Chapter 17: Problem
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I put my phone back in my pocket. 

"Well, there's still plenty of time until then. First is breakfast." 

I opened the door to my room and stepped into the corridor. And just in front of mine's is the kids' room. 

They should be awake by now. Thinking so I proceeded to open the door to their room. Only to see them both still tucked in and sleeping. 

Huh? They would normally be up by now. I guess they were more tired yesterday than I thought. 

I walk over to them to wake them up. 

Only to be greeted by the cutest thing ever. 

Ever wondered what it would be like to have two super duper cute little brother and sister that have the looks of child stars? 

It is having the constant need to always capture every single simple things they do in pictures. 

Because it's just THE. CUTEST. THING. EVER! 

Like now! 

I quickly fish out my phone from my pocket again to capture this moment where the two are huddled together in a hug. 

This is bad. I am becoming a simp for these too. 

After taking as much pictures as I want I proceeded in waking up the two. 

"Luke, Nicole? Come on breakfast is ready~." 

With a little shake to their shoulders they started to stir awake. 

I helped them wash their faces to wash away their remaining sleepiness. And they were immediately back to their usual energetic selves. 

"Big bro-dar, hands~!" Nicole says while holding out her own hand. 

"Me too!" Luke copies her. 

Aww~ my soul is being healed. Nicole still can't even get her pronunciation right at times. 

I held hands with them as we went downstairs. 

The first thing I noticed is dad's serious face on the table as he stares off to empty space. He hasn't even noticed us. 

Huh? Did something happened? 

Just yesterday he was bawling  in joy. 

As usual, I help the kids to their sits gently then I went to the kitchen where mom is. She was just readying to serve the breakfast to the table. 

It seems today she prepared scrambled eggs with some veggies and what seems to be a chicken sandwich. 

"What's wrong with dad?" I ask as I helped her in getting the utensils. 

"It seems to be a problem with his work, nothing you should worry about honey." She just smiled at me and pinched my cheeks not actually answering my question. 

But she suddenly froze when she notice something amiss. 

"Honey... Where's your cane? Didn't the therapist said you need at least two weeks to get out of those just in case? It hasn't even been a week, don't push yourself too much." She said looking at me from top to bottom with worry on her face. 

"I'm alright mom, really. What happened with dad?" I briefly reassured her and get the conversation back to the topic. 


When I sensed that she was going to just deflect my question again I gave her my concerned puppy eye look. 

Heh! I know you won't ignore me now. 

"Hmm~ well~ it seems dad's presentation designs went missing at work yesterday. It's not something you should really worry yourself over dear. Dad will find a way to solve this just you wait and see." She says while still wearing her casual smile. 

She might think she hid it nicely but i was still able to see through her mask and notice the worry on her face. 

You can't underestimate the observation skills of someone that had literally survived by fooling the world after all. Like me. 

That was in my previous life though. 

She then took the meals out the kitchen and into the dining table promptly. 

While I just stood there with the plates still in my hands, shocked. 

By presentation designs does she mean the files and designs from the blue envelope the other day? It's missing? 

Dad left work early yesterday. When we were leaving to have our family outing I remember him talking to mom about him dismissing the team early yesterday. He said they just did all the last checks needed yesterday and he had his team leave early to have a proper rest before the real deal tomorrow. 

Which means it is supposed to be today... But you are telling that important file is suddenly missing?! Isn't that bad? 

They must've left all the things they will need to the presentation in their office so everything will be ready by today. 

But they lost it? 

It must've been extremely important if dad was preparing so much for its presentation. It's his design so ofcourse it is! 

"Aziel get the utensils out please." Mom's call got me out of my thoughts. 

I hastely took the plates and utensils still in my hand out of the kitchen. 

Mom waved me over and she took the things in my hand. I helped her in serving the kids while she went and prepared dad's and give him coffee. 

"Oh nevermind hun. I'll leave now." He suddenly said, snapping out of his trance as he stood and tidied himself. 

"What? You should have breakfast first. Please don't skip your meal." Mom clutched his sleeve and tried to make him sit back down. 

"Hun, I don't have time. We are going to try and find the file and if not we're going to have to make it again, we still have until tonight so we just have to make it by then." He shook her hand off and proceeded to put on his coat. 

"That's why you should at least have something to eat. You can't have your mind going blank because of hunger right now-" 

As mom was saying that dad just took the sandwich and showed it to mom as if to say he is eating. He then proceeded to take his tie off the stand by the counter. 

While I just sat there watching their exchange and busy with my own thought. 

He said they will try and remake it from the ground up together with his team. They have until tonight. 

What is he saying?! Even if he were to try and skip the complicated details of the whole thing and only leave out an outline of what it once was he still wouldn't be able make it until tonight for the presentation. 

No matter how amazing dad is, he couldn't have remembered every calculation he made in his design right? 

And his design was the engine part but I saw other files that showed different parts of a car although those seems to be just the sketches. 

Doesn't that mean his team is actually designing a whole car?! 

So you're meaning to tell me that you are going to try and remake the whole design of a car from the ground up and expect to make it until tonight? 

If you aren't crazy I don't know what is! 

Then an idea came into my mind. But a sudden fanfair interrupted me before that and followed by a message screen appearing in my view. 








I was going to even if you didn't tell me! Oh the rewards are amazing this time around. 

What's with the system making what I'm thinking of already doing into missions? What's the jurisdiction for something to be a mission anyways? 

I'll have to find that out later. For now... 

I immediately run upstairs making mom and dad turn their heads to me in confusion. 

I can't just show them what I'm about to do after all. 

Once I'm sure they can't see me I materialized the system. That's right what I'm about to do is... 

"Search. Car designs from the market." 

That's right! Isn't this the perfect opportunity for the market to shine?! 

The familiar blue screen then appeared in my view... 



It then showed me numerous car designs from my previous world. Since dad was about to leave I don't really have time to read and analyze their descriptions and check them out one by one. 

Anyways they all seem to cost around thirty to forty market points so I just picked something from the more outdated models from my world. 

I don't want to suddenly introduce something so advanced even dad wouldn't understand its designs after all. I need to be gradual with the improvement of this world. I wouldn't want them to see me as someone crazy because they couldn't understand me. 

I hurriedly picked something that I thought looked cool from those, it cost me 38 points. So it should be good. And since it's from around the 2010's, dad should still be able to understand this. He designed that engine after all so I believe in him. 

A blue glimmer suddenly appeared in front of me and I had to check if they didn't see any of it in a panic. 


The sound of something falling made me look back and find a thick envelope with the same color blue of the system screen. 


I immediately picked it up and bolted down the stairs only arriving just in time to hear the front door opening. 

"DAD!" I shouted loud in a hurry enough to startle mom and the kids and stop him in his tracks. 

"Haha! I know I love you too champ, see ya." He just said while waving at me and then turned to leave in a hurry. 

It seems he got the wrong idea. 

"No dad! Wait! Look at these!" I walk over to him showing him the envelope. 

"Aziel bud I'm in a hurry if you need anything talk with mom instead." 

He's not listening at all. He is now outside the house walking to the garage. 

"What is this hun..." Mom took the envelope. 

I didn't listen to her and just ran after dad. I caught up to him and held his arm. 

"Dad listen just take a look I made those-" 

"Aziel I don't have time right now I'll take a look on whatever that was later." He easily shook off my hold and continued to the garage.

Obviously dad is much stronger than me, he looks like a bodybuilder with his six foot two ripped body stature. So the current me have no way of physically stopping him. 

Urgh! Do I really have no choice but to use that? Damn. 

I have no choice, I'll use it to my advantage if I need it. Like now...

I took a deep breath and... 

"DAAAAAAD!" I yell loudly all the while stomping my foot. 

Aah... My pride as a full grown man... 

I can't think of anything else. If I don't do this he might not even listen to me at all. 

Surely since this is Aziel's first time throwing a tantrum since waking up he'll at least listen, right? Right? 

Contrary to what I expected, he just stood in front of the car with an expression that looks half-annoyed and half-baffled. 

Don't! Don't look at me like that. 

I feel my face slightly heat up. 

"Richard! You need to see this!" 

Mom came to rescue me from my shame. She hurriedly walk ove to us and gave the contents of the envelope to dad who was still looking at me like I had grown two heads. 

Stop it! 

Well, thank goodness it worked out well in the end. He finally saw the blueprints. 

At first, he confusedly looked at the papers mom showed but as he looked more his face got more serious. 

"Aziel what is this?" He asks, his voice filled with skeptism. 

Mom also looks at me, bewildered. 

"A car blueprint. I took a look at yours the other day. I thought it was cool so I tried making one myself." A lie obviously. 

Keep your face straight. Act innocent, don't let them suspect anything. 

"You? Made this?" Now his expression is just pure surprise. 

Mom too mirrors his expression but as if she is suddenly understanding something she ask dad... 

"How is it hun?" Mom asks for his opinion. 

I also made a look as if I'm expecting something. Like a praise. 

I have to make it look like I really made this. 

"It's... Amazing... This is just spectacular! And the design...! You don't understand just how amazing this is!" He exclaimed now with excitement in his voice. 

He then tried excitedly explaining to mom how amazing the blueprint is. But mom obviously just looks like she's trying to comprehend but don't really understand, dad still went on though. 

Um... Isn't his reaction too much? I know this is a new model and all but this shouldn't be that amazing. It's from the more outdated ones after all. 

Did I mess up?... No that shouldn't be right. This is just from the 2010's after all. It should be alright. 

"T-then..." It seems mom also have the same idea as me. 

That's right! Use that as replacement in your presentation! 


"No." Dad suddenly wore a very serious expression again. 

What? Why!? 

Perhaps reading my face he explained himself. 

"No matter how desperate I am. I won't take credit for what my son has made. I'm not as low as that. " 

He handed me the envelope back after putting the blueprints very carefully back inside as if he is handling something very fragile. 

Perhaps noticing the disappointment on my face he pat me on the head and give me a reassuring smile. 

"We'll find out what to do with your work when I come back okay? Hahaha this is really amazing champ! Really!" 

With a final pat on my head and kissing mom on the cheek, he finally stepped into the car and pulled out the driveway. 

As we were watching the parting car from the pavement, mom patted me on the shoulder perhaps noticing my troubled face. 

"Don't worry, dad will do everything to solve his problem. He'll take care of it just watch and see. Just believe in dad, alright?" She said. 

Hm... That's not it! What do mean he will take care of it? There's no way he can make it no matter how hard he tried and he didn't accept the blueprint! What am I suppose to do with this then? I can't let this go to waste! There's also the mission too. What am I gonna do now?! 

"Let's get back now. Breakfast must've gone cold by now." Mom ushered me back into the house. 



Should I just sneak in his company tonight?