Chapter 651: Light Refraction
Narrator: Sasha’s battle against Grant reaches its next stage!
Grant stands and his Blood Magic is activated. He starts walking forward and says with a calm and serious tone, “I’m sorry for what I’m about to do…”
Sasha looks perplexed as she replies, “Huh?”
Suddenly, beams of red light begin shooting out from multiple directions at Ultensmite and Sasha, doing major damage to both of them. Ultensmite grabs Sasha and throws her to a corner of the room, away from all of the released red light beams.
Sasha shouts, “Ultensmite!! You have to protect yourself too!!”
After enough hits, Ultensmite collapses from the continuous damage. Sasha unsummons it and says, “You did good. I’ll find a way to finish him off.”
Sasha looks over at Grant. He begins walking toward her and says, “It looks like you can’t even keep track of my speed. You see, I didn’t just stand here. I was moving around the room and releasing all of those light beams from my hands. This was a good battle but it’s over now. Admit defeat and just maybe, I will let you leave this world alive.”
Sasha grits her teeth in anger. She yells, “There is no way we are leaving this world without investigating this pyramid! I’m not backing down!”
As Sasha finishes speaking, she coughs up blood as she feels like she is being pounded in her gut. Then, a red light beam hits her in the face from the side. Finally, she receives a blow to the side of her abdomen that knocks her to the side. She crashes into a wall, breaking it down. Grant continues walking toward her. She coughs up more blood as she sits up and then wipes some from her mouth.
Grant states in his usual calm and serious tone, “Again, you did not even see me move. You have no hope. Just stop this nonsense.”
Sasha yells in anger and frustration, “Go to Hell, you bast—!!”
Sasha is interrupted as she receives an unseen blow straight to her face that knocks her back and blows her through even more walls. Before her body comes to a stop, she is hit by more red beams of light. They hit her in multiple parts of her body, each dealing a lot of damage. After the attacks stop, she falls to the floor with many wounds all over her body. Her body ends her Ultensmite form and she returns to True Demonic Release. She is breathing heavily and slowly tries to get up while a lot of blood drips onto the floor.
Grant walks into the room and stops. He states, “The fact that you are still alive despite all of the blood loss is very impressive. It’s like your will alone keeps you going.”
Suddenly, the entire wall behind Sasha turns into crystals and some pieces immediately shatter off. She continues to breathe heavily as she looks surprised. She thinks to herself. (“What’s this? It looks like Pearl’s crystals. Did she do something? She’s clearly not in this room right now. Regardless, these crystals are made from magic so they give me the opportunity to use a combination attack.”)
Grant says with curiosity, “That’s odd. How did that happen?”
Sasha picks up a large chunk of crystal as she finishes standing up. Her injuries leave her leaning forward while standing. She continues breathing heavily as she starts to turn the crystal, aiming the pointed end at Grant. With an injured smirk, she states, “Come on… Attack me already. Finish me already…”
Grant replies, “I know you are trying something. I don’t know what it is but I don’t intend to let you do it.”
Grant releases a beam of red light at Sasha. She holds the crystal in the beam’s path. The beam of red light goes through the crystal and begins to significantly slow down and bend in a different direction. It exits the bottom right side of the crystal and misses Sasha entirely.
Grant opens his eyes wide in surprise. Sasha has another inured smirk as she says, “What? You didn’t know about light refraction. Light slows down when it goes through an object.”
Grant replies, “All that did was protect you once. What would you have done if I used a physical attack? It wouldn’t even be that difficult to avoid the crystal and hit you with a light attack anyway.”
Sasha thinks to herself. (“It looks like I’m going to have to win by outsmarting him. There is no question that he is stronger than me. Can I get him to fall for my plan? I’m not much of a gambler but if I’m right, I can defeat him. If I’m wrong, he’s going to kill me.”)
Sasha responds to Grant. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. When magic energy passes through my friend’s crystals, they charge the crystal with magic energy and when it’s charged, any kind of impact will cause it to explode like a bomb. Your light attack charged it a great deal. In fact, let me charge it some more with some of my own power because many magics that are not solid can pass through it and charge it, provided that my friend hasn’t fully solidified the interior. Your light passing through proved that the interior is not fully solidified. Also, the larger the crystal, the larger the burst of power.”
Shadowy energy emerges from Sasha’s hands and it passes through the crystal.
Grant replies, “You’re bluffing. This sounds like a lie to try to save your life. It won’t work.”
Sasha responds, “Then try it. I won’t stop you.”
Grant takes one step forward. Sasha presses the crystal against her chest.
Suddenly, red light beams come at Sasha from two different directions that are one second apart. Sasha uses her True Demonic Release tail to hold up a second crystal that causes both beams to pass through the crystal and bend so that they miss her. Immediately after, an impact hits Sasha from the front. However, the crystal she is pressing against her chest starts to glow. She quickly thrusts the crystal forward and it hits Grant directly in his chest. It begins to release a lot of power as it blows Grant back with a lot of power and speed. Grant crashes through many sets of walls and he starts taking a lot of damage.
Grant groans in pain as he is still being blasted back. “Errr krr eerrr!”
Sasha picks up two more crystals with her hands and runs while her tail is still wrapped around the other charged crystal.
Sasha thinks to herself as she runs. (“He fell for it! I told him almost the complete truth and he did not believe me, just as I hoped. He hesitated as well! Usually, when he starts his attacks that are so fast that I can’t see him moving, his body looks like it didn’t move at all from his original position! This time, he took a single step forward and that slowed him enough that I could see his movements and react to his red beams of light with my tail. If he didn’t hesitate, I would not have been able to react to those beams of light and he likely would have won! With this, I have a great chance of defeating him! It’s time to finish him!”)
Narrator: Sasha deals a serious blow to Grant as her plan works! Can Sasha finally defeat Grant!? This battle heads to its climax!
Chapter 651 END
To be Continued in Chapter 652: Emotional Scream