Cycle 37 (2)
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Dear Diary, 

I thought about giving you a name before and decided not to, right? So I could say something like “Dear Susan” instead of just “Diary” and pretend like I was writing to someone. Like a pen pal! But then I’d be sad because no pen pal would ever write me back. 

Best if I just keep saying diary. Unless I decided to switch it up and say “Dairy”. I might have already done that by accident… Oh well. 

Back to news! The most important thing, of course, is the marble races. Pretty sure there were five cycles I missed writing about. Well, I won gold in Cycle 33 and bronze in Cycle 36, but didn’t get anything in the other cycles. Kimi keeps a list of everyone’s ranking each cycle, but I don’t think it’s super important. Does that make me narcissistic? That if I don’t win I don’t care? Maybe a little. I hope not. 

Well, Via wins silver a lot. Like, not just a podium spot, but she ends up in silver specifically. Lilly and Aya think it’s because she was assigned as the silver catgirl, so the dungeon tries to keep her as silver as possible. I don’t know, I think it might be coincidence. But if it isn’t, I’m glad there aren’t any gold catgirls because that would just doom the rest of us to failure. But gold magic is the Admin’s color, and he’d never join a race. So we’re good. 

Oh, right, the Admin! He sent us a message! We were fighting our way up through the dungeon, doing what we do, and when we got to Floor 81 he sent us a message saying please don’t go any further because if we go above 80 we might run into the players and that would screw up a whole bunch of things for him so please don’t. It was a very polite message. And I mean, we don’t want to specifically make things difficult for him (ok Mika and Kimi might a little bit) so we just peeked into Floor 80 but didn’t go all the way in. It’s another lava floor. 

Lilly thought it was hilarious that the Admin wrote us a polite letter. She said “he’s learned”, which… Yeah. If he’d asked politely for us to not do stuff before, we wouldn’t have. But he didn’t, and it started a whole thing of us messing things up and him fixing it, and us messing it up harder, and him freaking out more. 

Oh yeah, he told us to stop putting traps in snowmen. It was hilarious, but apparently since players aren’t supposed to die on this floor it messes something up when they do. One or two was fine, like when we took the keys or that time the players tried to kill us all, but the traps killed enough people that some stat or other was being affected on his end. He couldn’t really take away our traps, since Mika made some and Kimi sells the rest in her shop, so he just sent us a message saying “UGHHHH PLEASE STAAAHP”. …I’m paraphrasing, but not as much as you’d think.

Anyways, I think that’s all the news, so tomorrow I’ll get back to writing about what’s happening every day! Woo!

Goodnight, Dungeon!