Progress Update, a Warning, and Some Pretty Pictures
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Hello friends!

I wanted to give you all a heads up that I will be reorganizing Salvage. Because this story has turned out to be sooo much longer than I originally thought it would be, I have decided to split it into three volumes.

On other platforms, I'll actually split it into three separate publications, but I don't think I'll do that here. But I have some pretty new covers for the volumes, and I will insert those here at the volume breaks.

Chapters are also being reorganized, and I'm running through the story with some light editing as I do this. I'm shuffling some scenes around - the first scene of a chapter to the end of the previous, or vice versa. Some of the partial chapters will now be their own chapters and get new titles. Some of the partial chapters that still ended up quite lengthy will be further divided (with the shuffling of scenes I mentioned.)

So- you might get notifications of "new chapters" that aren't really new chapters. None of this reorganization will change anything for those who've read this far already. The only really new things will be title pages for the volumes.

Doing this is helping me transition back into this story, and I hope to have some actual new content for you soon. When there is a real new update, I'll post a temporary chapter to announce it - something like "Editing Done, New Chapters Coming Soon". When you see that, get ready, but you can ignore any other activity you see until then.

Here are the volume covers!

Salvage Volume Covers

A mood board for Zhen and Tam. (I've been trying to do one for Kazia and Kel, but it's not coming out as nice.)


And here's a weird little thing I did for the mirror portal. It doesn't look exactly as I've described in the story, but visual creativity can go in different directions. I don't know if I'll use this for anything, but I think it looks pretty cool.


Thanks for sticking around! I hope to see you sooner rather than later with the continuation of Salvage!
