15. Anxiously Defiant
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=::= Tally's PoV =::=

"Just relax Tally, it's going to be ok. And remember, whatever happens you're perfectly safe here."

I tried not to look too nervous as I nodded, "Yes ma'am."

A moment later I grimaced, "Er, I mean yes sir? Or um, sorry! I don't know what to call you?"

The tall strong enby smiled, "Just call me Kara ok? And don't worry, both Maria and I are here for you."

"Ok Kara," I nodded again. "Thank you."

I used to think Jenny was intimidating, but Beth's sister had nothing on this tall slim strong enby.

Kara was probably as tall as my dad, I felt like a little kid next to them. And unlike my dad, the enby's muscles were clearly visible under their tight t-shirt. The other thing that was visible, at least to me, was the complicated runic tattoo on their wrist. I knew it translated to 'champion', and I knew they were some kind of warrior or fighter. I also knew it meant they were in the coven, and they were a witch.

They worked here at QSAW with Ms. Watson, they were one of the bosses or something. They were dressed casual though, in old blue jeans and a white t-shirt. They had sturdy-looking black boots on their feet, and an interesting bracelet on their right wrist near the magic tattoo. The bracelet was leather, with some chunky wood and metal beads on it. I didn't know much about magic and stuff yet, but something told me the bracelet was enchanted.

I wasn't wearing any jewelry, but compared to Kara I was dressed up. I was wearing my favourite skirt and a pretty blouse. And I had a new pair of shoes I got yesterday, they had heels which made me look slightly taller when I was standing. They weren't that high, but they were my first pair of heels and I loved them. And I even had make-up on, Bethany helped me figure that out. My hair was nicely brushed too.

Unfortunately, instead of going out and doing something fun once I was dressed up all pretty Ms. Watson brought me over to QSAW. Now I was nervous and trying not to fidget while I waited in the meeting room with the tall imposing enby warrior.

I curled my tail around and onto my lap then started stroking it as I tried again to calm myself down.

The last few days had gone by quickly. I was getting more comfortable at school, especially knowing I didn't have to worry about running into Dylan while he was on suspension. Not every teacher was as nice as Mr. Farran, but they all accepted me and started using my new name and everything once they knew who I was.

I didn't get any trouble from other students either. There were still some whispers and comments about me, but at least they left me alone. And things seemed to work out ok with Steve, he was still my friend and everything. Even if he did act kind of awkward around me now. He didn't say anything, but I was pretty sure he was dealing with some mixed-up feelings about me. I knew he thought I was kind of hot, and he was a straight guy and all that.

Sienna was nice too. They didn't hang out with me, but I saw them at lunch and stuff and they always said hi and asked how I was doing. Between the enby fox-kin and Jenny it felt like I had a couple bodyguards looking out for me at school. And now I had Kara acting like a bodyguard here.

And the reason I needed a bodyguard at QSAW stepped through the door into the meeting room a minute or two later.

I tried not to look too nervous as my parents walked in, followed by Ms. Watson.

"Please have a seat," she told them as she gestured towards the opposite side of the table.

Mom and dad both sort of froze for a few moments as they stared at me. Like they already knew I was a foxgirl, but the last time they saw me I was just wearing an oversized t-shirt and track pants. I was Tally, but I didn't have any girls clothes or make-up, I wasn't all dressed up and pretty.

After staring at me for a few seconds, my folks moved to sit down where Ms. Watson had indicated. So they were on one side of the table, me and Kara were on the other. And my girlfriend's mom took a seat at the end, so she was kind of in the middle.

I spoke first, but my voice came out quieter and more timid than I wanted.

"Hi mom, hi dad... I've missed you."

They were still staring at me, and they both seemed like they weren't sure what to say or how to react. Maybe because of how girly I looked, or maybe because of the stuff Ms. Watson told them before bringing them in here to see me.

While I was waiting with Kara, my folks had a fifteen or twenty minute meeting alone with my girlfriend's mom. And I knew at least part of that meeting was her kind of giving them the rules, like if they used my deadname or misgendered me then the meeting would end immediately. Beyond that, I knew she would have been talking to them about trans stuff and demi-human stuff, like to make sure they had some understanding of why I changed and all.

In the end it was my dad who spoke up first. He was still kind of hesitant as he said, "Hi...hon. We've missed you too. You look uh... You look good. How are you feeling?"

My big floofy tail was still on my lap and I kind of unconsciously pulled it closer against me as I shrugged. "I'm ok I guess. Ms. Watson has been really nice, same with Beth and Jenny, and everyone here too."

Dad nodded slowly, and his eyes kind of drifted upwards towards my ears. Then they went downwards, past my chest to my tail. I wasn't sure if my parents knew anything about body language of animals, but if they did they'd know I was anxious and trying to calm myself down.

After another few seconds he asked, "Are you happy? I mean, like that? Are you happy being part-animal, and a girl?"

This time I didn't hesitate. I was kind of emphatic as I stated, "Yes. This is the real me, I've never felt happier or more comfortable with my body before this week."

"You don't look very happy -" mom started to say, but she cut herself off. I was positive she was about to deadname me before she stopped herself. After a second she continued, "You look uncomfortable and uneasy. How do you know you won't feel better once you're back to normal?"

I gulped and held my tail a little tighter, but I didn't respond right away.

Mom glanced at Kara and Ms. Watson then looked back at me and suggested, "Maybe the three of us need to have this conversation in private, so we know you're not being influenced or coerced by these people. We're your parents, your family. We don't need to have some strangers getting involved in how we raise our s- our child."

Ms. Watson shifted slightly in her chair at the end of the table, and out of the corner of my eye I could tell Kara was ready to stand up for me too. I hugged my tail even closer, and as I did that my eyes fell on the initiation tattoo on my wrist. And seeing that strange black glyph kind of gave me strength.

It reminded me I wasn't just a tiny vulnerable foxgirl, I was also a witch. I had two powerful witches here on my side, and one of them was the coven's champion. And on top of all that, the mark on my wrist came from an actual Goddess. I briefly wondered if what I was feeling right then was faith, before I turned my attention back to my folks.

"No mom," I stated as firmly as I could.

I let go of my tail, and I felt it move around back so it was sticking straight out behind me. At the same time my ears pointed upwards and slightly forward. It's like I was alert and ready to pounce or something. Not really, but that's what my ears and tail were saying.

"I'm uncomfortable and uneasy because of you two," I stated. "The last few days have been some of the best days of my life. I finally got to be the real me, and I've been staying with nice caring loving people. My girlfriend's family have been supportive and helpful and they've looked after me since you kicked me out."

Dad protested, "We didn't kick you out! You left on your own."

I wasn't sure how to respond to that, I didn't know if what mom said on the phone on Monday technically counted as kicking me out or not.

While I was trying to figure out what to say, Ms. Watson addressed my parents.

"Mrs. Lambert, you told Tally on Monday that she wouldn't be allowed to return home unless she reversed the legal name change and reverted her documents back to her deadname. Giving your sixteen-year-old daughter an ultimatum where the stakes involved not allowing her to come home is no different than pushing her out the door yourself. And basing that ultimatum on her identity expression makes it a discriminatory act."

My mom bristled at that, and even I was a bit surprised. Like Ms. Watson wasn't pulling any punches there.

"Ok," dad sighed as he looked at me. "I'm sorry it came across as an ultimatum, I'm sure that's not how your mother meant it. You don't have to change your name back or any of that other stuff. Are you going to come back home with us?"

I hesitated, "I'm not sure..."

Ms. Watson spoke up again, "I can't let Tally return home until I'm convinced it's a safe and supportive environment for her."

That seemed to hit my dad a lot harder than anything else so far. Like the idea that I wouldn't feel safe at home was something he'd never even considered before.

Meanwhile mom glared and stated, "We would never harm either of our children, and I resent the implication!"

"I never suggested you would Mrs. Lambert," Ms. Watson replied calmly. "But safe and supportive means a lot more than not hitting your child. It means keeping her safe from other sources of harm. It means respecting and acknowledging her identity, and respecting her for who she is. I could go on, but returning to the matter of safety there's also the situation with her brother."

She continued, "Dylan physically assaulted Tally on Tuesday, and he threatened her in a crowded hallway in front of dozens of witnesses."

"Brothers fight," mom said dismissively as she rolled her eyes. "Boys rough-house. It's what they do, it's part of being a boy."

It was the same sort of thing my parents always said. Any time Dylan bullied me they just let it happen, they gave me that boys will be boys line or told me to toughen up. Or they blamed me for instigating it.

Only this time I'd had enough, and I lost my temper. I was on my feet as I shouted at my parents, "I'M NOT A BOY!"

Mom and dad looked startled as they stared at me, while I kept yelling at them.

"I was never a boy, even if I was stuck looking like one! I'm a girl, and I've always been a girl! And until you accept that I'm a girl and I'm your daughter, I've got nothing else to say to you!"

My folks were both still staring at me, and I remained on my feet. My heart was racing and my hands were clenched into fists. I hoped I looked as angry as I wanted, even though I felt like I was going to burst into tears at any moment.

After a few seconds dad said softly, "Hon..."

"NO!" I shouted again. "My name is Tally! I'm not hon, I'm not child! I'm Tally and I'm your daughter!"

By the time I was finished my mom looked angry again, like she was mad at me for raising my voice to her or something. Dad was different, he looked like he actually listened to what I said instead of just paying attention to how loud I was.

Everyone was quiet though, like neither of them was ready to respond after all my shouting and stuff.

Finally Ms. Watson spoke up, she suggested "Perhaps we should take a short break? Kara, why don't you take Tally to the staff room and get her a drink or something?"

The tall enby nodded as they got up out of their chair. I was still standing, and while I was the only one on my feet it was easy to forget how small I was. With Kara standing next to me though I felt absolutely tiny, not to mention weak and vulnerable.

"C'mon Tally," they said to me with a friendly smile. "Maria's right, feels like a good time for a break."

I glanced back at my folks again. Mom still looked grumpy while dad looked uneasy. And neither of them were looking at me. It felt like they didn't really want to do this, that they didn't want to see me. Or maybe they did, but now that I stood up to them and stuff they'd had enough.

My shoulders probably slumped a bit as I sighed, "Ok Kara."

This chapter comes courtesy of Jess who commissioned it!
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