk especially since the wind made my naked body quite chilly
After a while of walking, I finally reached the gate I stepped up to the large wooden door
I noted that the town had even created a moat around it and the wooden gate barricade had doubled as a bridge on which the guard walked.
But before I reached the gate entrance a dozen men armed with swords, axes and spears had blocked the way
a burly man who was clearly their leader came forward and shouted something in a language I could not recognise
He pointed at the guards on either side of him and they backed away surrounding me
with the baby now quiet I quickly checked on it
thankfully it wasn't quite because is dead rather it was fascinated by the tail of the
"What are they saying?" I asked silver hoping he would know
the dialect was too foreign for me it wasn't like any language I ever learned or heard
in my life but somehow Silver knew its language
silver answered back "they say thank you for saving them"
"Me? when the fuck did I save them," I asked baffled
"I just met them"
"of course, you didn't stupid child that was me bringing sarcastic of course I don't know what they are talking about"
I was angry this stupid spirit is getting on my nerves one of these days I am going best the living shit out day him
but I had put away anger when I realised that the burly man had come in front and was glaring down at me, with a glare that could kill me.
I stared back blankly
" yellow," I spurted then corrected myself
"Hello," I said in English than in French hoping they would recognize of the language
the only other language I knew was Russian
and I tried that too
but the man just continued to glare then suddenly
he began to shout at me in his own tongue
I remained silent.
trying to seem as none threatening as possible
but the man was shouting which vigour that his spot was landing at me
" relax man, what with all this anger," I said in the language Granny Yu had taught me it was somewhat similar to Chinese but not quite
but we'll what so I know it might be all same to me
The words seemed to confuse him then barked something at his men like the rest of the soldiers or rather guards who were behind me began snicker most likely at me
it was highly doubtful that they were laughing at the guard who was trying to keep a grip on his temper.
"What is he saying?" I queried my voice sounding more nervous than I intended it too
"he says ' stop fooling around ' oh no that was me, " Silver said
suddenly the man reached out at first I was afraid he wanted to help me or something
but surprisingly the man tried to grab the child from my embrace I quickly reached for my spiritual energy and put up a force field
the man touched the invisible barrier and he immediately jerked his hand back
and stumbled back as if he had been
Silver began to cackle like mad.
"That was awesome"
it was a barrier made of things like energy, negative energy, dark energy, electromagnetic fields, gravitational fields, electric fields, quantum fields, plasma, particles, radiation............
fuck I had forgotten how man concept I had poured into this how many trial and errors it was time draining project
This had been my most prized creation, in fact, it was so hard and taxing to create that I had nearly given up.
And yet somehow, in the end,
it worked.
Silver's voice echoed in my head "good job that thing is quite dangerous"
I nodded silently
My thoughts went back to the angry man that now stood opposite me screaming at me
he was cursing me no matter what language one spoke the curse words all sounded the same not the sound but implied meaning behind them
I also started cursing but surprising I was speaking the language I spoke in the mines the one Pollux and the rest used
after some time
the men drew their swords and charged into me they must have gotten tired or something
I activated my golden shield rune and golden shields began to cover me
somehow because of the force field my golden shield transformed into a golden mist
but it still worked as the blade harmlessly bounced off the mist protecting me
The men charged at me with even more vigour the before and began to swing their weapons wildly in all directions aiming for me
I just stood there and let them be as their attack weren't particularly powerful and we're even putting a strain on my defences
and sure enough, after a few minutes, all of them stood quietly panting and huffing as they warily looked at me
in turn, I gave them my best subway smile
when one of them turned and said something to the boss man who said something back
I don't what it was but whatever it was got their hopes up again as they looked energetic
but before anyone could anything a child came in running and waving his and pointing at me and then at himself
after a moment, the leader gave his consent by nodding and the boy proudly marched up and then bent down from his waist
"Greetings islander my name is jack" in the language from the mines
I was dumbfounded but quickly bowed and replied
"Greetings jack my name is David"