Chapter 2 – Full Paradox
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Chapter 2

Full Paradox



When the doors opened. That's when it hit him. For the first time since the war, he felt anxious. Maybe that was the fear sneaking up on him. He shook his head in an attempt to shrug it off and took a deep breath.

'The Paradox Machine' is what they named it. 'Paradox' for short. It's supposed to bring back the 'magicians' that went extinct in the war. How? No-one fucking knows.

A siren sounded, it was his queue to exit the buffer zone. As he stepped into the huge, dimly lit underground hangar, reality came knocking. Bitch slapping him through the titanium infused glas cover of his helmet.

He might not survive.

'It can't be as bad as the war. It can't be as bad as the slaughter of the frontlines', he kept on telling himself.

As the gate slowly rolled itself upwards more and more for every second, the light behind it shone through, bright as the sun.

He shook his arms and legs and stretched his neck left and right, finishing with punching his fist in the palm of his hand.

"Yeah. Yeah. Let's fucking do this." He said.

He punched his helmet and jumped to get his blood pumping.

10 seconds to full Paradox

The gate was nearly opened. Releasing the full might of the strange orange light upon him. It would overwhelm anyone outside of a suit like his.

'This is it, no-one knows what the fuck waits on the other side...' he thought. 'It better not fucking kill me!'

Wraaaaah The siren rang in a loud pulsating way, - sounding almost like a distorted scream - letting him know it was time for him to get the fuck inside Paradox.

Three... Two... One…

* Full Paradox*

"Alright." He whispered. And with two steps of the Enhancement suit he leaped into the unknown of Paradox.

He yelled. And ran into a large, orange wall, spewing blood and crashing his face in. Everything was a blur. The artificial light burned through his retinas. It felt as though he was falling through space. Slowly and gently. He couldn't hear anything but his heartbeat. He got hit by something, and then again, harder, again and again. Then he was yelling. It sounded like someone else's scream. He was dead. But he wasn't. The red light in the helmet slowly turned to a pale yellow. He felt something burning in his throat. A tingle in the back of his neck. His eyes were on fire and he could feel his blood, pulsing, spreading out into his veins.