Chapter 56 – Ice, Ice, Baby
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"This is some BULLSHIT!"


The fall semester had started and everyone was getting settled in. The first week was rarely anything too serious, mostly because of the annual tournament. First year students would go through placement tests to get into the school to get placed in various classes, but since that was normally a pass/fail situation, there wasn't much of an official ranking system. Second year students had the entire year to get trained and learn as much as they could. That meant that second year students would have the chance to participate in the tournament. Anyone who was a second year could sign up. There were two tracks; melee and magic. People would be randomly paired up. One goes onto the next round, the other is eliminated.


It was a festival of sorts. The nobles who could come by would line the stadium to watch the events while commoners would drop a few silver to go sit in the nose bleed section. Betting was popular, as well as recruiting. Usually first year students wouldn't have a chance to join a subjugation, so for the vast majority of students, this was a chance to show your stuff. If you were going to inherent a title, then this was a chance to dominate your rivals. If you were of noble blood, but your future wasn't secured, this was basically a job interview. Mercenary companies, noble families looking for reliable mid-level management, craftsmen looking for talented apprentices, all these and more would show up to watch and see who had a promising future, and who didn't. To the kingdom, it was also a chance to show off to other countries their strength. Ambassadors would make a point to attend this event so they could gauge the health of a kingdom. The headmaster made a point of always making this a big deal, because so many eyes were on the two day event.


So when Ryan and Aldelmo showed up to get their placement in the Tournament, they discovered that their applications had both been, quote lost unquote.


Both complained and were told, "Too Late". The battle order had already been picked and there was no way they could make an except to add them in at the last minute. Aldelmo repeated himself, "Total Bullshit!" as they sat on the curb outside the stadium, "We got until tomorrow. You know the headmaster! Let's go ask him-" Ryan cut him off, "No." Aldelmo blinked, "Excuse me?"


Ryan shrugged, "We already have a great relationship with the Adventurer's guild. The only point of this event is to show off to people and we really don't need to." He slowly stood up, "Honestly, it'd just be rubbing it in everyone else's face how awesome we are. We were going to sign up for both melee and magic. Would it really be fair to everyone else?" Aldelmo looked at Ryan like his head fell off, "NO! And that's the POINT!" He pointed at the building, "I want to rub it in everyone's faces!"


Ryan looked at Aldelmo, "And at the same time show off all your tricks so everyone knows what you can do in battle? I don't think I'm quite ready to announce to the world our advances in combat magic research." Aldelmo stood up, "So why did we sign up in the first place?" Ryan shrugged, "Because you wanted to." Aldelmo looked a little surprised, "I... oh." Ryan nodded, "But this? I'm seeing this as a sign from the gods. So, let's just let this go." Aldelmo hung his head dejectedly, "FINE. So we going to go watch, at least?"


Ryan got a mischievous twinkle in his eye, "Sort of...."





Ryan nodded to the manager of the stadium, Dusty. He was part of the maintenance staff on campus and a friend of Ryan's, "Yeah. Who do you have selling food and drink to the crowd?" Dusty looked thoughtful, "A number of merchants set up booths outside the stadium, but we don't have anyone who sells anything INSIDE the stadium..." He scratched his head, "We don't really have space for a booth-" Ryan cut him off, "No booth. We'll have a cart. We'll roll it around and sell stuff to the crowd. Since the overhead is going to next to nothing as water mages, we'll keep the cost down on the drinks, and only gouge people for the hot dogs." Dusty scratched his head, "Hot... dog?"


Ryan nodded, "Yeah. We'll sell paper cones filled with shaved ice." Aldelmo blinked, "Keep the costs down??? Do you have any idea how much paper costs?" Ryan shook his head, "I was actually planning this for a different event. I figured out a way to make paper from wood pulp and then coated the paper cones with wax. I actually got the cost down to ten for a copper. Considering I can make ice out of thin air, the part that is going to be the most expensive is the flavorings." He looked at Dusty, "Fortunately I had a bunch made up for... well. It's just been sitting in cold storage."


He scratched his chin, "The hard part is going to be finding enough bread rolls to serve the hot dogs in." He made a dismissive gesture, "But I had a bunch of those made up for the victory party after we swept the tournament. Which... isn't going to happen now, so let's recoup our losses." Dusty nodded a bit, "Well... it's going to be hot the next few days. I'm sure people would love... what was it again?" Ryan answered, "Snow Cones. They will come in cherry, lemon, and grape flavors. I'm gonna have to get back to the school cafeteria and have them start thawing out the syrups." He snapped his fingers, "And make an insulated cart." He looked at Aldelmo, "Should be profitable." He looked at Dusty, "With your permission, of course."


Dusty nodded, "Yeah...  just don't cause any trouble. I get complaints, you gotta go. Otherwise, yeah... and I'd like to try one of those snow cones. Sounds interesting."



The arena isn't just a large stadium designed for people to watch events. It is a place for magic wielders to attack one another. This leads to the problem of people dying. In a duel with swords, there is body armor and charms you can put on people to keep them alive. The equipment is expensive, but the results are predictable. As long as your target goes down and you stop attacking after the charm is activated, death is easily avoided. The problem with magic is that it takes place at range. One tiny miscalculation and a fireball can shoot off into the crowd and kill a dozen people. So while the body armor and charms serve the same purpose in magic duels, they need something to protect the crowd.


Enter the Mana Suppression ward.


Built around the interior and exterior of the stadium, the field can suppress all mana easily over the entire interior of the arena, or only in certain sections. Typically for matches, a dome is made over the contestants. No magic goes in, no magic comes out. An absolute marvel of magical construction. If it wasn't so expensive and immobile, it might see more use in warfare. Alas, there is no easy, cheap, or quick way to deploy such a field over a wide area. Such an arena is an absolute must for any kingdom that wants to lay claim to being a major power. This arena wasn't just a gathering place and a societal touch stone. It was a declaration that a kingdom with such a structure has the power to achieve anything.


This is why the Headmaster took such pride in this place. The many tournaments were important for showing off a country's strength and the headmaster loved showing off. More importantly, he was looking forward to Ryan and Aldelmo completely WRECKING the events. He was downright gleeful as he received the official order the duels would occur.


He read the list.


And the longer he read...


The less he smiled.



"Snow Cones! Get your Snow cone, Rite Har!"


Ryan had underestimated how very racist the crowd was. Good products in a high demand situation didn't matter if people were unwilling to buy from a halfling.


The arena was oblong. The Prime seating boxes were arranged half way up the stadium on both sides in the middle of the arena. Not so high as to give nose bleeds, but not so low as to prevent a good view. On one side was the Royal box, which was larger than any other. Flanking them were boxes of smaller size that were owned by important families. Across from the Royal box was a smaller, but still impressive box that was controlled by the Academy itself. This is where the headmaster got to sit, along with any important guests of the school.


Again, next to the center box were a number of other boxes owned by important families as well. Below the boxes would sit not so important nobles. If you didn't have a box, you wanted a front row seat. These sections were set aside for exclusively nobles, so no commoners would be seen in these sections. The seats at the two ends of the stadium were considered the best you could buy as a commoner, as you could actually sit in the front row of these sections. After that, Nose bleed seats. They were fairly cheap, so even a family of modest means could scrape together enough coin to bring the family once a year. Alas, the commoners didn't have money, and the nobles weren't going to buy from a halfling.


Two hours had passed and nobody had bought anything.


Aldelmo sighed as he leaned in the shade, "I thought you said we were going to make money." Ryan sighed, "Should have hired some big titty girls with low cut shirts." Aldelmo gave Ryan a sideways glance then snorted, "Friend, you're crazy." Ryan grinned back at Aldelmo, "Indeed." He thought for a while, "Okay. Desperate times call for desperate measures." He walked out of the shade of the wall to look up to the seats way at the top, "We're going to carry it the cart up there and-"



"We include one for your kid, absolutely free!"


Even the commoners were a bit racist, but Ryan was known in the capital. He even bumped into a few people he knew from here and there. Also, Aldelmo had a good reputation from taking out Baron Akar. Nobody liked that low life, so Aldelmo's reputation off set the reactions people had to Ryan.


The young father sat there with his wife and two kids, looking a little skeptical, "Flavored Snow?" Ryan closed his eyes and dipped his head, "Indeed. You buy one for yourself, you can get a second for a child., absolutely free." Ryan smiled, "Just our way of trying to help the kiddies stay hydrated in this heat."


Ryan wasn't kidding. It was becoming an absolute scorcher. It wasn't even noon yet and people were sweating up a storm. Even those in the relatively cooler viewing boxes were starting to feel the heat. The young man checked his money pouch, looked very reluctant, then sighed. He fished out two copper and handed it to Ryan, "I'll take four."


Ryan nodded, "Cherry, Lemon/lime, Apple or Grape?"


The four looked at each other, and kind of shrugged. Ryan held up a finger, "Satisfaction guaranteed. If you don't like it, You can try a different flavor. So, how about one of each?" He fished out his wax coated cones and used a specially crafted wand he made just for minimizing the mana cost for making shaved ice. He tapped each cone filling it up with white, fluffy ice, then selected one of his syrup sprayers and spritzed the cone.


The children were utter fascinated, and so was everyone around them. Water mages were a rarity, but an ice mage was a unicorn. Ice mages were in demand all over the world and the very thought that one would work in food service was unbelievable. In short order, Ryan handed out four different snow cones. The son bit down on his cherry flavored snow and looked like he had a spiritual epiphany.


The father looked at the cone, "Wait... I thought when you said shaved ice you meant... you were going to... shave... ice." Ryan shook his head, "All shaved ice made on the spot by yours truly. Now then? You like your flavors?" The entire family tasted it and all were in agreement, "I have never had anything like it." The wife pressed it against her forehead, "Oh thank you blessed Mira." Out of the corner of his eye he saw the kid gobbling his down.


Ryan reached out to stop him, "Hold it! You can't eat it that fast you'll-" He kid suddenly grabbed his head, "-Get brain freeze." Ryan caught the cone as it fell out of the kid's hands, "I'll hold that for a second. Close your mouth and press your tongue against the top of your mouth." The kid started to moan, "Mommy! This hurts!" The woman started to look concerned. Ryan looked up, "Sorry. Should have warned you not to eat it fast. You eat ice too fast you get brain freeze." He looked at the kid, "Tongue to the roof of your mouth and keep your mouth shut.


About twenty seconds later the kid shook his head, "Ow! That hurt!" The father looked like he was going to return his snow cone when the kid snatched the cone out of Ryan's hand, "Give that back!" Ryan held up a hand, "No Problem! Just... slow. Okay? Lick the snow cone, don't devour the snowcone."


The kid nodded and gave a thumbs up, apparently not willing to slow down long enough to speak. He started to wince again.


Ryan raised a finger, "Here." He reached in the cart and pulled out a steaming hotdog. He placed it on a roll, poured a thin line of ketchup on it, then offered it to the kid, "Take a bite and chew. press the meat to the roof of your mouth." If the kid had a spiritual event eating the snow cone, the hot dog resulted in the child transcending the physical form and becoming pure energy, "What is this red stuff?" Ryan replied, "Ketchup." The kid's eyes rolled up into his head, "Moar Ketchup!"


Someone behind the father leaned forward, "What's that?" Aldelmo answered, "A Hot Dog. Sort of like a sausage, but a special blend." The child eating it apparently was part wolf and chowed down on it like it was the last rabbit on the planet. He turned to his father, "MOAR!"


The father looked at Ryan, "How much?" Ryan held up a hand, "Normally, a silver each, but just take it. Hot things stop brain freeze." The guy sitting behind everyone frowned, "That's very expensive." The little girl looked at dad who shook his head. In turn she looked at Ryan and gave him the largest eyes he'd ever seen, "PWEEZE Can I hav' a hot hog?"


Ryan recoiled and shielded his eyes, "Ahhh! My Heart!" and clutched his chest. Aldelmo staggered back from the sheer force of the cuteness, "It's! Too! Strong!"


Ryan sighed and looked defeated, "FINE. But I got to break even. One for half a silver... Four for a full silver, but only if two of those goes to kids." The father looked around, checked his money pouch and pulled out a silver, "Deal." While Aldelmo was serving up the family's 'Hot Hogs', more people started to approach. Apparently, since the price had been negotiated down, people started lining up for snow cones and hot 'hogs'. The snow cones were still making a profit. At four Hot Hogs to one silver, it was questionable they were making any money, but not everyone came with kids, and at two for a silver, they were making at least half a silver on a transaction. It was the snow cones that they were making the most profit. Maybe not as much per snow cone, but as far as sheer volume. Especially since the cone itself was most of the cost. Once Ryan announced half cost refills, the money really started to flow.


And it was at about this moment when the headmaster noticed that on the opposite side of the stadium, a crowd was forming in the commoner section.



"Sir Reed!"


Ryan and Aldelmo were making their way around the top of the stadium. They had just past one end and were getting to the midpoint over the school's box seats when a familiar voice called out., "May I have a word with you?" It was the Headmaster. The crowd looked at the headmaster, then at the hot hog slash snow cone cart. Ryan handed the wand over to Aldelmo, "Hold down the fort." and slipped through the crowd to talk with the headmaster.


The headmaster looked down at Ryan, "Sir Reed. Would you care to explain why you are... selling food... instead of competing in the tournament?" Ryan shrugged, "You'll have to talk to the sign up committee. Me an Aldelmo both applied and apparently our applications were either lost, or rejected."


The headmaster shouted, "WHAT???" Causing everyone nearby to stare at the man for a second. Ryan nodded, "Yup. We applied like... three weeks ago, but some how our names were never put into the system, or... whatever you do. So, we showed up yesterday to find out we weren't competing." The headmaster's jaw dropped open. He just gaped at Ryan for a full ten seconds before asking, "Why didn't you come to me?"


Ryan pointed to the seats with the nobles, "Do you see those guys? It is a BILLION degrees. It is so hot, little birds flying by sometimes burst into flames. But those racist mutherfuckers won't buy any of my flavored snow cones because a HALFLING is selling it." He tapped the side of his head and looked up at the Headmaster, "Think about it. They would rather die from heat stroke than buy ice from me in the middle of this heatwave." Ryan signed and looked a little sad, "Now imagine how much they would flip their shit if I came in number one, beating all their children including the third prince in both melee and magic."


The headmaster started to open his mouth. Ryan stabbed a finger at him, "You damn well know I'd win both without even trying. I had all summer to get jacked. I'm a goddamn killing machine." He pointed at the Hot Hog cart, "He's the only guy with a shot at taking me down, and it's not a good one." The headmaster looked over at Aldelmo, who was apparently smiling and laughing with people as he handed out hot hogs to another family.


The headmaster stared for a while, "How much money you making?" Ryan shrugged, "We're breaking even on the Hot Hogs. maybe 200% profit on the Snow cones." the headmaster looked at Ryan as if he was impressed. Ryan continued, "But that's besides the point." He pointed into the crowd, "Look at the kids."


The headmaster finally focused on the crowd. The adults who brought children were staring at their children with a serene look on their faces. Children were devouring their hot hogs or slurping up the Snow Cones. Occasionally a child could be seen clutching his head in pain and everyone else was laughing and shouting, "Brain Freeze!" In fact, there was an absolute trail of people laughing and having fun that went right around the top of the stadium back to the other side where they started. He found himself marveling at what was unfolding before his very eyes and let out a snort, "Reed... you have a real talent for making people smile." Ryan followed the Headmaster's gaze and took the view in himself. Eventually he commented, "This."


The headmaster looked at Ryan, "Hmm?"


Ryan pointed at the crowd, "If I had unlimited power and could do anything I wanted, I'd do this. I'd go around handing out snow cones covered with cherry syrup to everyone I could find who was staggering around on a hot summer's day." He smiled and chuckled to himself, "I'd find kids and build them an ice slide to watch them laugh as they threw themselves down it for the tenth time in a row." He looked up at The headmaster. "I'm hand them hot hogs covered in the works and see how many condiments they could spill on their clothes."


He looked back at the crowd as the headmaster looked down at Ryan, completely awestruck, "You'd do this every day if you could, wouldn't you?" Ryan didn't look back, instead he just nodded in agreement, "If only..."


The headmaster put a hand on Ryan's shoulder, "I think I'm beginning to understand why the gods picked you."  Ryan looked up, puzzled. The headmaster just smiled, "Don't ever change." Then he jerked his head up and looked like a light bulb had appeared over his head, "Say... Can I buy a bunch of those snow cones?"



Ryan didn't have any carry trays, so the headmaster could at best carry four. He made a point of marching right down to the field, licking one of the cones as he went. He walked up to the three referees at the judging table and between matches offered a cone to each of them, "You looked hot." He explained as he walked away, licking his own.


It was about one o'clock in the afternoon and people were about to stop for an hour so people could get lunch. Thus everyone got a wonderful view of the judges sitting there, off to the side of the duel area, slurping down bright red cherry frozen treats while the nobles were withering under an unforgiving sun.