Chapter Eight: The Prince
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Chapter Eight
The Prince


Vera looked around the room and sank to one knee. The triumph of finding herself was somewhat overshadowed by how unsteady her legs felt and, more strongly, the death and destruction around her. It wasn’t helped by the fact that everything was so much more intense than it had been. For most of her life, everything had been muted, like she’d been living from under an opaque blanket, sounds and colours as dim and lifeless as she felt. Now, she felt… well, a lot of pain, while the hole in her chest healed. But she also felt alive. 

There were bodies all over the room, but she didn’t see any of her friends. Where Rubicus had been, there was only blood, a trail that led outside the room. The only one person she recognised that was moving was Prince Clarus, and he seemed to be unharmed. He also seemed to be moving toward her, with an expression on his face she couldn’t quite read. She’d never seen an expression like that before.

Um,” Vera thought at Ash, “what’s happening? What do I do?” Before Aesling could respond, the prince had broken out into a sprint toward her, his eyes wild! Was he going to attack her? Was he angry? Upset? Did he blame her for what happened? She slowly started to raise her arms, momentarily stunned by how soft her skin looked, even if it had an ever so subtle greenish hue. The palms of her hands were a soft pink, and the colour-contrast drew her eyes — and her attention — long enough for the Prince to have closed the distance. Several feet away he’d thrown himself to his knees and came to a sliding halt in front of her, grabbing her by the shoulders. Vera froze. 

“H-hello,” she said. The Prince’s eyes, bright and grey, were fixed on hers, and she saw tears forming in their corners. Vera had no idea what to say or do. She saw him mouth something, but even this close, she didn’t hear it. Then he wrapped his arms around her. “A,” Vera said. Prince Clarus moved back, took her face in his hands and pressed his mouth to hers. 

“AAA, Vera thought, loudly. This was not how she had expected or wanted her first kiss to go. She had wanted to close her eyes, to melt into it, instead of sitting, frozen on the spot, with her eyes wide open. Not that she would have been opposed to the Prince’s affection, but, well, not like this. When he finally pulled away, all she could do was stare. “Wh—” she managed. 

“My Aesling,” he said, and stroked her cheek. “Finally, in the flesh before me.”

“Vera,” Aesling echoed inside Vera’s head, “would you mind terribly if I spoke to him for a moment? That will require me taking over, so I understand if you aren’t comfortable w—”

“Yes, please!” Vera practically shouted. She reached out to Aesling in her head. Vaguely, there was a sense of her being in Aesling’s glade, and taking her hand, and the two of them suddenly trading places. She was comfortable. Mentally, it felt like lying down in the grass on a warm summer day and looking at the clouds. The clouds just happened to be the Prince’s face, which she was not opposed to, despite his… impromptu affection. Now that the shock of it had worn off, she realised he’d kissed her! She still felt it, a soft pressure on her lips, a persistent tingling sensation that made her want to giggle. 

“Clarus,” Aesling said, and for the first time — there were bound to be many firsts — Vera experienced what it was like to have someone talk through her mouth, move with her body. “Clarus, I’m here.”

“I know, Aesling. I have missed you so.” Tears flowed freely down his face, despite the happiness in his smile. “How can this be, my love?”

“I wasn’t here a minute ago, Clarus,” Ash said. “I fear that, when they attempted to revive you, the Cavean woke as well.”

“Then we shall stop him,” Prince Clarus said, like it was as easily said as it was done. “You and I, together, as we always should have been, side by side.”

“Somewhat,“ Aesling said. “I’m afraid this is still no body of my own, although I feel it suits me quite a bit better than yours did.”

Clarus frowned. “There was no other woman here earlier, was there? I could have sworn I was in a roomful of men. Regardless, could I speak with her, the way we once traded places? I would very much like to thank her, and apologise.”

Aesling looked around the room, at the bodies. Vera, at the same time a her, considered that Prince Clarus had some interesting priorities, but things had calmed down a little and, well, Vera had never talked to a Prince before. She’d kissed one, but hadn’t talked to one. “That can be arranged,” Aesling said, and she and Vera switched places once more. 

“H-hello again,” Vera said, now that she was in control of her faculties again. Prince Clarus stood up and offered her his hand. She carefully took it and he lifted her, his other hand on her elbow to help steady her. 

“Beautiful maiden,” Clarus said, “I apologise so deeply for the impropriety. I had never seen my Aesling in the flesh before, and thought you had to be her, the only woman in the room. How did I not see one as ravishing as you earlier?”

“Before you ask,” Aesling said, “Yes, he’s always like that, and no, I do not mind.” There was a little pause as Vera didn’t know how to respond. “Whether you tell him is your prerogative, child. But he will not judge, one way or another.” Vera nodded, and decided to take a chance on the Prince. He seemed honest, and she trusted Aesling’s judgement. 

“I’m… I’m Vera,” she said softly, and immediately she stopped, a little panicked, in the best way possible. “Is that my voice?!” All she got was a self-satisfied snicker from Aesling, who seemed to be taking a gleeful pride in work well-done. “Um… when you saw me earlier, I would have gone by the name of Cinero.” Saying the name out loud felt like a curse, something profane, like ash on her tongue. 

“But Cinero is a… Is that possible?” He seemed genuinely confused, his eyebrows knitting together. Vera’s inability to answer was exacerbated by Prince Clarus still staring deeply into her eyes. 

“It is,” Aesling said. “Would you like me to take it from here?” Vera gave another slight nod. She and Ash were switching back and forth pretty quickly, but it didn’t bother her. Simply riding along allowed her to feel her feelings without worry about how she came across, where she was safe. “My love,” Aesling said. “It’s me again.”

“I know,” Clarus said. “Your eyes are different when she’s… in front of you.” Vera turned her attention to Aesling. That wasn’t something she’d even considered. Going off Aesling’s response, that wasn’t something she’d expected either. 

“That’s… certainly new. In either case, Clarus, to answer your question, yes, that is possible. There are certain people, like Vera, whose body isn’t truly theirs. I was able to help her.”

The horror on Clarus’ face was clear as day. Vera had never seen someone so expressive before. For a moment, she was worried it was because he was horrified at the thought of having kissed a man, but that fear was very quickly assuaged. “Trapped in one’s own body? After having spent a decade in a half-waking limbo, without your voice or presence? I can only relate, my loving Ash. Can she hear me?” 

After getting confirmation from Vera, Aesling gave an affirmative nod. “She can.”

Passionately, Clarus took Vera by the shoulders. “Vera, I am beyond stricken with grief. What was done to you, by the cruelty of fate or some foul curse, is unspeakable. You, nor anyone else, should have to go have to suffer something as vile as that, and I swear to you that, when we leave this room, I will travel this land until I have found a cure for every single person like yourself, and I will hand it to every one of them personally.”

“Love,” Aesling said, “the Cavean, first.”

“Right,” Clarus said. “But after that.”

Thank you,” Vera squeaked. Even with Ash in front, she was squirming and blushing. She could still feel his hands on their shoulders, and found herself, if not drowning, then at least wading into those large, gray pools. “Is he always this intense?”

Yes,” Aesling said. “He is. How could I not fall for this ridiculous man?” Vera swallowed a little pang of envy. It was okay. She would still get to be there, even if their feelings were for each other. “She says ‘Thank you,’ love,” Aesling said. “And as for you… are you hurt?” Clarus shook his head. “That is a relief, at least.” Aesling turned her attention inward for a moment. “You… would you mind if I kissed him? I’ve never seen him from the outside, and being together in the glade is only a poor facsimile, and—”

“I don’t mind!” Vera squeaked. Ash smirked softly at her, and Vera wanted to hide her face. She hadn’t intended to sound as enthusiastic as she had. With that consent given, Aesling took the step closer, practically falling into Prince Clarus’ arms, who immediately wrapped them around her and pulled her in close. 

“I’ve missed you too, my Prince,” Aesling said, and pulled herself into a kiss. Vera found out the hard way that kisses were both better and more intense the second time around. His soft breath against their skin. His hands on their back. His heart, beating quickly and powerfully against their chest. Vera would have been unable to stay upright. Even in a space where she didn’t have a real body, she felt her knees weaken. Clarus ran a hand through their hair, and it sent a chill down Aesling’s — and by extension, Vera’s — body. When their lips finally parted, they were both slightly out of breath. 

“Does — does Vera not mind?” Clarus asked. Vera squirmed a little at his mention of her name. Even at a time like this, when the two of them were in each other’s arms, he had a thought to spare for her. She felt Aesling’s attention on her, without judgement or any kind of jealousy that Vera might have expected. 

“I do not think so,” Aesling said. “But who am I to speculate?” She took Vera’s hand, who tried to protest quickly and loudly, but it was too late, and with a swap of consciousness, she was in front of Clarus, his hand still resting on her back. 

“I — Hello!” she said. The Prince withdrew his hands and simply smiled. Vera felt her cheeks glow. “I… I just wanted to say that… I don’t mind! You two have clearly been apart for a very long time and I wish you all the happiness in the world.”

“That is no justification,” Clarus said. “Our desires should not come at the cost of your comfort, Vera. Besides, happiness mustn’t be a balancing act. When Aesling lived inside my soul, she and I found ways to make things work.” Vera wondered if she was imagining things, or if there really was an ever so gentle blush on his cheeks. When she looked at Ash, she got a similar sense of… oh. “And so it will be with you, beautiful maiden. If I understand correctly, you’re only now free of the curse that bound you to your flesh. You deserve to feel true happiness in it.”

Happiness. It was strange. Surrounded by death, still, for the first time in her life, happiness felt like an achievable goal. Speaking thereof… “Thank you, Prince Clarus,” she said softly. “But I fear the shadow cast over the world, and my part in it, will cause a slight delay.”

“Yes,” Clarus said, and he turned to the door. “Where do we start?”

“Rubicus,” Vera said with determination. “If he is able to stand, he will be moving.”

“A man after my own heart! Let us follow the trail!” Clarus said, already moving to the door. 

Do you mind if I…” Ash asked, hesitantly.

Go right ahead.”

“Clarus,” Aesling said, out loud now. Clarus’ head snapped around to look at her. When Aesling spoke, her voice, her inflection, was different from Vera’s. He’d probably picked up on it. “Your father.” Ash gestured at the motionless figure, barely visible against the far wall. 

“Oh,” Clarus said, and Vera saw his heart break.

Here he is, the most Himbo of Himbos I've ever written. I love him so fucking much.