September 1993
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The Quicksilver Sphynx
Miscellanea, September 1993
Nick 'Winter

Heya, gang! What do you think of the new layout Brittany came up with for the Sphynx? Isn't it great? Not least because I have more space than ever to play with! I can just see everyone bouncing with joy.

The biggest news of the month: Eleanor 'Moonstone and Darcy are getting handfasted! No news on whether Darcy will be joining Coven Moonstone or staying solitary, but everyone wishes you all the best either way. There's going to be an outside circle on the night of the full moon (for anyone not paying attention, that would be the thirtieth) starting just before sunset in the park, the rest of Moonstone is leading, everyone is invited. Okay, which witch is going to take responsibility for making sure the weather is good? There'll be a party after, of course, potluck-style. If you need more info, give Thera 'Moonstone a call.

Other upcoming highlights: Exotica have been working on a new play called “Wild Hunt.” I snuck in to see a rehearsal, and it looks downright fascinating. I don't want to give anything away, but Cari 'Dragonfire makes a wonderful Huntress. Cari tells me they'll be opening on Thursday the sixteenth at eight in the school gym, usual sliding scale, $3-10. Since they're doing it hands-on interactive (remember “Calliope”? Same idea) they're limiting the number of people, so they're going to run it for five nights, longer if there's demand. Advance tickets available, get in touch with anyone from Exotica.

I'm hearing rumours that we have our first new coven of the year already, although I gather none of the people involved are new at the college this year. I'll try to confirm, but I heard it includes a wolf, a dryad seer, a human telekinetic, and an elf, which is probably more than enough info to identify them if you know them but unfortunately I don't. What? No witch? What's a coven without a witch? (Eva, don't you dare say “quiet!”)

Katherine recently accepted Miguel Lioren as her newest student, which will give us a total of I believe 19 active mages in Haven. Anyone actually surprised at the idea of another Lioren mage?

Leif 'Artemisia tells me they have some new ritual tools in at White Stag, primarily metal (knives & cups, a few metal wands & pentagrams) but they're expecting some of the wooden kind soon (wands & pentagrams, a few cups). Sounds like you could pick up a nice set for someone who uses them.

Events for the equinox are fairly plentiful (wait until next month, for the Samhain activities!), there's a full list on the back page.

Historical notes for September: Morgan Dominique, honoured ancestor of virtually every witch in Haven, was born Sept. 17, 1767. Yes, Morgan of Coven Starluck which founded our fair village was born a full century before Canada's birthday. One year ago Sept. 19, Flynn 'Sundark got his first acceptance letter for a short story (thanks for reminding me, Cynthia). Fifty-six years ago, Haven College began its first year as a recognized private post-secondary school with our own schedule for holidays and various programs tailored to and practical for the abilities and needs of the mixed village population—my highest respects to those who pulled that trick off! How many of us would go noisily insane if we didn't have our own college to rely on, and to bring in our own kind from the other five Canadian mixed villages, they being not so fortunate, and occasionally from farther afield? Without it, we'd be more inbred than we already are, and I would never have come here from Ravenrock to meet my coven!

Have fun back in school, kids, and I'll get back to you in October. Ciao!