Prologue : The Curse of Moonlight
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          At exactly 12:30 PM, Rainy's alarm rang. Her head was resting on her desk and the phone's vibration jolted her awake. She groggily tapped her phone to turn it off. For some reason, tapping the alarm icon wouldn't turn it off. She tried again and nothing happened. She suddenly remembered her phone was a different model from the one she dropped into the academy's pool. In order to turn off the alarm, she had to swipe it sideways and that's what she did.

         She stretched her numb arms before standing up. She grabbed her cup, toothbrush and tooth paste from a container under her desk and left her cubicle. Around this time, nobody was using the restroom and she liked it. It's not that the restroom was small, it's just that she didn't like to brush her teeth with others. She found it really awkward to stand elbow-to-elbow with others. She couldn't even gargle or swish when her fellow tutors were around!

         After brushing her teeth and re-applying her lipstick, she went back to her cubicle to return her toiletries. She still had 15 minutes before her afternoon class.  As per her routine, she went down to the academy's canteen. Most tutors and students were there. The tutors were mostly chatting and gossiping in groups while the students were chilling or working on their homework. Who knew what was so funny that the tutors were laughing so loud. She simply made her presence invisible.

        The moment the cafeteria staff saw her, he smiled and got her order ready. Iced americano with 2 tablespoon of sugar. She didn't have to take out some cash to pay for her order. She just had to write it down on the log book and the accountant would deduct it from her paycheck. She liked the convenience. She smiled at the tutors she passed by as she exited the cafeteria.

       She still had ten minutes left. She logged on to Facebook and looked for any interesting stuff on her news feed. A guildmate of hers posted a video on their group page. Her eyes brightened. It was a video of last night's guild war. It was a one-sided victory for them. The enemy guild was massacred in that war. Who would dare trash talk now? She was so happy they got their lesson.

      It all started a week ago when a world boss appeared outside the town. Only few players were online in the guild since it was past midnight. They a party to kill the boss. Since their gears were low, it took them a while to beat the boss's hp down to 15%. When they thought they could kill it for rare loots, two parties from their enemy guild popped up out of nowhere and killed them in a flash. Not only that, but those bastards killed the boss too! That's robbery! They even insulted the guild for being weak! They sure had guts.

      The poor juniors reported the incident on Discord, but the guild seniors were all in dreamland at that time, including Rainy. The next day when she woke up, she opened her Discord only to see everyone in killing spree mode. After painfully scrolling all the way up to read and see the screen shots that caused uproar, she cussed. Without washing her face or brushing her teeth, she grabbed her laptop and went online.

      While waiting for The Curse of Moonlight Online game to finish loading, she was typing in lightning speed at her mobile Discord.

       HedonistPotato : Those motherf*ckers sure have guts! Weak, eh? Wait for me, babies! Let's beat the h*ll out of them and show them who's the boss!!!

      QueenBee : Weak their butts! When I asked their vice guild leader to kill me on a duel, he declined like a p*ssy! Can't even beat a healer in pvp? He got no balls! He said he was lagging. What a p*ssy!

      Rainy got even more excited. QueenBee was a girl who talked like her and because they were similar, they became online BFFs. She played a healer class called Herbalist. A class that specialized in buffing, healing and debuffing enemies. Whereas Rainy's class was a support mage class called Raven. The class specialized in crowd controls, curses and debuffs. With good gears, Raven class could do decent DPS (damage per second). A Herbalist and Raven in a team could almost guarantee a sure victory. With a Herbalist's attack and defense buffs and Raven's curses and crowd control skills, the team was almost invincible - with the exception of bad players, of course. She and QueenBee had teamed up together in so many instances that they had master the synergy. She smirked. It's going to be a fun weekend.

       ImmortalGenius : LordAgni just called them out in world chat!

       OilTycoon : They are very quiet.

      QueenBee : I told you they have no balls!

      LordAgni : Everyone, meet up outside Argent Town.

      Everyone : Aye!





strong>A short prologue of my new novel. Not sure if I can stick to it, though. Although this is only a work of fiction, many stuffs in this novel (if I finish it) are based on real-life events! I think I should make a glossary for those who are not familiar with some gaming terms. Let me know!