Chapter 169 : The Wiren Family
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The woman in black gracefully entered the principal's office saluting respectfully as she stood waiting for her master’s attention.

"Is there anything?" James looked up and asked, putting down the stack of papers in his hand.

"Reporting about the young lady… the Von Weise mansion was attacked." The spy said.

“What? Is she ok? ” James stood up and asked angrily.

“The young lady is fine. As we reported earlier, she must have had some assassin training in the Von Weise family.” The spy replied, making James sigh in relief.

“Who were those bastards who do not have eyes?!” He asked.

“They belong to prince Troy… ” The spy replied.

“Oh… That fool is still around…. Did he get retarded enough to attack a Von Weise elite heir?”

“His men might have acted without informing him..” The spy suggested as she stretched her slender arms.

“Maybe… As long as the young lady was not harmed, let’s stay out of this. We just need to watch from afar… Anything else?” James asked with annoyance.

“We may have to reduce our surveillance, as they seem to have activated a surveillance array… We can't figure out it's type, but it is very professionally made. “ The spy said.

“Oh, It seems like that brat, Victor, is more important to the Von Weise family than we expected…. I will report this to the family...”

“Yes… That bastard made the young lady spend her night on the ground like a dog next to his door.” The spy said with hatred in her voice.

“Oh…. “ James frowned, then shook his head, “She has to survive this. It is the nature of the test. The more she suffers now, the more rewards she will be able to reap later. … Too bad she will only be able to attend the latter half of her ceremony…. “ He trailed off….

The spy nodded as she watched her master wonder in thoughts.

“How is the young master… Did he find a good shelter tonight?” James asked in some concern, changing the subject.

“Ahh… The young master didn’t leave prison yet…. “ The spy replied.

“WHAT? Why? We didn’t press any charges.” James asked.

“That cop who caught him was a little unreasonable…. She found some weed on him…. Then he threatened her to return it to him and she recorded it… Anyway, It was a quick case. The judge ordered that he will be spending the next month in prison.” The spy said, making James open his mouth wide not knowing what to say…


Despite his mother’s objection and desire to act low key, Victor insisted on taking the most luxurious car in his garage, a Q12 Wiese Steed. A car that was meant to be the definitive symbol of high status. Only 25 were made every year. And as the car brand suggested, it was made by the one and only Von Weise family mega-corporation.
Incorporating the latest technology and security features, the car was practically a tank, it even had a hidden mini railgun for emergencies.

Relaxing in the comfy leather seats of the car with his mother, his sister, El, and Lily, Victor ordered Alex, who was dressed as a normal driver, to start the car.

The trip was a little long, as his grandparents lived in a town a little far away from Vein city. Elena was very nervous as her daughter was excitedly watching the views out of the window with El who will be her personal maid from now on. This was all new to them.

After five minutes, Victor chose to nap on Lily’s lap as usual. Causing his mother to glare at him but say nothing.
He wanted to take Margret too, but his mother didn’t approve as she didn’t like her at all… He should have made Margret save her life last night… No, he better keep out of this, nothing good ever comes out of interfering in women's relationships.

The uneventful trip took four hours, in which nothing important happened, as no car even dared to bypass theirs after seeing its brand…
The reason Victor took this car was that he was worried about his mother’s safety after yesterday’s attack. Although the interrogation of the captured assassins didn’t begin yet, Victor already knew who was behind him. Troy Wiren, the heir of the Wiren fallen family. The princely family who used to rule the country they were in right now, the principality of Wiren.

Although they still held the prince title, they had no power at all. As this country was a democracy nowadays.

It was 300 years ago when the royal families in the world tried to take advantage of the infighting between the families and destroy them… They overestimated themselves, failed, and were destroyed instead. Since then, many kingdoms fell and were replaced by new democracies. The textbooks called this the democratic revolution… Only the families who set this system knew better.

Of course, the world was not ruled by the families directly, as this was one of the things they agreed upon to spare the world from destruction due to their battles. They decided to keep the status quo and only interact with the world through financial and business means.
They even spared the remnants of those old royal families, granting them empty titles. All for the sake of stability.
Of course not all players and families were content with this arrangement, some wanted total domination while others wanted the families to stay hidden. But those voices were the minorities.

Troy was part of the Prince family who used to rule this country… They had an artifact that made people semi-players which they seem to be abused to create armies of assassins… But that made Victor think... Where did Troy get the energy for this… The ceremony in the family can only be done once a year for a reason. It costs a lot of GEMs!

That guy needed to be taught a lesson… Victor decided. Maybe he should check his vaults for any treasures at the same time… Should he go there himself or let Lily and Alpha do it? That would depend on the information that Kline might provide.

In his past life, Troy Wiren was a nobody until the Reckoning. Just a fool who wants to revive his defeated family and conquer the world. But when his army of semi-players turned into players, used it to conquer all the smaller families around him and carve a small kingdom in the early days, He succeeded in large because of the collapse of the Von Wies family… Of course, like the rest of the guys who wanted to play king, he was killed and cut into a thousand pieces when the Von Krone family rose to power.

Victor sighed and closed his eyes enjoying Lily’s delicate hands on his temples. Lately he couldn't enjoy her care as he wanted... Damn that Von Krone spies...

It was noon when they reached a prosperous town. It was called the GoldenWaterfall town, due to it having a very amazing huge waterfall that attracts many tourists. His grandparents own three restaurants and a luxurious hotel next to it…

They could see the grand waterfall and the colorful buildings on its side from the car as it drove beside the valley. Lara and El were stuck to the window looking at it with excited eyes.
Victor chuckled softly. In his past life, he worked around here as a security guard for one of the restaurants… He always thought that the waterfall hid a big secret… It didn’t, it was just a big waterfall, he made sure to come here and search for it after becoming a full player after the reckoning. Wait, what if there was something and some lucky bastard took it before? He should maybe take another look.

After five minutes, the car reached the address Elena gave to Alex. The Carlson Mansion. It was a luxurious villa surrounded by other small-sized Villas and acted as the king of the hill. This was the most luxurious neighborhood in town… Of course, if this were to be compared to Victor’s mansion, it could only act as a dog’s house.

“We should have called….” His mother said nervously as the car stopped next to the Villa.

“This way is better,” Victor interjected, then opened the door and stepped down without waiting for Alex to do that for him. His eyes were full of memories when he looked at the Villa, whose door was opened as a young man he didn’t know stepped out accompanied by a woman in her thirties. And a teenage girl around his age. They were Victor’s Aunt Olga and her daughter Marlie. She had stars in her eyes as she looked at the young man.

“Oh, young master Archi, is this your car?” his aunt asked when she noticed the car and Victor who was opening the door for his mother.

“Ah…..n……ye…. No,” Archie wanted to say no, but after seeing the amazing car he said yes, but after glancing at the white steed on its front cover, quickly corrected himself. “N.., No… m…my car is the sports car on th…the c..corner.” He said with sweat dripping down his forehead. He likes to brag, but didn’t dare to claim this one was his, as he knew quite well that only the real powerful people could drive this, like Miss Alice who broke his three legs for offending her a few years ago… He had just recovered his ability as a man a few months ago…Could it be her wanting to punish him again? He thought as his legs shook involuntarily especially when he noticed Victor’s purple hair when he stepped down…. Only one name appeared in his mind. Von Weise.

Archie watched nervously as a beautiful woman in her thirties stepped down the car. She looked very similar to his future mother-in-law and had two little girls stepping down behind her, dispelling his fear.

“Elena!” Olga yelled in surprise when she saw her sisters…. “WHAT?….. You have been kicked out of the house. What are you doing here? I will…..” She yelled, then stopped in shock as Archie, out of nowhere ran to Elena's side.

"Young master Archie, don't...." She didn't continue as she watched Archie bow deeply to her sister Elena and present his card respectfully like a servant…

“I am Archie Stone, young lady Marlie’s fiance, nice to meet you.” He said, a little out of breath, to the surprised Elena. She never met Marlie, but from the look of her she quickly figured out that she was her niece.

Victor frowned as he looked at the bowing young man.

Archie Wiren

STR 15
INT 19


That Troy again? Was this a coincidence or fate? Victor thought as a shiver ran through his spine… Kline attacking his mansion was definitely not a coincidence… This was definitely a world backlash as it was setting him against Troy, but for what? It was definitely connected to this guy… But how?
Archie was a Wiren and has not been awaked… That means his position in the family is not very high… but the destiny of getting killed by Troy is proof that he is important enough…

Would Troy be a Scion? No, that’s impossible, Victor witnessed the execution by himself… What then? Victor didn’t like the feeling of being in the dark at all. His instincts were telling him that the world was putting him to oppose Troy no matter what. And this would probably lead to his death!.... But that guy was too weak… with Victor’s current attributes even a bomb would barely leave a scratch on him. What the hell was going on?

Victor gracefully stepped in front of his mother and took Archie’s card from his hand, startling him. He didn’t meet this guy in his previous life, but he has heard that his cousin Marlie was dumped on her wedding day after getting discovered by the groom’s friend…

“... Stone? You think I am an idiot, you're definitely a Wiren. What’s your relationship with Prince Armand?” Victor asked nonchalantly., exposing Archie’s secret. And making him shiver a little.
He wanted to deny it but looking at Victor’s cold eyes and purple hair, he didn’t dare to.

“He….. He is my esteemed grandfather…. I am forbidden from using the family name.” He hesitated then replied with a hidden hatred in his eyes… making Olga who was about to get Archie away from Elena gasp with her daughter…. What? Really?.... They only thought that Archie was a very successful young entrepreneur … No one told them that this rich future son-in-law belonged to the Prince’s family… They have just struck gold!

Although their country was a democracy nowadays, it was still called a Principality. The stars in Marlie's eyes grew larger, who doesn’t want to marry a prince?

Elena was surprised too… not because of Archie’s background, she has seen her husband curse at leaders and presidents in their face before, but because her natal family knew someone this important.

“Oh… and that Troy should be your cousin then?….” Victor added calmly, making Archie nod nervously with deepened hatred…

“Yes…. Does the young master know him….” Archie said with complex eyes.

“Not yet… But I will very soon…. He owes me a few legs,” Victor said calmly, making Archie shiver as he remembered his past.
A hidden smile appeared on his lips as he pondered his hateful cousin’s fate. Victor watched the changes on Archie's face with amusement and curiosity.

“Now, where are my manners? Let me introduce myself, I am Victor Von Weise, an elite heir of the von Weise family. This is my mother, Elena.
We were just passing around here when she wanted to visit her parents, so we made a little detour.” He spoke, making his mother want to spank him for lying with a straight face…

Archie shivered a little, he was right this guy had the same evil eyes as lady Alice….He is even an elite! Damn, when did his fiance have an amazing aunt… He really struck gold!

He deeply loves Marlie, but his father was against him marrying her, calling her a slut. For that reason, he forbade him from exposing his true heritage and told him that his grandfather, the current head of the family, had ordered that he would be kicked out of the prince's family on the night of his wedding…. He didn’t care, he had enough private money to live happily with his beloved.

No need for any of that anymore. His grandfather would never expel him from the family for a slut with a connection to the von Weise family… Wait, did he just think of his Marlie as a slut….. She is NOT!

“Ahhh….. Nice to meet you young master, my lady.” Archie said respectfully as he bowed to Elena and kissed her hand in royal etiquette, making Olga who was watching in surprise grit her teeth… What is wrong here? Is this some kind of play or a misunderstanding?

“Young master Archie, this is my sister…. She is… “Olga wanted to correct Archi that Elena was just a slut who was kicked out of the house, but her daughter who had eyes that her mother completely lacked stopped her… She also knew that car brand…. Is that her cousin? Didn’t her mother work as a hooker outside and was picked up by some pervert? When did she score this big?

“Let’s go…” Elena said embarrassingly. She knew her husband was very strong, but she was not used to this.

“Archie, you follow us too… I want to ask you about something…” Victor commanded, making Olga, who didn’t get what was going on, a little angry, expecting her future son-in-law to get angry for being commanded like a servant.
To her surprise, he didn’t.
He just lowered his head and followed behind that purple-haired guy, who was ordering a veiled girl by his side to adjust his suit… one of the little girls was doing the same to the other one…..

“Sister… Nice to see you again.” Elena said, making Olga break away from her thoughts… she didn’t notice it when her sister approached her.

“Don’t get near me slut, Don’t expect us to forgive you… You made us lose a very important business by running away back then. Father and mother had never forgiven you. Especially after marrying some dog outside.” Olga spat with hatred as she scowled at her prettier sister.

“I…” Elena didn’t know what to say… She was angry but…..

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU FILTHY B*TCH! Do you want to say that some random guy is better than my esteemed father? WHAT BLASPHEMY IS THIS!?” Victor yelled angrily interrupting his mother and stunning his aunt… He might have used some of his aura as a player on her…

“Victor… Don’t make trouble.” His mother scolded him softly… He spoke the words she didn't dare to utter.

“Ah…..Aunt… Cousin … Let’s go inside and talk…” Marlie, who found out that the situation was getting out of hand, smartly said as she eyed her handsome cousin whose angry look only added to his charm….

“Indeed… Mother…” Victor said with a sigh as he looked at his mother then took her hand then guided her inside the mansion.
The curious Lara, El, and Lily followed quickly, totally ignoring the stunned aunt.

“Marlie, Sorry that I was fooling you… Family orders… “ A soft voice startled Marlie. It was Archie

“Ahh… It’s ok… I trust you…” She said with a stutter… Was he really a prince?

“I know you do….Don’t tell anyone about my status yet, And you too, aunt Olga, don’t say anything. My father might get angry if any of this leaked…” Archie added to the stunned Olga as he hurried after Victor.

“Ah… Yes…” Marlie said then ran after him to the Villa not knowing what to think.

Olga just stood there stunned…What just happened? Why was she shaking… Why does her skirt feel wet? And why was that Sissy driver watching her with a sly smile?