Side Chapter 7: Person Of Interest
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It was late at night, and Officer, Private Aviary, was sorting through the papers, along with her Sergeant, that they had made copies of and pulled from the records of the local university.




Officer Jenny cringed as she heard the sigh leave her Private’s lips: she knew what was about to come.

“I still don’t understand why we don’t just post on social media or slap his guy’s picture up all around, and just be done with it!” Aviary complained.

“UGH! And I told you Private! We don’t, KNOW, that this is our man.” Officer Jenny reminded

“Sure we do!” Aviary complained. “We brought in a certified psychic! Someone who can read the minds of others, and! she transferred profile to my mind!”

“Okay, let me stop you there.” Officer Jenny said with a firm tone. “One; Jennifer Barakat, is NOT; and I repeat! NOT!” She shouted the word for emphasis. “A known psychic, nor can she be known. And second of all; both of us, had to sign a NDA about her powers with the Pokémon G-Men detective group, at Champion Lance’s behest.” The Sergeant reminded her Private.

“Like, okay, yeah sure. We did all that, and yeah, sure, I understand that part.” Aviary comments flippantly. “But I still don’t see why we can’t just start ruining this guys life by posting his mugshot everywhere?”

“*SIGH* Aviary… that is so short sighted.” Jenny sighed in disappointment.

“What do you mean?!” Aviary indignantly at her Sergeant’s words.


“What I mean is, we can’t just go around and post this guys face everywhere, on grounds with which, we have no evidence.” She looked towards her Private with a steely eyed gaze. “You want to nail this guy, don’t you.”

Aviary stood up right at Officer Jenny’s expression, and gave her a resolute nod of her head.

“Of course I do!” Aviary confirmed. “More than anything! We can’t just let this guy get away with this! My brother’s Pokémon journey is on the line!” She told Jenny firmly. 

Officer Jenny nodded in recognition at her Private’s resolve.

“And that’s why Private, that we have to do things the hard way, and do all this manual grunt work; sifting through these papers and student IDs.” Jenny reminded Aviary, before turning back around to search through her pile.

“Let’s get back to it Private. We still have at least a thousand more to go through.”

Aviary nodded her head, albeit, very reluctantly upon hearing the number mentioned.

“…Yes Sergeant…”


A thousand faces! Aviary bemoaned. And we don’t even know if our guy is a registered citizen or a student at all! We just know him by a first name, and his picture.

Aviary sighed again.

As much as Miss Barakat helped us, we really didn’t get a whole lot to go on huh?


Aviary thought as she shifted through paper after paper, that lay in front of her.

Searching through each and every student ID and picture.



As soon as Aviary flipped to the next ID, She froze.

Staring back up at Aviary, was a face that she knew so well, that she thought she might have been able to draw it from memory.


“Sergeant…” Aviary called to Jenny quietly.

This time, it was Officer Jenny’s turn to sigh, because she had literally just got done reminding and encouraging her Private to work harder, and not cut corners.

“What is it?” She asked reluctantly.

“I think… I found him.” Aviary announced.


Officer Jenny rushed over to her Private’s desk, and hunched over her shoulder to peer at the document in her hand; not even bothering to remain composed or subtle about her excitement, as she sent her chair scrapping and falling to the floor in her haste.

“Are you sure?!” Jenny asks Aviary, as she barely contains herself enough, not to shout at her Private in exuberance.

“Yeah.” Aviary taking on a serious tone for a change, while her Sergeant is acting as the excitable one. “This is him, I won’t forget someone’s face, that easily.”

“Let me see,” Jenny asks while reaching for the paper.

Aviary hands it to her, and watches as her Sergeant starts to read through his file and ID information.


But, to Aviary’s great shock and dismay. Her Sergeant’s face only gets less and less excited, the further along she reads; her expression, slowly shifting towards anger, to the point that, Aviary can see that Jenny is visibly holding back from shredding the paper in her hands.

“W-W-What’s wrong?!” Aviary asks her Sergeant.






Officer Jenny slams down the paper back onto her desk, then walks back over to her own desk, picks her chair back up, and then—






Aviary watches in horrified fascination as her Sergeant smashes her wooding chair against the officer floor; breaking it to pieces.

Rather than stop her, as Aviary thinks it might not be safe for her to do so; that, and Jenny seemed to be under control enough, to limit it to the just chair. Aviary instead, turns her attention towards the crinkled paper back on her desk, and starts to meticulous read through, what she only skimmed, before handing it to her Sergeant.


[Damien Kane.]

[Home Of Origin: Galar Region.]

[Age: Twenty.]

[Skin tone: creamy tan.]

[Sex: Male]

[Occupation: Student, Trainer, Philanthropist, junior councilmen’s assistant.]

[Relationships: Father: Martin Kane, Ambassador to Hoenn from the Galar Region. Mother: Bernice Kane: Doctor and Genetics researcher, as well as a Philanthropist of the Kane fortune.]


Aviary stopped reading after that.

She realized why her Sergeant was so up set.

He is……..

Aviary looked over at her Sergeant, who now made her chair into kindling; Jenny stood over the desiccated remains of her chair, panting and breathing heavily.

“Sergeant!……” Aviary called to her in a whiny, pathetic tone, even to her own ears. “………. What are we going to do?! He is?!— he’s basically untouchable!……” She announced hopelessly.

Jenny stood there, slightly hunched as she took in breaths of air after her tirade on the chair.

“………Sergeant?………” Aviary called to her again worriedly, after Jenny hadn’t answered her. “……What are we going to do?……”




Officer Sergeant Jenny thought about it as she drew in breath; thought about all the avenues they could take, that they could hopefully arrest this terrorist: 

Who turned out to be, just some spoiled rich man’s son!




Then, that is when Officer Jenny realized something; realized the problem and why she had acted the why she did.




Officer Jenny picked up her jacket from off the floor, from where it fell when it dropped off the chair earlier.

She placed it on her desk, and then moved across the room to go retrieve a dust pan and bin.


“Sergeant?” Aviary called out to her superior. Wondering what she was doing and what had come over her.

Officer Jenny sighed as she closed the closet door after finding a broom and dustpan.


“…….Nothing…….” She said without turning around.



“Huh?!” Aviary blinked at what she heard. She couldn’t believe what Sergeant Officer Jenny had just said.


“We can do nothing, Private.” Her superior told her. “Clean up your desk and pack all but his file away… then leave his on my desk… I’ll-…… take care of it in the morning………”

Jenny turned around, blurry eyed as she stared at her junior officer, who had tears running down her face.

“This case……. Is closed……”