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“Are you sure about this?” Eve asked as she peered around the corridor leading to the dining hall.

“I think it will be good for you to socialize.” Amelia replied.

Eve sighed softly. 

“You’re right.”

The two women opened the doors to the dining hall and headed inside. There weren’t many people but the ones seated and eating all looked up and stared at Eve as she sat down near the head of the table.

“What are you doing Edward?” The king asked as he glared at the young vampire.

“It’s Eve now, just because I can’t eat food anymore doesn’t mean I should be cooped up in my room all the time.” Eve replied as a maid filled up a crystal glass in front of her with wine. She took a small sip and smiled. At least I can still enjoy alcohol, She thought to herself. 

The king shifted in his seat uncomfortably then simply grunted in response to Eve as he started eating again. 

After a few minutes of staring, everyone in the dining hall simply shrugged off the fact that a vampire was having dinner with them and focused their attention back towards their food. 

“See, I told you it wouldn’t be so bad.” Amelia whispered in Eves ear.

The king noticed this and looked up, narrowing his eyes as he stared at Eve.

“Just who are you? I don’t remember seeing you in the castle before nor do I remember hiring a new servant.”

Amelia simply smiled. “My lord, you’re steward hired me after the princes incident. I’ve worked with royal vampires before and I know how to keep them sated and civil, as you can see Eve is adjusting quite well thanks to my teachings.”

The king glanced at Eve and nodded. 

“Well just see that he.. Er she stays out of trouble. I don’t want see any dead servants drained dry.” 

“Of course my lord, I make sure to feed her personally every day.” Amelia replied.

“Very good. Onto another matter of importance. I’ve received word that some experts are coming to visit the prince in two weeks time. They may be able to help find a cure, Or so they claimed in the letters I received.” 

Amelia felt a shiver run up her spine. She knew for a fact there were no experts on curing vampirism simply because there was no cure, once a vampire always a vampire. The only experts out there were hunters and swindlers. She hoped that it was the latter. Amelia swallowed hard and buried the deep feelings of fear in the back of her mind. 

“Ah that is wonderful news my lord!” 

Amelia said with a bright smile. He nodded and turned his attention to the pint of ale a servant placed in front of him. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Amelia. 

“shouldn’t you be doing this for my son?” 

He said gesturing towards the servants around the room bringing drinks and refills for the ones eating and dining. Eve decided to speak up. She cleared her throat. 

“Actually father I’ve granted Amelia permission to behave casually around me. She works hard everyday, she deserves to dine with us.” She said. The king simply shrugged and went back to eating and drinking. 

After most of the people in the dining hall had left, the king including, Eve had finally had her fill of wine and was smiling happily, her cheeks flushed slightly pink from the alcohol. 

“Do you want to take a walk?” Eve turned in her chair and asked Amelia.

“That might be fun.” She smiled at the princess. 

The two women got up and pushed their chairs in place under the table, they made their way outside and exited a gate leading to some of the kings farmland. 

soon they reached a barn and walked inside, several iron, caged enclosures lined the walls. Eve led Amelia to one of the cages and walked inside, she turned around and looked Amelia in the eyes. 

“I.. I need to tell you something.” Eve said hesitantly. 

Amelia nodded at the young royal.

“What is it? Are you okay?” She asked

“I’m fine, I just need to tell you how I feel.” Eve took a deep breath before continuing.

“I think I’m in love with you.” She blurted out, looking up at Amelia with a hopeful, fragile expression.

Amelia smiled brightly and leaned in to kiss Eve. “I’m so happy you told me.. truthfully, I feel the same way.” 

Eve blushed a bright shade of red. She smiled and walked slowly up to Amelia, who held out her hand. Eve took it and was soon in Amelia’s embrace. They began to kiss, soft at first, but building with passion. Eve became aware of the enticing aroma of Amelia’s perfume, which only seemed to increase her own arousal.

Amelia pulled her gently down to the ground, and they began to roll around in the cool earth that lined the cage’s floor.

Their hands began to explore each other’s body. Amelia was relieved that Eve, while still having claws and fangs, was very gentle.

Even though Amelia had a very feminine physique, Eve could also feel that she was very muscular under her clothes. It added to her own arousal.

As both were female, they aroused each other through touch, gradually increasing their states of arousal. Their bodies seemed to synch together as they worked up to climax.

Amelia felt Eve’s fangs bite her neck playfully and gently, but she knew that she wasn’t in danger. She returned the favor, and this only seemed to make Eve more amorous.

It was also obvious that, while Amelia could have easily dominated Eve physically, she seemed more interested in making it a sharing experience. Both took turns as the aggressor until they were both worked up to the point of a sexual explosion.

As they came, Amelia felt Eve’s claws against her back; they pressed close, scratching slightly, but it was obvious that Eve didn’t want to hurt her.

Amelia’s moans of pleasure combined with Eve’s primal growls to produce a strange combination of sound that echoed through the barn.

They collapsed in each other’s arms as if all their energy was gone.