Chapter 42: cleaning up the streets (by making a mess)
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I mentioned this in the comments of my last chapter, but I'm ending this arc early. I'll come back at some point and write it in its full surreal glory with some minor revisions at some point, but thats gonna be a long time in the future, maybe after the stroy is finished.  Since I'm shortening the arc as a whole I decided to do the Lavalivarus PoV chapter anyway despite not winning the poll.

Lavalivarus PoV

I have a game I like to play. Its a little distraction I do when I'm faced with the mundane. Looking through my hosts memories, it seems human children sometimes played a similar game in the slums. The goal is to keep a bag in the air with no arms allowed. Usually the children would form a circle and try to pass the bag to every member of the game, however I play alone so I just try to go for a high-score. It takes a surprisingly high amount of dexterity to keep the game going using only your legs, head, and chest, but its nice to do something fun on the side while your hands are busy. An icicle forms at my finger tips and shoots out skewering a rat as I hit the bag higher than usual for a sec. Well I say bag, but I don't play using a bag. No, making or looting a bag filled with beans and the like would take to much time for just a slightly less messy experience. What I use is a human head. The one I'm using right now came from the leader of the thief's guild. Sure blood will spill everywhere after hitting it but I like, I'm getting blood everywhere already. Whats a few more splatters.

I actually wanted to try playing with more people like in my host's memories, but when I walked up to them they started screaming and running away. Then the guards got involved and they started asking questions like 'Why are you covered in blood?' And 'who's head is that?' And 'Why are you dressed like a prostitute?'. Of course, I'm not a barbarian so I obliged and answered honestly despite that last rude comment. (Tastes these days have really gone south. Sure my clothes are a little riské, but these kinds of clothes were worn by succubi all the time back in the day. Well they seem to have died out while I was sealed so maybe that had something to do with it.) I told them every detail about how I systematically hunted down and killed everyone inside the theif's guild main hideout. Starting with some thugs in the alleyway to the head honcho and his honor guard. I guess because its in a guards nature to be the fun police, they started saying stuff 'please come with us' and 'you're under arrest' and well I'm not going with some random ass guards that can't even take out a measly theif's guild. Who do they think they are? I gotta cull all life on Earth, I can't just let myself get captured. 

One thing lead to another and I end up committing a massacre on the guards. I mean really, they should be THANKING me. Did they really expect to be able to deal with the rampant crime rate in this town with that level of skill? NOOOO, instead they call ME the bad guy. I'm cleaning the streets and this is how they repay me? 

The commotion of the fight also happened to alert a lot of citizens so they started to run away like the cowards they are, because of FUCKING course their to much of pussies to fight me. All these civilians are the same no courage. At least have some pride in death and come charging at me. At least TRY to get in a hit in. Having to go through the tedium of slaughtering hordes of people is a pain in the ass. Sure it starts out fun but quickly becomes boring. Its all the same 'why are you doing this?' 'mercy, please! At least spare my child' bullshit. That last one got their kid's head bashed in. The despair on their face at that moment . . . Ahhhhhhh it felt goooooood. 

I aim a someone who thought they were smart hiding in a trash can. Might've worked if you didn't decide to peek out. Honestly what's with this town and hiding? The amount of ambushes I've encountered in the theif's guild hideout is ridiculous. I get they like sticking to the shadows because they're petty theives, but like there has to be a limit right? Gotta draw those fancy daggers at some point. What are they just for decoration or something? Actually that might be the case considering how ornate they tended to be. Most warriors tend to prefer simple weapons because they often face wear and tear from fierce battles. Only the most skilled fighters or people who don't fight at all can keep ornate stuff like myself pretty.

Oh and how pretty I am. This host and I got me fitted out with a gold trim and matte black finish. A real beautiful job in my completely unbiased opinion. Really puts the fear of me into the hearts of my enemies.

While I was distracted by thinking of my beautiful new paint job, I ended up dropping my head ending the game. Dammit, that was gonna be a new personal record too... It also decided to roll into an alleyway, away from the bulk of the fleeing populace. This is really killing my vibe. Well not like it was that great to begin with. Today has been pretty annoying so far.

Going into the alley to pick up my head, I see a brawny man beating a child. Probably for stealing something, considering the sausage links on the ground. His back is turned so he hasn't noticed me. That means I can finally do something flashy. I toss up the head, bounce it off my ankle, hit with my knee so its at eye level. Finally I headbutt it so hard that when it hits the man's head both heads go splat. Man, I love doing stuff like that. Really puts the F-U-N in slaughter. Honestly it was worth wasting the ball on that. Not like it matters much anyway, there's another head right in front of me waiting to be claimed huhuhu.

However I am given pause, because instead of the usual responses I tend to get in these types of scenarios I got,

"You don't wish me well, do you lady?"

There's a strong look of defiance in his eyes. A look I like just as much if not more than despair.

"You're right. Although I gotta ask how you caught on so fast."

"Your eyes. I don't like your eyes."


I couldn't help but laugh. This kid's got spunk. I like that.

"Oh? But I sure do like your eyes. Tell you what, take this knife. I'll let you target anywhere on my body. If I die, I'll let you live."

I conjure an iron knife and give it to him. In a matter of seconds he's going for the throat. The blade sinks in deep. Really deep. Deep enough to pierce completely through. My head falls off, but as it falls I use it as my next ball and land it back on my neck. I cough up some blood and the wound completely heals in seconds.

"Oh to bad. Better luck next time . . . Actually there probably won't be a next time huh? Oh well."

His face grows fierce.

"You deceived me! With regeneration like that I couldn't kill you no matter what."

"Oh don't be like that. It was totally possible to stop the regen there. You just had to cut off my sword arm."

His face distorts and he readies his knife preparing for impact. Its a little amateurish but it seems like he could have some talent waiting to bloom. I'm. . . Getting second thoughts.

"Ok I guess I was being a little unfair there. That was a kinda deceptive of me. If I killed you here I'd be no better than those theif's guild cunts. Here's the deal, you're around ten right?"

After a moment of hesitation he nods.

"8 years. I'll start to hunt you down after 8 years. In that time grow strong. Give me a good fight and don't disappoint when the time comes."

His eyes grow wide in shock as he freezes up.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Move."

He runs off into the darkness of the alley. It then occurs to me that I now lack a ball or sack to play with, fuck. Well I can always just kill someone else. I think its worth keeping that kid alive. I think I've met my quota for small fry murdered today. Sometimes its better to let prey escape so they can ripen. Its about quality over quantity for me.

As I step out of the alley and into the street, I hear a distant scream. It seems to be coming closer, weird.