2.- Yesterday I almost died, but today it’s Wednesday
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Yesterday I almost died, but today it's Wednesday, august 9 to be exact.

My chores will be lighter this week, today I’m just sweeping the hallway, and I'm not allowed in the workshops for now. How lame.

Huh? didn't you want to leave the clan and explore? Why do you want to go blacksmithing? is your will so weak Octavius?

FOOL! I love blacksmithing! Wanting to explore the world is not mutually exclusive with this fact.


single-mindedly focusing all my mind and body to a single task, expending hours of effort into the creation of a single piece, there's nothing more satisfying than this, even nails, as quick and easy as they're to make, are still fun to make.


I remember when I made my first iron sword, it was a very common blade, even slightly below average, but the whole time I spend working on it I was happy.

When I -


"Wuh!" I trip and fall.

"..." "..."

"Here let me help you." the person extends his hand, I grab it and see who it is,

"Thanks Sep" I get up and see Septimus, his hair is brown, just like mine, but the bastard is about a head taller than me.

"Honestly... I'm surprised you haven't killed yourself like that"

"Hehe, I'm made of sturdy shit" while saying this I check if my shirt unbuttoned, and then I button up again.

"You can just say you're made of shit, and you'd also be right." We start talking while I do my chores.

"So, I heard you want to leave?"

"That's right, I don’t want to only do blacksmithing. "

“Hoh, nothing wrong with that.” Septimus seemed to remember something "Well, paprika itself is still relatively safe, but once you go outside of the town walls it's very dangerous, tons of people die every month that go outside. You remember the giant hog Master told us about a few months back? I don’t think anybody has killed the damn thing."

"Hehe, I know that. But remember that I'm the best at the <Body of steel>, I can already make my arms about as hard as iron!" I stop sweeping to make a cool pose and show off to Sep. “And I'm no fool too, I’m not planning to just go into the woods, as dangerous as the outside is trade still exist, I plan to stick to caravans until I’m strong enough to fuck shit up.”

"You're already at that level!" Septimus seems genuinely surprised "hohoh, I'm still only at cooper, I don't have to worry too much then, but don't be mad when I help myself to Sexta!"

"Heh, by the time I come back I'll have an entire harem, just wait for it!"

Septimus and I kept talking about our future and other nonsense while doing some chores, and before I realized, it was already nighttime.

And just like that, the day ended

* * *

One of my chores is cleaning the barn, that damn Septimus ran away before I could make him help me with this.

It's not a hard task by any means, but it takes some time, and you smell really bad by the end of it.

It's not a bad opportunity to train though, I activate my <Body of steel> whenever I do menial chores like this, it helps me understand it better, the only downside is that it's much more tiring since it uses my mana.


But thanks to this I'm quite good at the <Body of steel>, and now I can turn my arms into iron for about an hour and a half everyday if I just leave it on, and I can also turn it off to save my mana.


It's still weak when compared to master's though, he can turn his entire body into steel for 8 whole hours! I'll definitely become that strong one of these days


"Wuh!" I trip again...

I look at the person who's talking to me, it's Novena, Septimus wife and a childhood friend of mine, she's even shorter than me, has blonde hair, blue eyes and has a motherly figure.

"What's in that head of yours that's so interesting?"

"Hehe... it's nothing, it's nothing, I'm just trying to not focus to much, the smell is kind of strong this time" I stand up, and quickly check if my shirt unbuttoned a little, thankfully it didn’t.

"Hmm, I guess that's true, so how's your injury?"

"I'm fine, it'll probably leave a scar though. So what are you doing here, shouldn't you be looking after Primus?"

"He's sleeping, so I came to milk the cows, not doing anything feels wrong."

We kept talking for some time while doing our chores until one of the cows became unruly.

"Maria! Please stay still!" but the cow didn't want to stay still and kept trying to go towards me for some reason.

"Hmm, let me try it" she gave me the bucket, and I started milking the cow, it kept still when I did it, but it didn't produce too much milk, only about a third as the other cows.

"Hmph! this cow... so unruly and she produces so little milk too, she's one of the new cows we bought, but it seems we really made a loss with it.”

"Maybe we should just cook it?" The cow looks slightly perturbed “Or maybe it’s just bored? I know I’m already bored of this place”

"Sigh... that's probably it, but it seems I've lost my touch, it even likes you more than me... Fufu, maybe you could take it with you when you leave?"

"Hehe, maybe."

"You really chose a bad time to decide to not be a bore you know? if you had thought of this a year ago, I'd have grabbed Septimus by the ear and we all would've had adventures together!"

"Haha, last year I was studying how to start forging swords so I would have pushed that back even if I did think about it"

"You damn smithing maniac..." Novena seemed to think about something "Don't die out there, I want you to bring a few souvenirs every once in a while, I'll beat you if you don't."

"Of course, I won't forget."

We kept talking for a moment before finishing our chores, I took a bath and then went to sleep.

* * *

It’s been 3 days since the accident, and I have mostly recovered, not that I had many problems after a night of rest in the first place, Master’s healing spells are really strong.


His name is literally Master by the way, Master of Blacksmithing, how cruel, every time I think about that guy it feels a little dirty.


He IS also my teacher though, he’s also the head of the clan, and my grandfather… He’s lots of cool things basically, I won’t fall short though, just give me some time to catch up.

“He- “ ”Boo!” I interrupt her and scream, Sexta falls on her butt.

“Fool. That kind of thing is not going to work thrice on me” I’m looking down on her, she looks cute.

“Ouch, so mean…” I help her stand up “So where are you going?”

“Nowhere really, but I just finished my chores, and I’m not allowed on the workshop anymore, so I’m just walking around.”

“I see…”

We just keep walking but don’t really say anything, it’s really awkward, I can never really talk to Sexta when we are alone, we don’t really have a lot of common ground.

To talk to her I need either Sep or Nov to start a conversation, those two really get me, and I find them very easy to talk to, of course, they don’t care about blacksmithing as much as me, but they do enjoy it, but even beyond that, I think it’s fun to talk to them about whatever.

Sexta on the other hand is just really passive, it’s hard to have a back and forward with her, since she just accepts everything I say. So boring, I wouldn’t be hanging out with her if she didn’t stick to me for whatever reason.

Talking to other people in general is kinda hard, since I am the young master of the clan, everyone treats me with respect, it’s very awkward to talk to them, but I probably won’t get to promote myself to actual master of the clan, since that old bastard refuses to die...

I’m in a very awkward position now that I think about it…

Of course, this is also partly my fault, I’m not dumb enough to not see that, I know she can talk to other people just fine, it’s just that I can basically only talk about blacksmithing and some other useless small talk, and since Sexta doesn’t really care about that, we are in our current situation…

Sep can talk to whoever just fine, so maybe it’s just a disposition, or fate? I refuse to accept that, if I think about it, isn’t this just more reasons to go outside? I’ll talk to people and become better and talking while I’m on it.

Hehe, I didn’t think I could be more motivated to go out into the world, but I’m more hyped than ever now!

Fuck it, I’ll start packing my stuff, even if I die right now no one will stop me for leaving now!

“Hehe, thanks Sexta!” I immediately left


I spend the rest of the day trying to pack all my stuff in a backpack I have, but then I realized that it didn’t fit in there, so I took it all out and started thinking seriously in what to bring…

In the end I just packed two outfits that are the same to the one I have, an old hammer I’ve had since forever, and most of my savings.