Chapter 37: Punishment round
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originally this round was gonna be towards the end of this arc but I ended up putting way to much thought into how the battle would go and I don't think I can focus on the other rounds when my mind always wanders to this one. Also writing Karakata's dialogue has been an enjoyable experience.  I dunno, something about writing assholes is just fun.

Before I can even try and enchant my new book, I'm sent back to Karakata. They've got a wide, toothy grin on their face. Unsettling.

"Welcome back contestant!"

"What's with that smile? It's creepy."

"Why, because someone I dislike has made a fool out of themselves of course!"

"I've made a fool out of myself? Didn't I do the task correctly?"

"Oh my! You've most certainly carried out the task, but you definitely didn't do it correctly. Your methodology lacks ... let's say, finesse."

"... I lack finesse?"

Their smile grows wider as they let out a low chuckle,

"Ah right, I forgot you're an idiot."

I go to make a come back, but am interrupted as she continues,

"No, don't worry I'll lay it all out so even an ignoramus like you can understand. You see, while your task was indeed to slay the pest in the death god's library, the purpose of the slaying was to protect the books it was consuming. Honestly your methods were just barbaric. Do you know how many books you trampled in your little show? Those poor souls... I mean I did trap them in there but details~  details~."

"You never sai-"

"Shhhhhhhhhh, I get that the neurotoxin has probably reduced a sizeable amount of your grey matter but, I'm talking."

God what a bitch. Also doesn't the bit about souls mean there's a soul in my book?

"Ehem, back on topic,"

After clearing their throat, their smile becomes so wide it no longer fits human proportions

"Because of your failure, I'm sending you into a penalty round. I hope you're ready to face your fears."

"What the hell! I killed the monster like you said too. Hell, I shouldn't even be here! Lungaloid poison shouldn't have been able to kill me that quickly."

"Sure, sure, keep crying about it. Maybe if you survive this round I'll tell you a little bit about the predicament you're currently in."

With a little wave from Karakata, my vision turned white and I was sent off.


When I awoke, It was not where I expected to be. I was just in a void surrounded by judging spectators and an asshole ; The place I am in currently, is what appears to be a very familiar and well kept mansion. Furthermore, Instead of being a little girl I seem to have the body of an 18 year old. 

Oh boy, here we go again.

Looking at my body, it seems physical. As in I'm not able to phase through objects slightly and reshape myself anymore. Hell I can even feel my pulse, so It seems that I'm flesh and blood again, at least for the duration of this round.

Going into the dresser mirror where I initially found out I became Bernadette, I find that I look exactly like the Bernadette from the game. Although If I'm the same age as the Bernadette from the game shouldn't I be at the mansion in the capital,  since you know, school? That'll probably take some subtle questioning to find out without rousing suspicion, so I'll leave that line of thought for later.

For the time being I test out my magic. After casting a slew of standard spells, it seems not only am I still capable of using all the normal elements with ease, but that I still have the same mana reserves. Next up is lightning and yeah that works pretty well. I'd like to test out dragon magic but my lightning spells are too destructive, healing magic would require cutting off a limb and I don't really have a target for the neutral spells that would let me know that they're working properly.

As I'm walking out of the closet, I notice a particular dress left away from the others. Its light and simple. It also feels familiar, I've definitely seen it before. Searching through my memory I finaly remember it. This was the dress Bernadette wears during the summer break arc. I suppose that explains why I'm at the mansion in the right region.

 During summer break on Alford's route you can go to the royal family's vacation house with him. Picnics and scenic forest strolls ensue. Boring stuff basically, but Bernadette does show up to interfere as she always does, wearing the dress in front of me. Honestly that was one of the big problems with Alford's route, it's pretty much just normal romance fluff, Bernadette appears, battle happens, plans are foiled. Sure there's the organization plotline, but that's in all the routes. Literally every other route has something more interesting in it. The knight has the mystery of what happened to his older brother, the theif had gang politics and stealth missions, and the wizard, Vil'anth bless his pure chunni heart, had his amazing dialogue. Hell Bram at least had some espionage and some really tense back and forth mind games while dealing with Bernadette and the organization's agents. Compared to that Alford's route is BLAND. Well of course you can also choose to not take Alford's invitation during summer vacation so you can branch off into the much cooler cursed sword route, but that's pretty much the only reason you'd replay Alford's route. Well maybe there's some Alford simps who would replay it, but those don't count as people so HA.

Back on to the dress, I decide to wear it because it seems to be prettyeasy to move in. I enchant it of course, with durability improvements and heat resistance. I also take this time to make a titanium sword with enchantments and all. I'll have to get Bram to get a sheath made.

Upon exiting my room I'm met with Bram and Cornelius. Damn it feels like its been ages since I've seen Corny boy's helmeted face. While I regret doing the whole attempted torture thing, I still think he's better off dead. In fact I'm already coming up with plans to take him out. I don't know how long this round is gonna last, but regardless I feel like he's gonna be a constant pain in my ass. For now I speak up to Bram,

"Bram, run this sword over to a blacksmith and have a sheath made, the sooner the better."

"Understood Ma'am."

Still as deadpan as ever I see. Cornelius being confused by the sword speaks up,

"Uh... Bern, where did you find that sword?"

"Ah that? I Made it with magic for a school project. Summer homework and all that jazz."

"I see, tasks given to you by the academy should be completed in a timely manner."

He crosses his arms and nods his head in approval,

"Good work. Homework aside, I brought the report on that girl you asked for."

I received the paper and read through it. Halfway through I paused. That's because I remembered what the goal of the trial is, to face your fears.

Sky has declined Alford's invitation