Chapter 29: pistills and pistols
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Unfortunately I'm kinda scared to research how to make a gun from scratch because I feel like it would put me on some kind of list,  so I don't know as much about the process of making a gun other than the basic mechanic of explosive substance propels bullet through tube. Thankfully this chapter isn't in Sky's Pov so I don't have to make it in depth.

After getting up from my seat, I felt a little light headed. Oh wow its been awhile since Ive felt like this. I think the last time something like this happened was when I'd stay up way too late playing the game I'm now in. Heh, good times. Actually what time is it right now? Just when I was about to open my curtain and check their was a knock on my door.

"Honey? Are you alright? You've holed yourself in that workshop for quite awhile. Its already about time to sleep."

Shit! Is it already that late? Guess I'll just show everyone my knife tomorrow. For now I should go to bed cuddling my wife. Ahh I want to be held in her gentle embrace and relax after a hard day of work.

"I'm sorry for staying in my workshop for so long, Mi'ara, but no worries! I've finished what I was working on so I'll show it to you tomorrow."

"I see. You've worked hard haven't you? You did well."

Mi'ara then pulled me into a tight hug and patted my head. Yeah, this is the life.


Its a new day and its finally time to show off the culmination of my work. I decided to show it to Mi'ara first because she was nearby, but her grandfather also got curious and joined in. With a smile on my face I unsheathed my knife.


Mi'ara's grandfather's reaction was over the top. Meanwhile Mi'ara's reaction was,

"My, that certainly is an interesting effect, but its only cosmetic right?"

"Yep! Basically I formed a sort of carpet of an element called Carbon. It traps light really well so it make whatever it's on really dark."

"Are you sure it won't swallow reality, Lass? That darkness isn't easy on the eyes."

"Relax its just a visual trick, see?"

I run my hand over the side of the blade. My fingers not phasing through show that the knife isn't made of the space between stars but rather normal metal.

After showing a few other villagers, I find their reactions mostly range from 'that's neat. Can you apply it to my weapon?' too 'OH GOD ITS CURSED'. Although after some explanation and re-creating the effect the villagers in the second camp calmed down. Sky responded with a 'So you re-created vanta black, huh?'. 


Now that I'm done with my work with dyes, It's time that I take a good look into the plant seeds Garn brought over. While I took a small look over the seeds, it was only to find flaxseeds (I took about half and grew them with magic to start a farm by the way.). I haven't completely identified the other plants.

I take the first seed and use my magic to grow it. The result is... instant regret. You see in Australia on Earth there is a plant called the gympie gympie tree. (Its not a tree but is still called one for some reason.) The gympie gympie tree happens to be covered in poisonous stingers. The poison in these stingers cause immeasurable pain to the recipient. The developers decided to add a small nod to this tree by making whats essentially a treant based off of it. It also just so happens that Bernadette Autumburn is allergic to this tree. There was an event in game where the villainous Bernadette gets stung by a treant as there comeuppance for trying to hinder the heroine in a class assignment. Its not lethal but it hurts like hell and I'd be puffed up like a balloon if what I just grew touches me. Before the pain tree can even take in its surroundings I prepare a fire spell and burn it to the ground. Where the hell did Big G even get this?

Next up is a pitcher plant. This one doesn't have the most usefulness but at least it can help deal with flies or something. Although its colors are quite vibrant, I could see it being a nice decorative plant. Anyway while it may mainly serve as a decoration, it's at least I didn't need to apply liberal amounts of fire magic.

Third is a pine tree. Nice! This one has all kinds of uses. You could make tea with its pine needles, they smell nice, the trunks will provide nice lumber, and we can make wood ash. The amount of uses wood ash has is astounding. It'll let us make simple basic solutions and soap if I remember correctly.

Hmmm... number four turned out to be nightshade. Quite the poisonous plant. I don't think I should produce industrial sized farms of this, however I'll keep a personal garden. Never know when you might need some Poison. You can also use it to make a muscle relaxant. Pretty sure eye doctors use a small amount of the muscle relaxant to dilate your pupils. A bit niche but nice to have.

Well number five gave me lemons, guess I'll have to make lemonade. Wait there's no sugar... well fuck. Now not only do I have to protect the tree from lemon stealing whores, I can't enjoy lemonade while doing so. I suppose I can still use the lemon juice to season chicken or something.

Just as I was about to check the next plant, Sky came over. 

"Hey can you help me out with a project? I want to make guns but the process is bound to have . . . Explosive accidents. You don't have to worry about the intricacies, I've got that covered. I just need you on hand for healing. You and me are probably the only people who can completely restore a missing hand in the village."

"Guns, huh? Sounds fun, I'm in. Nobody will be able to step on our turf if we arm the people with firearms. Also I happened to have picked up a spell that completely nullifies pain. I figure it might be useful here."

"Understatement of the century. Well follow me, I'll show you the impromptu firing range."

Thus we started experimenting with trying to re-create gun powder.

  lemon stealing whores:

Gympie gympie tree: