April 1994
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The Quicksilver Sphynx
Miscellanea, April 1994
Nick 'Winter

Well, we all survived winter, I think. Ever notice that everyone in Haven seems to be in higher spirits after the spring equinox? Beltaine's coming! Check out the happenings on the back page! Beach bonfire with live music and the usual potluck? That's hard to beat!

Drua 'Windstorm and Morey 'Rowan are having a baby! It's due in June (how come nobody told me until now?). And Haven gets another Aurelian-Lioren elf!

Camilla Fitzgerald is moving away from us, to go to Falias in Newfoundland. Why is anyone's guess, (don't hit me, Sonja, I'm joking, Falias is a great place!) but I gather it has something to do with a newly-forming coven, possibly. I suppose we can stand to lose her for a good cause, and they don't come any better than that, but Exotica won't be the same without her there to play wonderful villains, right from lecherous human princes to angry faerie queens to vengeful ghosts.

There's a healer's convention the 23rd and 24th (Saturday and Sunday). Don't ask me about plans, Liam won't tell me; if you're a healer call Mandisa, she's organizing it.

There's a witches' convention coming up, too, the 14th and 15th of May (another weekend). If you're a witch, call Dion and he'll tell you what's going on.

The database idea is going well, Deanna 'Sundark tells me, and I'm to thank everyone who for the last two months has given them so much information on gems and crystals. They're going to put it on the library computers and they're working on an effective way to put it on our very own BBS, so anyone who wants to access it can. The next subject is herbalism, so all you herbalists out there, sit down and list every kind of herb you use and what you do with them. Obviously, there's more to the art than can be crammed in, but the idea is to get a wide range rather than extreme depth. Again, give it to Covens Sundark, Merrymoon, Moonstone, Dragonfire, Tabbycat or Harpsong, or to Grant Londry. In two or three months, I'll let you know the next topic.

We're coming quickly up that time when Bryan keeps the library open extra hours for couple of months, and he has no one lined up yet to help out. If you're interested, stop in and see him.

And now, what everyone has been dreading: historical notes. Brydie Isadore was born April 18th, 1763. Morgan and Victoria were married April 23rd, the day after they met. No, not love at first sight. Victoria was born into a mundane family, almost condemned as a “witch,” and Morgan married her to get her out of there. He brought her home to Alessandria and Brydie, and a few months later Victoria was part of Starluck. She even left the most awesome sketches of her coven and their friends, and she signed them all, and they were still in the attic of their old house! Okay, Brittany's standing right behind me so I have to be good. April 11th is the birthday of our other Adept, the one whose birthday it wasn't back on October 19th. However, I've once again been forbidden to tell name or age. What is it with our Adepts, anyway?

In April 1989, one of our standing mysteries occurred: a recently-founded village north-west of here, called Unity, died, apparently overnight. There've been rumours of survivors but nothing confirmed. Government investigation was inconclusive. Ours turned up the strong scent of werewolves but no elves or dryads, bizarre as that is. No one knows anything about who the wolves were, only that they died too. Nothing else gave any answers at all, despite all attempts with various scrying, seeing, and related techniques. At this point, it's unlikely we'll ever know.

Enjoy spring and Beltaine!