Chapter 650: Purple Fire of the Beast
Narrator: Continuing Sasha’s battle against Grant. She has just gone into her Ultensmite form.
Sasha gets back into a battle stance and shouts, “I’ll finish you!”
Grant holds out his left arm and says, “Show me what this form can do.”
Sasha rushes toward Grant and tries to thrust her hand forward but he fades away. Sasha immediately transitions to a roundhouse kick and it hits Grant just as he appears behind her, hitting him hard and knocking him away.
Sasha encases herself in a ball of purple fire and launches herself toward Grant. She yells, “I will burn through you this time!”
Grant releases light beams from both of his hands. The beams clash against the ball of purple fire. However, they do not blow through. Instead, the fire breaks down the light and causes it to dissipate. Grant opens his eyes wide as Sasha reaches him and slams right into him while she is still encased by the ball of purple fire. When she makes contact, the fire blasts into Grant and other areas of the room. The purple fire dissipates, revealing that Grant took a lot of damage from the attack.
Sasha fiercely states, “This is the finisher!”
Sasha thrusts her hand forward to attempt to pierce Grant’s chest again. However, Grant begins glowing and easily grabs Sasha’s arm to stop her attack.
Sasha is shocked. “What!?”
While still having a hold of Sasha’s arm, Grant kicks her in the gut, uppercuts her in the chin, elbows her in the shoulder, and then slams her down on the ground. He keeps his hold on her while he forms a ball of light in his hand.
Grant sternly says, “Did you think I had already played all the cards in my hand? By encasing myself in my own light, I can increase my attack speed.”
Grant’s ball of light begins to increase in size and power. Sasha begins to look panicked. She screams, “Ultensmite!!”
The mighty beast of Hell, Ultensmite, is summoned into the room. The purple fire hair going from the top of its head down its back makes the whole room lit in the color purple. Ultensmite swipes its arm down at Grant and knocks him away from Sasha, freeing her from his grasp in the process. Grant quickly rebalances himself and wipes some blood away from his mouth. He states with intrigue, “Now this is interesting. So, your form is based on this creature. It must be very powerful.”
Sasha stands back up and walks in front of Ultensmite. She says, “Ultensmite is my strongest creature. Together, we will take you down.”
Sasha jumps up onto the top of its head and lies down on the purple fire covering it. The fire begins to burn with even greater intensity. The Soul Power effect even begins to happen with Ultensmite.
Sasha states, “We are one.”
Grant looks unphased and says, “You can increase your power all you want but if you do not have the speed to take advantage of it, it won’t matter. I still have the advantage.”
Sasha replies, “And here I thought you said that you don’t underestimate your opponents…”
Ultensmite charges its beastly fist with magic energy as Grant forms himself close to it. It tries to punch Grant but he fades away and then forms himself in point-blank range of its face and punches it with a lot of power. Ultensmite tries to retaliate by swiping at Grant but he fades away. He then appears above Sasha but he looks a bit shocked. “How did this happen?”
Sasha smirks as she says, “Got you.”
The purple fire going down from Ultensmite’s head to its back blasts upward, burning into Grant. Ultensmite takes advantage of the opportunity and grabs Grant. Ultensmite begins to squeeze Grant and charges its beastly hand with purple fire, causing Grant to be continuously burned.
Sasha confidently states, “Your light has been overpowered.”
Grant asks, “What?”
Sasha explains. “You see, the light from Ultensmite’s intense fire overpowered the light you had covering the area, at least the area above and behind Ultensmite. So when you entered that area, it caused you to reform before you intended. It was only a theory but I’m glad it worked.”
Grant grits his teeth as the damage begins to accumulate. He struggles but succeeds in crossing his arms against his chest. He remarks, “Perhaps you forgot something…”
Sasha opens her eyes wide and yells, “Ultensmite, throw him back!! His attack is no joke!!”
Ultensmite begins throwing Grant as his attack starts to go off. At the same time, Ultensmite creates a very large purple fireball and throws it at Grant.
Sasha grits her teeth in concern as she shouts, “I hope it holds up!”
The whole room blasts into a light show of Grant’s light and Ultensmite’s purple fire. Soon, all of the light and purple fire dissipates. Ultensmite has some burns from the light but on the other side of the room, Grant has many purple fire burns. He is breathing heavily.
Grant states, “I have to make a change to the list of toughest opponents. You… have taken the top spot. And to acknowledge your fierce power, I will leave nothing on the table.”
Grant’s hair color begins to change from white to blood red. Red blood lines also begin to form along his arms and face. His muscle mass increases slightly and his veins pop more.
Sasha opens her eyes wide and notes in surprise, “It’s… Blood Magic!”
Grant replies, “Yes, and you will be the first opponent that I ever seriously use this power against. You best be prepared.”
Narrator: Grant has activated his Blood Magic! Will Sasha be able to handle it!?
Chapter 650 END
To be Continued in Chapter 651: Light Refraction