Chapter 15 arc 2
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After I woke up, I felt a severe headache as if lots of dwarves started to go on my head with hammers, not that they could reach my head, as after my last evolution I was now at a whopping 185 centimeters, the same as in my last life, except my gender now. But it didn’t matter as I didn’t have time to worry about that. Once the headache subsided, I sat up and decided to look at the map.

‘Hmm… it looks like I have only a couple of hours left by flying, or four by foot…’ I talked to no one in particular.

‘Wait!’ of course the one and only had to wake up.

‘What now?’ I asked my newfound mother in an irritated voice.

‘Before going to the town you need to control your aura or whatever you would like to call it.’ She told me these awesome news.

‘Why do I have to do that?’ I asked for an explanation as I do most of the time.

‘Because there are weaker demons than you, so in order to not harm them you have to suppress it, also if I’m not wrong some cities have your aura strength criteria in order to get inside. With your current control you would get kicked out immediately.’ She told me.

‘Then, can’t I just kill them?’ I asked innocently.

‘OF COURSE, YOU FUCKING CAN’T, what sort of demon lord kills their own demons!? Plus, you wouldn’t last much with your current control of your power.’ She shouted at me and then explained normally.

‘Haaaaaah… okay then tell me what to do.’ I told mother.

‘Okay, listen, you need to focus on your mana and contain it within your body, just don’t let it leak out that is why your aura is so big. Now go do it.’ She told me.

And I did as she ordered, once I focused inside myself to find my mana, I saw just how much mana I have, it was like entering the dark night sky with lots of stars, almost as if you could see the whole universe, but it had little tears in the sky which leaked mana, so I understood that I had to close it, after closing them I felt that I had even more mana than earlier, that must’ve been the results of closing them.

‘You have stopped your aura from leaking, you can come out now.’

‘After coming out of there I realized that reality is often disappointing. It was so nice there, I felt finally at home and then I had to come out, why was it so nice there though?’ I asked Nox.

‘That was because it was the inside of your heart, let me explain it to you thoroughly, now, you are not like other demons, you were forcefully turned into one by me and your mana is not normal either, it was created by forcefully pulling it out from your own blood and it formed as a magic core inside your heart, that was why in order to make you into a demon I needed to change your mana into a demonic kind, so I needed to cut off all your mana supply and change it forcefully, now normally individuals born with mana have it at a set amount thoroughly throughout their body and they cannot increase their mana capacity, whilst you can.’

Nox went on a rant how I’m different from other demons, so I will just summarize it, firstly I was not born but turned into a demon, secondly my mana is not normal either, then because I was a vampire I had to look out for children of the sun, who apparently are demons who sided with humans during the great war just because they hate us, vampires, and now supposedly they hunt vampires for money and are the ‘best’ helpers for humanity, also they have great control over their light attribute which is why I need to look out for them, she also said that they are arrogant as fuck, would love to meet one. And some other minor stuff on how I should act around other demons, including the famous ‘children of the sun’.

After she finished her rant about how I should act around everyone, not that I will act like it, but ANYWAYS.

‘Do cities like Lebruta allow flying demons like me?’ I asked her, she didn’t respond.

‘Mother…’ I added.

‘I think that yes and no. Yes, you can enter the city, but you can’t fly around there, don’t ask me why, apparently, they had rules against them from a long time ago, just don’t ask why…’

‘Okay…’ Seems like they have grudges against those who fly or something…

‘Looks like I will have to on foot then, better get ready then.’ I told myself, and tried to stand up.

Only to feel the dead body of the girl they had kidnapped, I just moved her aside and stood up. (Yes, she didn’t feel it when she sat up.)

The sun shone brightly in the morning, illuminating the camp, there was a simple cage where all of the women were locked up.

‘How were they going to move it though?’ I asked myself.

‘They were not going to move it.’ The one and only had to interrupt my daily thoughts.

‘What?’ I asked, I wonder how many times I had asked her.

‘See those crystals at the corners of the cage?’ she asked me.

‘Ah, yes. What do they have to do with it?’

‘Listen I’m about to tell you about a little bit about magic tools, they are prepared by mages and sold to people who have very little magic, after they make them, they fill the tools with mana and sell them. This type of tool is a transportation one, those crystals are filled with dark type mana, after activating them they teleport the whole area within the crystals to the set coordinates. I don’t know where though.’ She explained.

‘Okay this is way too much than I can take, please stop.’ I told mother.

‘Okay I will, just remember that they always end up expiring, and it’s really hard to make them, so if you face an enemy with one you can measure the mana within it, and know that your opponent is either a rich spoiled kid who doesn’t know how to use it, or a really skilled kid who managed to get their hands on one.’ She did some more explaining.

‘Okay, really, please stop, because I’m going to explode.’ I told mom whilst holding my head which had burned up from the excessive information that I took in.

‘Okay stop, it’s time for me to move out, towards Lebruta.’

And I set off towards it.