Chapter 655: Daren’s Full Power
Narrator: Continuing with Zeth’s and Ivy’s battle against Daren.
Zeth shouts, “Let’s do this!”
Zeth launches toward Daren and starts rapidly punching him. Each punch does noticeable damage. However, Daren stops the attack by growing plant thorns out of his chest. The thorns pierce Zeth’s fists, causing him to stop his attack in pain. Daren follows up by kicking Zeth away.
Ivy gets close and flings a poisonous liquid at Daren’s chest. Some of it makes contact. Daren grits his teeth as he feels pain. Ivy continues to attack as she begins trying to punch him. She gets a few hits in before Daren starts to block.
Daren states, “It’s a joke that you think you can challenge me. You are not on my level.”
Ivy smirks and says, “Are you sure about that?”
Ivy jumps away as a Soul Shine Blast hits Daren directly, causing an explosion.
Zeth begins to form Soul Star Shards and says, “Thanks for the distraction.”
Daren jumps out from the smoke caused by the explosion and releases monstrous plants with large mouths directly toward both Zeth and Ivy.
Zeth remarks, “That is nothing.”
Zeth releases a handful of Soul Star Shards. They shred through Daren’s monstrous plants and then continue toward Daren himself. Daren opens his eyes wide as he releases rapidly growing plants from the entirety of the front side of his body to defend himself. The shards still cut through the plants and deal more damage to Daren. They did succeed in limiting the damage he took.
Zeth launches himself up toward Daren and attempts a strong punch. Daren blocks the punch but Zeth attempts a speedy punch that does hit him. Zeth follows up by putting his hands together and slamming them down on Daren, knocking him down to the floor.
Ivy stands below and is ready to pierce Daren with the intention of injecting her poison into him. However, many different plants begin growing out from the floor and hit Ivy, knocking her back a bit. Daren lands safely on the floor.
As Daren stands up, he shouts, “It appears that I can’t hold anything back against you! Allow me to show you my full power!”
Many different plant species grow throughout the room. Daren continues speaking. “Every plant will become me!”
Zeth lands on the plant-covered floor by Ivy. He raises an eyebrow and asks, “What does that mean?”
Daren holds out both of his arms and shouts, “Witness it!”
All of the plants begin being pulled in toward Daren. As this happens, Ivy stares at him with a serious expression while rubbing her fingers together.
The plants begin attaching to Daren’s skin. Once attached, the plants are absorbed into his skin. Soon, there are no plants left on the floor. Daren’s body mass increases. His veins pop more and his skin has plant-like textures to it.
Daren holds out his right arm and clinches his fist. He states, “You two are nothing compared to me now.” He looks at Ivy specifically and says, “This is the power I used to finish off your father. You will suffer the same fate.”
Ivy grits her teeth and says, “You bastard…”
Suddenly, many different plant species come out of the floor where Zeth and Ivy are standing and wrap around them. Some of the species pierce their skin with thorns.
Zeth and Ivy both groan in pain while Daren starts walking toward them. He says, “I’ve got you right where I want you.”
Zeth thinks to himself. (“That’s what you think.”)
Daren holds out both arms forward and a massive thorn starts to grow out of the palms of both of his hands. He begins dashing toward Zeth and Ivy. He shouts, “This is it!”
As Daren gets close, Zeth yells, “Soul Light Shield!”
The burst of light blinds both Daren and Ivy. Daren stops rushing as he appears disoriented.
Zeth briefly ends his Soul Power and activates Raging Star Mode to have its raging aura tear through the plants. He quickly reactivates Soul Power and blasts Daren away using a Soul Shine Blast. He quickly helps destroy the plants wrapping around Ivy to free her. He also ends his Soul Light Shield.
Zeth asks, “Are you all right?”
Ivy opens her eyes a bit and they are quite watery. She responds, “You could have warned me if you were about to do that.”
Zeth replies, “I didn’t want to tip him off to my plan.”
Ivy responds, “Fair enough.”
Daren stands back up and lets the thorns fall from his hands. He then grows new plants from his palms and they form the shape of a sword with continuous small thorns that make it like a blade.
Daren yells in anger, “I’ve had enough of you two! I will carve both of you to pieces!”
“Zeth replies in a shout, “Bring it! We’re ready for your attacks!”
Daren launches toward Zeth and Ivy. He attempts to slash them but they duck just in time to avoid the horizontal slashes. Zeth and Ivy immediately follow up by uppercutting him.
Zeth shouts, “Let’s take this battle somewhere else! Soul Shooting Star!!”
Zeth releases the soul-powered shooting star upward and into Daren. The star pushes him up toward the ceiling of the room and blows through it. It keeps blasting him upward until it blows him through the final ceiling of the pyramid, sending him completely outside.
Zeth shouts, “We’re going up there too! Come on!”
Ivy replies, “And we will finish him off!”
Zeth and Ivy begin jumping from floor to floor until they soon reach the outside via the blown hole in the highest ceiling. Zeth and Ivy stand on top of the pyramid where the damaged Daren begins to stand back up.
Daren mutters, “You little…”
Ivy states, “You’ve already lost. You just don’t know it yet. I’ve already sown the seeds of your demise.”
Narrator: Ivy declares that Daren has already lost! What does she mean by this!?
Chapter 655 END
To be Continued in Chapter 656: Death From The Inside