Ch-33 General Luo helped People
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Huh....What kind of deal? Tell me something about it first and then I will decide whether I want to make a deal or not."

With his question a water like liquid suddenly appeared with some bits and pieces of pizza.

"The palace wants these unique food items that you call 'Pizza' in bulk and also other unique food items from your world."

'What?...' Zhang was confused "But why?...aren't there even more bizarre and unique food items in the universe, my planet isn't some powerful world you know?"


"Those food items are known by the palace but food items from your world aren't known by it."

That is the only reason the palace gave to Zhang. It didn't even tell why the palace needed food items like pizza.

Hearing this kind of reason Zhang became even more confused.

"If I may ask...why can't the palace just take some pizzas from my world directly. If it can teleport me here then it should be able to steal some food items from my world as well right? There is no need for a deal."

The palace should easily be able to come and even destroy his planet earth, so why make a deal just to get some food? That is what he thought.


This time the palace didn't say anything, there was only silence.

Since the palace wasn't replying, Zhang changed the topic and asked something else.

"I want to know whether the master of this palace gave me some kind of power to protect myself?."

Since he found himself alone in the palace, he decided to ask about this.

Again no responses from the palace voice. 

After some silence of about five minutes Zhang became depressed 'Damn….at least tell me something man..…sigh.'

Finally he didn't waste anymore time and asked about the deal, since the palace wanted the unique food items from his world then what is the big deal, maybe he could get something awesome in return, so he asked about his benefits in it.

"In return for this, the palace would give a new function to Judge No Face's Badge. Through the badge you would be able to transport yourself anytime between your world and the Dogma world."

Zhang was shocked by the benefits mentioned by the palace '!!!!!! Damn really!!? I can travel to a different world anytime with this deal!!! I don't even have to do some crazy hard missions!!.'

Seeing that the benefits outweigh the efforts he would put on the deal, Zhang directly accepted it.

After his agreement, a contract appeared in front of him with filled content.

 It stated 'Judge No face would deliver some batches of pizzas every month to the palace and also bring samples of some other food items for the palace to choose for more food items.

Judge No face would have to give batches of three food items that the palace chooses.

In return, his badge would be given the functionality to teleport between two worlds Earth and Dogma. The function would be there until the deal gets terminated by either two. If the palace chooses more food items in the future then another deal would be made for that trade.'

Seeing no mistakes he signed it and the contract disappeared before his eyes.


After the contract disappeared the palace voice asked, "Would you like to be directly transported to the Dogma world?."

Zhang thought about it and decided to first go back to Earth and rest until his body recovers and after some preparation, travel the Dogma world.

With that, he disappeared and went back to Earth.


There was only silence after Zhang left the palace.

 Suddenly a blue water-like liquid appeared with a triangular shaped seal and a blood red core on it.

It was moving in a certain direction.

On the front part of the palace a strange ancient door could be seen, it was a very big door.

There were many doors like this in the palace.

The water-like liquid was moving towards that door, after reaching close enough, it suddenly swallowed the blood core of Yakushi!.

",GlupGlupGlup" the blood core slowly decreased in size and the colour of the liquid water turned red from blue.

After the blood core completely disappeared and the water liquid appeared deep red in appearance, it started expelling out some blood from its body.


With the complete expulsion of the red blood, his body became shining gold in colour with a golden aura around it!.

After this, the water-like liquid also swallowed the seal inside its body. After putting it inside, the seal started absorbing the golden coloured shine of the water liquid's body. 

The shining water body started losing its lustre until it's whole body went back to being a water like liquid with a blue colour. Finally it took out the seal, its appearance now had completely changed.

The seal at first just looked like normal wood but now it has become a complete gold in colour with a golden aura around it.

Now, No one would believe that this seal was something ordinary! Unless they are blind!!.

After taking out the seal, the water-like liquid put it inside a triangular shaped hole on the strange ancient door.

With the seal being put inside the door something happened! A big glow appeared and flashed like a bomb before covering the whole palace!!.

With a creaking sound the ancient door slowly started opening.

Seeing the opening of the door, a very aged voice could be slowly heard saying "Finally.….with the seal and a very small strand of a blood drop of 'Bylark' it is finally opening..."

"Chwaaa!!..." The door finally opened with a sound and the water-like liquid disappeared.


Zhang reappeared in his room and directly slept on his bed, he wanted to rest.

All his muscles hurt like crazy! "It hurts like hell!!" he closed his eyes to sleep but couldn't due to the pain that he was feeling.

"F**k!...that monster must've been an immortal alright, it is so painful. It seems like my powers can at least block the blows of an immortal but my own body is weak as hell, so I could still die due to the aftershock of a powerful attack.``

He became alert and decided to not do any missions until he became an aurora core expert!!.

'The palace allowed me to go for that mission even though I am just a 1st level qi cultivator...was it because of my cheat power? I can probably block attacks of an aurora core expert without getting hurt, so the palace allowed me to go.'

That was the only probable reason that Zhang could come up with right now.

He decided to figure everything out slowly in the future after he gets more stronger

For now he just laid down on his bed trying to sleep.


General Luo after coming back directly went outside the Hu empire.

Some soldiers could be seen guarding the palace with serious expressions.

Some young masters could be seen having mental fights with each other and being arrogant in front of their servants.

A rich fat person could even be seen bullying a handsome looking but poor young man, saying how he is trash compared to others.

On some other side, a group of rich young girls could be seen making fun of a cute and sweet looking girl saying how she is a slut to seduce some random famous and handsome young master of a random famous clan.

Suddenly! Everyone saw a terrifying presence approaching them, it was general Luo!.

He seemed to be in a hurry! Seeing him put some pressure on the guards.


A guard suddenly moved forward and went in the direction of the fat rich kid to stop his actions, he even acted like some embodiment of justice while doing so.

His purpose was to impress general Luo but he was actually ignored by him.

The guard saw general Luo moving ahead of him.

The rich kid looked at general Luo and backed off out of fear, seeing that he didn't notice him, the fat kid was relieved. He directly ran off to his home.

The young masters fighting psychological battles stopped fighting and cupped their fists to show their respect to general Luo before parting ways.

A young pretty looking daughter of a prestigious family suddenly moved and went to the rich young girls group who were bullying a sweet and cute looking girl.

After reaching them, she directly began berating them in an elegant way like a proper miss of a prestigious family, while also secretly glancing at general Luo seeking for his attention.

The group of rich girls became silent and left as well due to the appearance of general Luo.


General Luo also ignored the young miss and moved forward. Looking at his back, the guard and the young miss were thinking 'What is General Luo doing in this scarce area of Hu city? Is there something important going on?'

They were wary but also disappointed that they couldn't catch his eyes.

The handsome looking young poor kid who was beaten down slowly stood up and stared at general Luo's back and thought. 'What is power and prestige? That is' he looked impressed and also grateful for his help.

'Although I don't have any talent in either cultivation or martial arts and am considered trash by other people, I still got this.' he took out a unique looking ring from his sleeves and excitedly looked at it.

He found this ring by chance, at first he didn't think too much about it, but one day when he was just sweeping a floor of some random family, he mistakenly pricked his finger and some of his blood was absorbed by his ring.

Something big happened after that! The ring suddenly lost its rusting state and became a brand new ring with sharp edges.

The upper part of the ring had a silver coloured small sword shaped structure.

After looking at it he felt a weird kind of connection with the ring and started researching it deeply.

One day he suddenly had an epiphany, which led him to go inside the ring. He found a big unimaginable space inside and also a stone boulder in front.

Atop the boulder was a booklet which contained a technique.

It was a sword technique! After reading the technique he picked a wooden stick and started practicing sneakily. He found out that he had talent in sword arts! Such a realisation made him so emotional that he started crying, afterall his whole life had been a living hell just because of not having any talent for anything, now that he found out that he had a talent in swords arts, he became so happy that you can't express it in mere words.

This was the first time that he had seen such a unique sword technique because the technique doesn't follow any paths of the continent. As far as he was informed, Aru continent only has two energies of strength Martial qi and spiritual qi, that means going on a completely different path is something that most people wouldn't dare to do.

This sword technique had its own realms and bases for the practitioner.

The fat rich kid was about to snatch his ring, when general Luo appeared to save him from this incident.

The person looked at general Luo's fading back and vowed that for his help today whether knowingly or unknowingly, he would repay this favour in the future after he became strong.


The cute and sweet looking female also slowly stood from her position and stared at general Luo's back before thanking that young miss from a prestigious family and left. The young miss didn't even look at her once.

The sweet looking person's eyes suddenly turned cold. 'Just wait...I will repay your kindness in the future.'

She was thinking about the young rich ladies when she thought of that but when her thoughts came to general Luo her eyes became normal again 'I owe you, just wait I will surely repay you in the future.'

She was just a normal servant girl in an average household but her face was very beautiful even surpassing the young misses of prestigious families of the empire.

This had always brought trouble from either young masters or young misses of the powerful clans or families.

One day when she was being beaten up by a group of servants, someone hit her head so hard that it started bleeding heavily.

The group of servants thought that she would soon die. Out of fear they threw her far away in a forest for wild animals but who knew that while dying she would suddenly remember about her past life.

She remembered that she was a powerful cultivator in the past, during the calamity period she was killed by an otherworlder.

After remembering her past, she stood up and healed herself using some strange technique and left the forest, she also left her household to run far away to the Hu city.

After spending two months here, she attracted the attention of a young master of a prestigious family, he kept disturbing her.

This led some young misses to be jealous of her, who started bullying her everyday.

Just when she had enough and was about to kill one of them out of anger, General Luo appeared and saved her.

She was grateful for that as she didn't want to offend anyone while she was weak.

'Once I grow stronger, I will help the Hu empire and become its ally.' She wanted a faction to rely on for her future paths, since she had good feelings about the empire she decided to ally herself with it.