Cycle 23 (Lilly)
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This entry was written by Lilly.

14-15-20-8-9-14-7 9-19 19-1-3-18-5-4 8-5-18-5 5-22-5-18-25-15-14-5 9-19 1-12-23-1-25-19 9-14-20-5-18-5-19-20-5-4 9-14 5-22-5-18-25-15-14-5 5-12-19-5 19 16-18-9-22-1-20-5 2-21-19-9-14-5-19-19 9-20 19 19-21-16-5-18 1-14-14-15-25-9-14-7

23-8-9-3-8 9-19 23-8-25 9 22-5 4-5-3-9-4-5-4 20-15 19-20-1-18-20 23-18-9-20-9-14-7 9-14 3-15-4-5 20-8-9-19 9-19-14 20 1 16-1-18-20-9-3-21-12-1-18-12-25 4-9-6-6-9-3-21-12-20 3-15-4-5 2-21-20 13-15-18-5 12-9-11-5-12-25 20-8-1-14 14-15-20 20-8-5 15-20-8-5-18 7-9-18-12-19 23-9-12-12 20-8-9-14-11 9-20 19 19-15-13-5 11-9-14-4 15-6 13-1-20-8 15-20-8-5-18 20-8-1-14 11-9-13-9 9 19-21-19-16-5-3-20 19-8-5 19 1-3-20-21-1-12-12-25 18-1-20-8-5-18 7-15-15-4 23-9-20-8 13-1-20-8

2-21-20 1-20 20-8-5 22-5-18-25 12-5-1-19-20 20-8-5 3-15-4-5 23-9-12-12 19-12-15-23 20-8-5-13 4-15-23-14 23-8-9-12-5 18-5-1-4-9-14-7 7-9-22-9-14-7 13-5 13-15-18-5 15-6 1-14 15-16-16-15-18-20-21-14-9-20-25 20-15 3-1-20-3-8 20-8-5-13

9 13-9-7-8-20 7-15 19-15 6-1-18 1-19 20-15 12-5-1-22-5 13-25 10-15-21-18-14-1-12 9-14 20-8-5 9-14-14 14-15 15-14-5 23-15-21-12-4 20-8-9-14-11 20-15 12-15-15-11 20-8-5-18-5 1-12-20-8-15-21-7-8 20-8-1-20 23-15-21-12-4 13-5-1-14 9 4 8-1-22-5 20-15 7-15 20-15 20-8-5 9-14-14 13-15-18-5 20-8-1-14 15-14-3-5 1 3-25-3-12-5 15-18 19-15

14-15 19-1-6-5-20-25 9-19-14 20 23-15-18-20-8 9-20 9 13 19-20-9-12-12 22-5-18-25 21-16-19-5-20 23-9-20-8 4-15-18-15-20-8-25 6-15-18 4-5-19-20-18-15-25-9-14-7 13-25 19-8-15-16 1-14-4 23-8-25 13-25 19-8-15-16 23-8-25 3-15-21-12-4-14 20 19-8-5 8-1-22-5 7-15-14-5 20-15 20-8-5 4-9-14-5-18 1-14-4 4-5-19-20-18-15-25-5-4 20-8-1-20 1-20 20-8-5 22-5-18-25 12-5-1-19-20 19-8-5 3-15-21-12-4 8-1-22-5 20-18-9-5-4 20-15 4-5-16-12-5-20-5 14-9-11-11-9 19 3-8-5-4-4-1-18 19-21-16-16-12-25 20-8-1-20 23-15-21-12-4 8-1-22-5 2-5-5-14 4-15-9-14-7 21-19 1-12-12 1 6-1-22-15-18

1-25-1 19 8-1-9-18 1-12-23-1-25-19 19-13-5-12-12-19 12-9-11-5 3-8-1-13-15-13-9-12-5 23-8-25 3-8-1-13-15-13-9-12-5 6-12-15-23-5-18-19 1-18-5 23-8-9-20-5 14-15-20 25-5-12-12-15-23 1-14-4 19-8-5 8-1-19 19-15 13-21-3-8 8-1-9-18 20-8-1-20 9-6 19-8-5 19-16-5-14-4-19 5-14-15-21-7-8 20-9-13-5 9-14 1-14 5-14-3-12-15-19-5-4 19-16-1-3-5 20-8-5 5-14-20-9-18-5 18-15-15-13 19-13-5-12-12-19 12-9-11-5 3-8-1-13-15-13-9-12-5

9 19-23-5-1-18 13-9-11-1 9-19 1 8-25-16-15-3-18-9-20-5 19-8-5 1-3-20-19 1-12-12 15-8 9 13 20-8-5 19-8-25 15-14-5 9-14 20-8-5 7-18-15-21-16 23-8-15 23-15-21-12-4 14-5-22-5-18 4-15 1-14-25-20-8-9-14-7 2-15-12-4 15-18 4-1-18-9-14-7 2-21-20 19-8-5 19 20-8-5 13-15-19-20 2-12-15-15-4-20-8-9-18-19-20-25 15-21-20 15-6 1-12-12 15-6 21-19 19-20-18-1-9-7-8-20 21-16 3-15-14-14-9-22-9-14-7 14-15-20 20-8-1-20 19-8-5 4 4-15 1-14-25-20-8-9-14-7 20-15 4-9-18-5-3-20-12-25 8-21-18-20 15-14-5 15-6 21-19 14-15 2-21-20 3-15-13-5 15-14 8-5-18 19-20-18-5-14-7-20-8 19-3-15-18-5 8-1-19 20-15 2-5 8-9-7-8-5-18 20-8-1-14 19-20-1-1-2 19 19-8-5 12-15-22-5-19 11-9-12-12-9-14-7 11-15-2-15-12-4-19 1-14-4 23-9-12-12 2-5 4-15-23-14-18-9-7-8-20 4-9-19-1-16-16-15-9-14-20-5-4 23-8-5-14 23-5 19-20-15-16

19-8-5 19 1-12-13-15-19-20 1-19 2-1-4 1-19 11-9-13-9 23-8-15 1-3-20-19 12-9-11-5 1 6-12-9-18-20-25 12-9-20-20-12-5 2-9-13-2-15 2-21-20 9-19 9-14 3-8-1-18-7-5 15-6 20-8-5 13-15-19-20 3-15-13-16-12-9-3-1-20-5-4 19-8-15-16 8-5-18-5 19-8-5 8-1-19 20-15 11-14-15-23 1-12-12 19-15-18-20-19 15-6 20-8-9-14-7-19 1-14-4 2-5 7-15-15-4 1-20 14-5-7-15-20-9-1-20-9-15-14 14-15-20 20-15 13-5-14-20-9-15-14 13-1-20-8 20-15 8-15-12-4 20-8-1-20 16-15-19-9-20-9-15-14 9 4-15-14 20 18-5-1-12-12-25 20-18-21-19-20 8-5-18 19-9-14-3-5 9 19-21-19-16-5-3-20 8-5-18 9-14-20-5-12-12-9-7-5-14-3-5 19-3-15-18-5 9-19 8-9-7-8-5-18 20-8-1-14 13-9-14-5 2-21-20 23-9-12-12 14-5-22-5-18 19-8-15-23 9-20

1-14-4 20-8-5-14 20-8-5-18-5 19 14-9-11-11-9 19-8-5 19 7-5-14-21-9-14-5-12-25 1 7-15-15-4 16-5-18-19-15-14 7-15-9-14-7 2-25 16-5-18-19-15-14-1-12-9-20-25 2-21-20 4-5-1-18 12-15-18-4 23-8-1-20 9-19 8-5-18 15-2-19-5-19-19-9-15-14 23-9-20-8 3-8-5-5-19-5 9 7-5-20 20-8-1-20 19-8-5 4-15-5-19-14 20 8-1-22-5 1-12-12 20-8-5 9-14-7-18-5-4-9-5-14-20-19 20-15 13-1-11-5 5-22-5-18-25-20-8-9-14-7 19-8-5 3-15-21-12-4 5-22-5-18 23-1-14-20 20-15 13-1-11-5 2-21-20 23-8-25 4-15-5-19 5-22-5-18-25-20-8-9-14-7 8-1-22-5 20-15 8-1-22-5 3-8-5-5-19-5 15-14 9-20 9 13 7-15-9-14-7 20-15 8-5-12-16 8-5-18 3-15-15-11 20-15-13-15-18-18-15-23 1-14-4 13-5-14-20-9-15-14 20-8-1-20 20-15 8-5-18 7-9-22-5 8-5-18 1 12-9-20-20-12-5 8-9-14-20 20-8-1-20 23-5 18-5 1-12-12 19-9-3-11 1-14-4 20-9-18-5-4 15-6 3-8-5-5-19-5

25-5-1-8 20-8-1-20 19-8-15-21-12-4 1-2-15-21-20 4-15 9-20 1-18-5-14 20 25-15-21 7-9-18-12-19 7-12-1-4 25-15-21 3-18-1-3-11-5-4 20-8-5 3-15-4-5 6-15-21-14-4 15-21-20 1-12-12 13-25 4-9-18-20-25 12-9-20-20-12-5 19-5-3-18-5-20-19 8-15-23 9 18-5-1-12-12-25 6-5-5-12 1-2-15-21-20 5-22-5-18-25-15-14-5


14-15-23 7-15 7-5-20 5-1-20-5-14 2-25 1 19-8-1-18-11


Nothing is sacred here. Everyone is always interested in everyone else’s private business! It’s super annoying.

Which is why I’ve decided to start writing in code. This isn’t a particularly difficult code, but more likely than not the other girls will think it’s some kind of math. Other than Kimi; I suspect she’s actually rather good with math.

But, at the very least the code will slow them down while reading, giving me more of an opportunity to catch them.

I might go so far as to leave my journal in the inn. No one would think to look there. Although, that would mean I’d have to go to the inn more than once a cycle or so.

No, safety isn’t worth it. I’m still very upset with Dorothy for destroying my shop. And why my shop? Why couldn’t she have gone to the diner, and destroyed that? At the very least she could have tried to deplete Nikki’s cheddar supply. That would have been doing us all a favor.

Aya’s hair always smells like chamomile. Why? Chamomile flowers are white, not yellow. And she has so much hair, that if she spends enough time in an enclosed space the entire room smells like chamomile.

I swear Mika is a hypocrite. She acts all “oh, I’m the shy one in the group, who would never do anything bold or daring”, but she’s the most bloodthirsty out of all of us. Straight-up conniving. Not that she’d do anything to directly hurt one of us, no, but come on. Her strength score has to be higher than Staab’s. She loves killing kobolds, and will be downright disappointed when we stop.

She’s almost as bad as Kimi, who acts like a flirty little bimbo, but is in charge of the most complicated shop here. She has to know all sorts of things, and be good at negotiation, not to mention math, to hold that position. I don’t really trust her, since I suspect her intelligence score is higher than mine, but will never show it.

And then there’s Nikki. She’s genuinely a good person, going by personality. But dear lord, what is her obsession with cheese. I get that she doesn’t have all the ingredients to make everything she could ever want to make, but why does everything have to have cheese on it? I’m going to “help” her cook tomorrow, and mention that to her. Give her a little hint that we’re all sick and tired of cheese.

Yeah, that should about do it. Aren’t you girls glad you cracked the code? Found out all my dirty little secrets? How I really feel about everyone?


Now go get eaten by a shark.


You have three options.

1~ Decode it yourself.

2~ Decode it here.

3~ Click the spoiler box.

Choose wisely.