Chapter 659: Deity of Suns
Narrator: Let’s turn the clock back to December 21st, Year 14,197. Back in Earth’s Heaven.
Zaydra and Keith stand at the door that leads to the Dimension of Deities. Keith looks at Zaydra with a groaning expression.
Keith: “Why do I need to come along with you? I could have had fun going along with the others on a space adventure.”
Zaydra points her index finger at Keith as she responds.
Zaydra: “Your portal abilities will be useful for me but there is one other thing. You are the weakest among Zeth’s group. This will be a great opportunity for you to get stronger.”
Keith rubs the back of his head while having a sad expression.
Keith: “Well, sheesh. You didn’t have to be so blunt about it.”
Harmona walks into the area while holding a key.
Harmona: “I’m locking the door behind you. I hope you’re ready for this.”
Zaydra: “I’m definitely ready. With Zeth chosen to be the next Light God, I need to do this to advance myself.”
Harmona: “I wish you luck.”
Zaydra: “Thank you. When I come back, I will be better than ever.”
Keith: “Let’s just go already. Otherwise, I’m going to need a drink.”
Zaydra: “I think you can go without alcohol for a bit.”
Keith: “…Yeah, yeah.”
Harmona unlocks the door and opens it. Zaydra and Keith walk in.
Harmona: “Just be careful.”
Zaydra replies confidently.
Zaydra: “It will all be okay.”
Narrator: A little bit later.
Zaydra and Keith walk through an area of the Dimension of Deities filled with large rocks. Some deities are hanging around the area.
Zaydra: “Stay close. If you end up on your own, these deities will tear you apart.”
Keith replies with an insulted tone.
Keith: “I made it through the Zenos’s deity minions, I think I will be fine.”
Zaydra: “This time, you would be by yourself. It’s a different situation.”
Keith sighs as he replies.
Keith: “I really do wish I had a drink right now…”
Zaydra rolls her eyes and then speaks again.
Zaydra: “By the time we’re done here, you are going to be whipped into shape.”
Narrator: Zaydra and Keith soon arrive at their destination.
Zaydra and Keith stand before a very tall tower. The tower is glowing orange at the top of it.
Narrator: Tower of the Sun.
Zaydra: “This is it.”
Keith looks at the tower with confusion.
Keith: “So, what exactly is this place? Why is it glowing at the top?”
Zaydra smiles with confidence as she replies.
Zaydra: “This is the Tower of the Sun. It’s the place where the Deity of Suns lives and welcomes others. He is looking for a successor. I intend to become the new Deity of Suns. You will be here to train as well.”
Keith grits his teeth with a frown.
Keith: “What kind of training?”
Zaydra pats him on the shoulder.
Zaydra: “We won’t know for sure until we go in there. Come on, let’s go!”
Zaydra grabs Keith by his arm and hurries him toward the tower’s entrance where they both enter.
Narrator: Soon after. Inside the tower.
Zaydra and Keith stand inside the main room of the tower. The whole room has a nice clean shine to it. There are sun-themed objects throughout the room.
Keith: “This guy sure does love the sun…”
Zaydra chuckles and then replies.
Zaydra: “Would you expect anything less from the Deity of Suns?”
As they begin walking through the room, they see someone walk down some fancy stairs at the end of the room. That person is a man with short but fluffy brown hair. He also has some facial hair. He wears a gray vest.
Narrator: Maiyo.
Maiyo: “I thought I heard a familiar voice. Well, if it isn’t you, Zaydra.”
Keith scratches his forehead with a questioning expression.
Keith: This guy is the Deity of Suns?
Zaydra: “No, he is not the Deity of Suns. However, I am in competition with him to become the next Deity of Suns. His name is Maiyo.”
Maiyo: “She is correct.”
Maiyo starts grinning as he continues.
Maiyo: “We are rivals. I look forward to our competition.”
Maiyo spins around in a little dance move and then points back at Zaydra.
Maiyo: “Let’s go see the Deity of Suns, shall we?”
They all begin walking as Zaydra responds with amusement.
Zaydra: “You always have to do that when you are excited, huh?”
Maiyo: “What’s a good life without a good move?”
Keith: “Maybe I should take you out for some drinks and then you can really bust a move.”
Maiyo chuckles and then responds.
Maiyo: “I might have to take you up on that offer, new friend.”
Keith: “You can call me Keith.”
Maiyo: “Right. I will do just that.”
Narrator: A few minutes later in a room on the second floor of the tower.
Zaydra, Keith, and Maiyo walk up to an altar that a man sits down on as he meditates. The man has long white hair and a long white beard. He has an orange sun gemstone on his forehead. He wears red robes that still leave his scar-covered chest revealed.
Narrator: Deity of Suns — Solen.
Maiyo slyly smiles as he speaks.
Maiyo: “Oh, Lord Solen, my competition has arrived.”
Solen opens his eyes and stops meditating. With a serious tone and deep voice, he speaks.
Solen: “Yes, very good.”
Solen looks at Keith.
Solen: “But who is this one?”
Keith: “I’m not here to compete to succeed you, sir. I’m just hear to train at Zaydra’s request.”
Solen: “Very well.”
Solen stands up and starts walking away.
Solen: “Follow me.”
Zaydra, Keith, and Maiyo all follow up another set of stairs and enter into a new room on a higher floor. The room is large enough for combat.
Solen: “This will be where you prove your abilities to me.”
Zaydra: “How exactly will we do that?”
Solen: “You will do battle.”
Maiyo: “Against each other?”
Solen: “No…”
Solen begins to charge up his magic. He raises up both of his arms and balls of sun-like fire shoot out at an arched angle throughout the room. When the balls of fire hit the floor, they form into humanoid shapes. They begin to form details on their bodies and that even includes faces. By the time they are done, they look like fully redish-orange versions of Solen.
Solen: “You will fight all of these fire clones of myself.”
Zaydra: “That’s all that we have to do?”
Solen: “This is only the first trial that you must complete to become my successor. There are two more trials after this one.”
Keith begins to grin with excitement as he pounds his fists together.
Keith: “This will be easy! I’m going to get started on training by destroying these clones!”
Keith launches toward one of the clones with his fist ready to punch. As he gets close to the clone, it steps out of the way and grabs him by the arm before slamming him down to the ground. Keith is shocked.
Solen watches with a stern expression.
Solen: “Do not underestimate my clones. They might not have my full power but they will destroy you if you don’t take them seriously.”
Zaydra smirks and gets in a battle stance.
Zaydra: “That’s just the way I like it.”
Maiyo spins around and does a dance move.
Maiyo: “Let’s see what you can do, my rival.”
Zaydra and Maiyo both charge their magic and rush into battle.
Narrator: Maiyo’s Magic – Metal Magic.
Maiyo covers his right arm with metal and tries to punch a clone. The clone sidesteps to dodge and then tries to punch him. He blocks the clone’s punch by covering his left arm with metal and holding it out. He follows up by forming a sword from metal and slashing the clone. The sword cuts the clone in half but the fire quickly reconnects the two halves. The clone thrusts both of its arms forward to hit and knock Maiyo back. He lands on his back on the floor.
Maiyo: “So just cutting through them won’t work, eh? Very interesting.”
Meanwhile, Zaydra throws a barrage of Star Shards at two clones. The shards cut through the clones in many parts of their bodies but the fire just closes up the holes.
Zaydra: “Nothing, huh?”
Zaydra releases a Star Shine Blast at the clones and it explodes upon impact. However, the clones burst out from the smoke and blast multiple waves of fire at Zaydra. She is unable to dodge and gets hit continuously until she is knocked on her back.
Meanwhile, Keith enters his demon form and then releases his Demonic Burial Cannon attack. However, the clone repels the attack by throwing a large sun ball. Keith opens his eyes wide as he gets hit by both attacks, causing a blast of energy. Once the smoke from the blast clears, Keith is standing there with injuries all over his body. He is breathing heavily.
Keith: *huff huff* “You’ve got to be kidding me… I have a long way to go…”
Narrator: Zaydra, Maiyo, and Keith have begun Solen’s first trial! If they are to accomplish their goals, they must overcome the clones!
Chapter 659 END
To be Continued in Chapter 660: New Year’s Celebration