Chapter 663: The Blue-Eyed Dark Divine Being
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Chapter 663: The Blue-Eyed Dark Divine Being


Narrator: In Ronzic’s personal room.

Sasha opens the door and enters Ronzic’s room. She sees him sitting on a couch while another woman is sitting at a desk in the corner of the room. The room has a formal look to it.

Ronzic pats the spot on the couch next to him. “Come. Sit down.”

Sasha reluctantly walks over to the couch and sits next to him. However, she scoots away from him a bit when he starts leaning toward her.

Ronzic looks up and down her body. “I can’t get enough of your beauty. You truly are the perfect package.”

Sasha thinks to herself in disgust. (“Ugh. Perv.”)

Ronzic continues speaking. “Don’t you worry, my beauty, I will free you from that piece of trash that controls you.”

Sasha replies in a calm tone. “You could at least call me by my name.”

Ronzic smiles and nods. “Ah yes, please forgive me, Miss Sasha.”

Sasha thinks to herself in disgust again. (“I really want to tell this scumbag that I’m married but I have to keep up the act for now.”)

Ronzic continues smiling as he tries to put his arm around Sasha’s shoulder. However, his communication device in his pocket begins ringing and he ceases trying to make a move on her. “Please excuse me. I have to take this call.”

Ronzic puts the device up to his head and speaks. “Yes? What is it?”

Sasha tries to listen to the conversation but fails to hear what is being said to Ronzic. She thinks to herself. (“Damn! I can’t tell what is being said to him! It could be useful information!”)

Ronzic finishes replying to the unknown caller. “Okay, I will be there soon.”

He puts the communication device back in his pocket and stands up. “Please excuse me. I have something to attend to. You may make yourself comfortable here.”

He begins walking and walks right through one of the room’s walls.

Sasha begins thinking to herself. (“That walk-through-walls power he has could be problematic. He can just show up anywhere from any spot at any moment. But for now, I need to think of a way to save Zeth without being suspicious. Until then, Zeth, I’m sorry. Please hang in there. This is the perfect opportunity to gather intel that could be very useful for us.”)

Sasha looks over at the corner of the room where the unknown young woman is sitting at the desk. The young woman appears to be drawing something.

Sasha thinks to herself. (“Who is that woman? She wasn’t introduced to me as one of the big shots around here. I guess I will continue my investigation with her.”)

Sasha gets off the couch and starts walking over to the young woman. She stops right next to the desk. “I know this is going to come off as too sudden but hi, I’d like to get to know who you are.”

The young woman stops drawing but does not look at Sasha.

Sasha just continues to stare while thinking to herself. (“Did I anger her?”)

Sasha then speaks again. “I’m sorry if I’m bothering you.”

The young woman speaks without looking at Sasha. She speaks in a polite tone. “No, not at all. I’m just nervous.”

Sasha raises an eyebrow with curiosity. “Nervous? About what?”

The young woman’s tone changes from polite to fully nervous. “I’m nervous about you seeing my eyes.”

Sasha stares with a bit of confusion. “If you’re in this room, you must be a dark divine being and we all have the same eyes. Your eyes are fine, I’m sure.”

The young woman continues speaking with a nervous tone. “Mine are… different.”

Sasha’s curiosity increases. “Different? How so?”

The young woman’s tone becomes even more nervous. “D-Do you pr-promise you won’t l-laugh?”

“Of course, I won’t laugh.”

The young woman turns her head to finally look at Sasha.

Sasha’s eyes open wide in surprise. “Woah…! You weren’t kidding!”

The young woman’s eyes are dark blue with red irises as opposed to the usual black eye color with red irises that all other dark divine beings have. For the rest of the young woman’s appearance, she has curly black hair that goes down to her neck with the back of it in a short spiral ponytail that also doesn’t go below her neck. She is wearing a light brown button-up shirt with black pants held up by a tan belt. Her appearance looks like the equivalent of a human woman in her early 20s.

Narrator: Blue-Eyed Dark Divine Being – Madeena.

Madeena looks at Sasha directly in the eyes with surprise. “You really didn’t laugh. I know you said you wouldn’t but I didn’t think that would stay true once you saw my eyes.”

Sasha overcomes her surprise and starts smiling. “There’s nothing to laugh at. Your eyes look pretty.”

Madeena opens her eyes wider with a speechless expression like she wasn’t prepared for a compliment. After a moment, she finally responds. “Th-Thank you!”

Sasha continues speaking. “So, what is your name? Have you always had blue Dark Divine Eyes?”

Madeena becomes more comfortable speaking to Sasha and stops stuttering. “My name is Madeena. My eyes have been like this for my entire life. I was born with these blue eyes. It’s strange because neither of my parents had blue eyes. Their eyes were black just like all other dark divine beings. My eyes have caused me to be an outcast. Growing up, other dark divine beings would make fun of me for my eye color. When you think about it, High-Class dark divine beings are in the minority. All light divine beings, all mortals, and even many lower class dark divine beings have white eyes with different color irises. So it turns out that I am different from those who are already different. In that sense, I’m… extremely different.”

Sasha closes her eyes for a moment and then smiles as she opens them. “I want you to know that your eyes are fine the way they are. I too was once in a place where I felt like an outcast, though it wasn’t about my relation to other divine beings. You just need to find that one person that will lift you up and bring happiness to your life.”

Madeena begins smiling as she responds. “I did find that one person. Ronzic has brought me some happiness.”

Sasha crosses her arms and opens her eyes wide almost in complete shock. But she holds the shock back to avoid giving away her intentions. “How did he do that?”

Madeena smiles even more as she replies. “He treats me a lot better than everyone else does. When I’m with him, I feel like I have a place where I belong. He even tells me that I have an important role in the advancement of this planet which he told me about in front of a great pyramid.”

Sasha is internally shocked but does not show it on her face. She begins thinking to herself. (“A pyramid!? Does Ronzic know something about the pyramids in relation to the abyss threat!? I should become good friends with Madeena. Unlike the others here, she seems like a genuine person. This will help her and it will help me gather information.”)

Sasha begins speaking aloud. “Well, Madeena, I think we can become good friends.”

Madeena continues smiling and nods. “Yes! I think so too.”

Narrator: Although Sasha is disgusted by Ronzic, she has befriended the blue-eyed dark divine being in hopes that she can gain more information in addition to having another friend.

Chapter 663 END

To be Continued in Chapter 664: The Barrenness of Planet Pylon